Monday, November 05, 2007

"Talk is Cheap"...Not anymore. Now get out there and Vote to the Rightside...


The phrase “Talk is Cheap” has been used many times and in many different forms. Today is Election Day 2007 in Virginia and much of the “Talk” has been cheap and this is why must support the Republican Candidates who have delivered solid results for the Citizens of Virginia…

“Cheap”? Not by looking at the amount of money spent on this years campaigns and the Washington Times reports:

“With so much at stake, a record $60 million has been spent on the races, the most in state Assembly history“.

“The money has paid for campaign fliers and radio and TV ads in which Democrats have called Republicans too far to the right for mainstream voters, while Republicans have characterized Democrats as weak on illegal migration“.

Talk is not as cheap as it used to be but there is plenty of it out there and some have been changing their “Talk” to attract more votes. Go back a few months ago and you will find that the Democratic candidate for State Senate in the 24th district was 200% more in favor of a possible fuel tax increase then his competition. Democratic candidate David Cox so liked the suggestion of a possible 1 cent increase in fuel tax as a possible solution to the transportation issue that he immediately suggested doubling the tax increase to 2 cents per gallon resulting in a $100 million tax increase. I now see Cox on TV commercials speaking to me from his kitchen with a “Cup of Joe”, sorry “Latte”, and calling for more efficient government to keep from raising taxes. The citizens of Virginia won’t miss another $100 million will they? The Virginia taxpayer will… Flip-Flop back to the above 2-cent fuel tax idea…

It is important that we support the Republicans who have brought opportunity and has maintained a very strong state economy with a top rating. It is also important that we support elected officials with strong moral values and stand on their past performances. We must support candidates who see “Right” from “Wrong” and look out for the families and hard working citizens of Virginia.

We need people who see issues for what they are and understand that “Illegal” means just that and is willing to address the problem. We need candidates who understand that “Illegal migration” is just that, illegal, and will work to correct this problem. We need to support, view, and accept those who come to our country and state in the proper course of action to become valuable American citizens. Not like some candidates who only see these illegal migrants as a potential party voter once they give them a drivers license, a check, free medical, and make them voter eligible… See numerous articles and reports on Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton about her comments on the NY Democrat looking to pass out driver licenses like candy…

We need candidates and elected officials like Republican Virginia State Attorney General Bob McDonnell who understand the importance of this issue.

"It's a very important issue," Virginia Attorney General Robert F. "Bob" McDonnell said Saturday after campaigning with Mr. O'Brien. "The other side has no plan, and I have basically said all along that Democrats are the do-nothing party when it comes to policing criminal illegal aliens."

Now get out there and support the guys from the “Rightside”…

Augusta County Republican Candidates 2007...

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