Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Augusta County Election Day ~2007~

2007 Election Day Results ~Augusta County~

Commissioner of the Revenue Jean Shrewsbury (99.77%) looks at election results with Sheriff Randy Fisher (97.70%) as they come in...

South River Supervisor David Beyeler (99.20%), Beverly Manor Supervisor-elect Jeremy Shifflett (50.63%), and VA State Senator Emmett Hanger (75.34%) celebrate as Shifflett takes representation of Beverly Manor Disrtrict...

Senator Emmett Hanger talks with Pastures District Republican Candidate Travis Smithdeal...

Middle River District Supervisor Gerald Garber (99.40%), Augusta Treasurer Richard Holmes (99.84%) and Beverley Manor Supervisor-elect Jeremy Shifflett celebrate as returns come in...


  1. Looks like 54/46 for House and 19/21 GOP/DEM breakdown in Senate. Does anyone have any positive long-term GOP news for me? Seriously, I was surprised to see Loudon turn Democratic as President Bush ran very well there. How are we doing on growth/registration, are there races we did better than 2/4 years ago... is there silver lining in demographics, the exurbs, redistricting etc... I'd like to find a silver lining in yesterday's results.
    The Internet Radio Network

  2. Love the picture of emmett and Travis Smithdeal... was this the audio?

    Travis: Thanks for the help emmett

    emmett: awww, it was nothing...

    Travis: Exactly, you did nothing to help your fellow Republican..

    emmett: Republican - smumblican I needed Tracy's and Nancy's endorsement to make sure the Dems would come out in that Primary and save my bacon from Scott Sayre!

    Travis: Yeah, I heard Mike was looking for you too...

  3. Aloha,

    Adversity and challenge makes us stronger if we see and view it as an opportunity to learn and improve. I would have liked to have seen the GOP maintain the VA Senate but that was not in the cards for now and this may serve as a wake-up call to the GOP leaders, members, and citizens of Virginia. Imagine a VA Senate controlled by the Democrats with their plans, or lack thereof , resulting in the VA citizens viewing the Democratic Party controlled VA Senate the same way the citizens of the entire United States now view the Democratic Party controlled Senate and House in Washington… 11% approval rating…

    There is always the fatigue factor to a two term administration and this one has been worked on for sometime with Pelosi & Reid harping “Failed policy”, “Failed efforts”, “Failed administration” whenever they could and trumpeted by the MSM. Unfortunately our society continues down the sound-bite media slide and believe that which they only hear between Brittney songs. With that they believe we have a dire economy and the sky is falling when in fact we are in the best shape for a long time…

    The silver lining is there and will be found with time and effort. This can be the opportunity for the citizens to watch the Democratic party get to the plate and hit foul balls. 2008 Presidential is NOT the shoe-in that the Democrats believe it is…

    Here in the 24th I told Emmett Hanger a week after he found out that he had Republican competition that a primary and competition is a healthy thing for the candidates and the party. Unfortunately competition at times can become mired in ugliness and like this time it can and was influenced by outside forces and the above mentioned MSM resulting in a divide that many of these same outside forces continue to perpetuate. Adversity and this challenge will also make the local GOP, VA State GOP, and the national GOP stronger and better in the near future… The key is to keep the ball moving forward even when we cant decide on the pass or running option. The team must keep the ball moving forward…
    Interesting website also…


    I was not close enough to hear the audio for that was time for the candidates to talk to each other. Just like the conversation that I had with Travis and Mike and at both times I thanked them for stepping up to the plate and taking a swing. Both had very good hits but they were both in a visiting ballpark and did not have the favor that their opponents did.

    You did have an interesting “Transcript” to the photo of Travis and Emmett and it would have been interesting to have been the “fly on the wall”. But since we are not flies it is hard to say what was said during these conversations. One thing I do know is that I would not be the fly on the wall at the Bev Man Dem gathering after the results came in for the wall would not have been a safe place to be last night…

  4. Visiting Court? Republicans running in precincts that emmett took handily over the past 12 years are visiting courts?

    That's hardly the case... Where were the Constitutional Officers to endorse and work for those two candidates?

    As for the Dems... I guess they are howling at the SNL for not endorsing Godfrey.... Good Lord I wonder how many votes Jeremy lost by getting that endorsement?

    I mean geeze it did Curry a world of good...

    In the long run if it weren't for the three hot BOS races, the turnout would have been in the toilet....

  5. "Visiting Courts" in the sense of Sorrells and Pyles being the "Home" players in the district. Travis and Mike were the "Visitor" players without a homefield advantage.

    SNL had to support somebody to counteract the "Bias" examples that they have and will surely provide in the future. I can imagine this mornings editorial meeting when thaty thought that they may have change 8 voters minds and threw the election to Jeremy. Would love to have been the fly on that wall...

    Turnout was crap and imagine if it would have rained all day?

  6. there wasn't a race in your precincts...

    County Turnout would really have been abysmal if not for the three big BOS races..

    to drive locals to the polls...

    Look at the top of the ticket.. Like Dems had a reason to throw out emmett?

    Sime's campaign was abysmal...

  7. True,
    SouthRiver did not have a district supervisor race but I found it interesting that the Democrats had NO signs or workers at the Stuarts Draft polling place. Sime put a guy there all day and in fact stopped by with his wife for a considerable amount of time. They even had polling history to show SD was 9th in voter totals so they covered that the whole day...

    Interesting that the Libertarian only got 7% of the vote with two years of effort and campaigning. I would have thought that he would have been a biiger force then the Democrat...

    But then again the Democrat with the TV commercials of him in his kitchen with a cup of Joe, I mean "Latte" did not seem to pull many voters either... Gotta have a message and "Will actually do Something" was not very convincing, or maybe it was and the voterse were afraid of what he might do...

  8. I'd surmise he was there because of the solid whipping Sayre put on emmett in your precincts...

    If you can't piggy back on that your campaign has serious issues..

    as they did...

    I should have run for Beyeler's seat and had Scott Sayre as my campaign manager...

    That would have been a race..... and can you imagine the NV and SNL endorsement?

    After stiff arming the editorial review board, and calling us a 'Liberal Rag', we'd still have to go with Green, because, well, he's not David Beyeler....

  9. Sorry I was out of town for the action but I did vote absentee. If I had been able to get one or two more people to vote in my district Mr. Shifflett would not be in. In fact if just each person working the polls for Lee that day were able to sway one person each it would be a different story. Now lets see what the guy can do.

  10. Spank,

    Sayre did have an impressive showing in the 3 SouthRiver precints and the demographics are changing in numerous areas of Augusta County.

    The poor editorial staff over at the NewsLeader would be in turmoil trying to decide with what to do with the GREEN campaign. Obvious spin control but which way? Also the vocal Progressive blog from up North 81 would be cranked up in their efforts of aggressive attacks..

    The "empty" chair at the NL campaign interviews did well don't you agree?

  11. Looks like you guys still fighting amongst the party. Good. We will take the rest of the TOP spots in Virginia while you blame each other for losing races!!

  12. "Also the vocal Progressive blog from up North 81 would be cranked up in their efforts of aggressive attacks.."

    Being attacked by that blog and it's reputation for integrity is just as valuable as NOT being endorsed by the SNL....

    I was throwing out the 'downside' to my campaign if the SNL did endorse...

    What up with this new Progressive/Socialist commenter with the pseudo of Meteor 7? Meteors tend to burn up in the atmosphere, but a meteorite is one that has crashed to earth....

    This person seems quite upset that we got behind Hanger and didn't split the party... unlike the Stall campaign where 'R's' left the fold and back a Democrat, because their 'tax raiser' Marty Williams got beat...

    Those kind of sour grapes cost the Party.... control of the Senate...

    Something that did not happen with the ACRC leadership... unfortunately, emmett was not so much a team player, refusing to endorse Jeremy, Michael Shull, Travis Smithdeal etc....

    It's as clear as that, We have some people putting 'ego' before the good of the Party....

    Who was able to accept the results of the Primary best? A group of people supporting a challenger who was ultimately beat by Democrats coming into our Primary....

    or the three term incumbent who won on the backs of those Democrats...

  13. STDonkey,

    Take another look and you will see the name is “Mediator07” which definition is “to act as a judge or go-between in trying to settle a quarrel between others” NOT meteor.

    I am not upset that you (claim) got behind Emmett Hanger without splitting up your party as you claim but it has been interesting to watch you people squirm with the attention you are getting in the papers. Todays letter to the editor highlights why she needs to go.

    And there is a quiet “ego” that has fed the lines all the time and left the “pound” once the dogcatcher arrived.

    But I also see your point for the democrats did claim that they delivered the primary to Emmett Hanger and Cox even said so on his website.

    See. “Mediator”, go between, looks at both sides. Get it?

  14. Spanky,

    I agree that some out there may be “Upset” that many of us did get behind Hanger once he was elected after the primary and for sure there was not another choice in the Democrat. Sime had good points to his platform but some of them were not in line with that I believe but I do trust the man and think he would have done a good job if it had happened. The fiscal points and his view of limited government were attractive but I do believe we must address more of the social issues that Libertarians ignore…

    I am still somewhat out on the endorsement issue in some cases. Delegate Cline made a good point when he said there are now 3 people who have worked for Representative Goodlatte in elected office. That is a strong endorsement and I believed valued by many in the Valley…


    Some of those involved in the Republican primary got behind Senator Hanger later in different degrees but the GOP party did not split as many in the blogs claim\hope. Primaries are a healthy thing and can you imagine if nobody challenged Hillary as they are now? Unfortunately most do not have a chance and will probably end up somewhere in the Meadowlands if they continue to be a problem for her… But yes competition is a healthy thing…

  15. Rightsideva,
    I see in many blogs the quotes made by YOUR Republic team before the primary and now they run from them and claim to be a "United Party". What a bunch of crap! You guys went after Hanger, he won, and now he will make you go bye-bye!!!

  16. STDonkey...

    me seeum finger prints...
