Friday, October 19, 2007

Senator Jim Webb "A Part of History"...

Virginia Democratic Senator Jim Webb’s signature on the document condemning Rush Limbaugh for referring to Jesse Adam Macbeth as a “Phony Soldier”…

Now this Macbeth guy is the “Soldier” that claimed that he was a Army Ranger who had been in Iraq and Afghanistan where he saw and participated in many atrocious acts towards the Iraqi citizens. He claimed receiving the Bronze Star and Purple heart. Macbeth even made a 20-minute Internet video on peace claiming the following:

Superiors told him "our job over there is to strike fear in the hearts of the Iraqis ... to be brutal and to not feel" and that "the Geneva Convention doesn't mean crap."

He would "do night raids, pull people out, on their knees and zip-tied," and if a man didn't answer the way he wanted him to, he "would shoot his youngest kid and keep going."

"By my hand alone ... almost 200 people were taken out by me. That's just a rough estimate. A lot of them at close range ... they would actually feel the hot muzzle of my rifle on their forehead ... we'd do stuff that would scare them first ... beat 'em up or kick 'em or hit the wife ... slaughtering 30-40 people a night sometimes, women and children ... I was trained, you know, in all the Ranger school, 18 months of that crap ... I got disappointed in my country ... but I didn't say anything because I would have been locked up."

"Other things they told us to do, man, we were ordered to go into a mosque. This really hurts me a lot. My nightmares come mostly from this. ... We infiltrated the mosque ... a couple hundred of people of all ages were praying ... we started slaughtering them, we started shooting them, started taking them out. ... We would burn their bodies, hang the bodies from the rafters ... after a while, it's just sickening to think that I took part in that. ..."

"Kids threw rocks at us before and the guard command officer told us to take them out. ... Our job was just kill, kill, kill."

"I'm so disappointed in my country. I'm ashamed to have actually served in Iraq."

Fact is this Kid got booted out of the military after 44 days and did not complete basic training. Never went to Iraq or Afghanistan. Never received the Bronze Star. Never received the Purple Heart.

He did apply for Veterans benefits and received a 5 month sentence in prison. He did make the Internet video and become a hero to the Anti-war Left.

Democratic Virginia Senator Jim Webb was a U.S. Marine who served in Vietnam. He earned the Navy Cross, the Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, and two Purple Hearts.

But yet Senator Webb signed the letter authored by Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid condemning Rush Limbaugh for referring to Macbeth as a “Phony Soldier”. With little research and reading of the actual transcript it is apparent that Limbaugh was referring to Macbeth and “Soldiers” like Macbeth. Forty other Democratic Senators signed this condemning letter authored by Democratic Senator Reid and discussed on the floor of the united States Congress…

Question is does Democratic Senator Jim Webb still support this letter that he signed condemning Rush Limbaugh for calling “Soldiers” like Macbeth “Phony Soldiers”? Would he sign this same letter now if he had the opportunity? Will he comment on signing the letter now?

The better question may be what would Democratic Senator Jim Webb do with a “Soldier” like Macbeth if he had him in his unit while in Vietnam?…

Fortunately Rush Limbaugh took the opportunity to take this historic document with the signatures of 41 Democratic United States Senators and offer it for sale to benefit a charity on behalf of military families. The Marine Corp - Law Enforcement charity has already donated more then $29,000,000 to children of fallen military and Law enforcement personnel in scholarships and assistance in higher education.

The auction of this historic document with the signature of the Democratic Senator from Virginia, Jim Webb, raised a top bid of $2,100,100 which was quickly matched by Rush Limbaugh for a total of $4,200,200 donated to the Marine Corp - Law Enforcement fund…

Rush Limbaugh also challenged all 41 Democratic Senators who signed this historic document to match the amount, or part of, with a donation to the same charity. Still waiting for one of the Senators to step up to the plate…


  1. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Jim Webb got strong armed into signing the letter by the people who got him into office by using their machine.

    I doubt he would sign it now that he knows about the soldier that Rush was talking about but he had to play the game when Reid came to him with the letter. Maybe he will grow some and comment now about the "Phoney Soldier" but I doubt it.

  2. It will be interesting to see if Webb comments on if he would sign the "historic document" now with what he knows.

    I also believe that he has now found himself in the position of supporting those who got him into office.

    Can you imagine if Webb had a "Soldier" like Macbeth show up for duty in his outfit?

  3. Senator Jim Webb is his own man and YES he served in vietnam which is more then what Rush Limbaugh can say. Rush was downing all military when he calls one phoney he calls them all phoney!

  4. Mediator,

    So you and your crowd is proud of Macbeth?

  5. Anonymous9:12 PM


    A question, if you do not call a person who lies about military service, try’s to collect from the government fraudulently a phony, what do you call him. According to your logic, thinking Benedict Arnold was traitor, means you think all of the Patriots of 1776 were traitors. You really need to take a class in logic. If you would have read the transcripts from Rush (they were free), you would know that he frequently discusses the subject with active military personnel, and they do not think highly of people like Macbeth.

    What I am waiting for is for some of the Dem Senators to donate some money to a good cause. What I have here so far is $0.00. I am not holding my breath.

  6. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Webb was not strong armed. they pulled his puppet strings, like they will continue to do. It would be nice if the junior senator had the ability and moral fortitude to stand on his own, but he doesn't.


  7. It's interesting how the local press has given Webb a pass on his actions. One paper has brought to light his actions and hope to have something on it this weekend...
