Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Remember this guy?...


Remember the Democratic Party Representative from Louisiana, William "Cold-Cash" Jefferson, who got caught with the $90,000 cash in his freezer?

"A federal judge has set the corruption case of Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.) for Feb. 25.U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis reluctantly granted Jefferson's lawyer's request for a continuance. But he gave them an extra six weeks instead of the four months they sought".

"The nine-term congressman is accused of taking more than $500,000 in bribes and demanding millions more for himself and his family members from 11 different companies interested in securing business contracts in Africa".


  1. Hey Steve:
    Don't you think it's kind of dishonest and disingenuous of you to post a letter to the D N-R whining about the NewsLeader's supposed bias without disclosing that you're a right-wing blogger?
    I disclosed my activity as a blogger at the conclusion of every op-ed I wrote for them.
    Fear not, though: I stepped up to the plate of your ethical obligations in the D n-R's comment section and made the disclosure for you.
    You're welcome.

  2. Not at all for as a writer of a letter to the DNR I was required to identify myself by name unlike those who "Comment" without identifying themselves.

    The letter was written as a citizen of Augusta County who also operates a blog by the name of RightsideVA. I did not see a box to add the Rightside link and that would have been nice to increase readership for both media outlets...

    Have not been to the DNR site but I will be sure to take a look to see if you identify yourself by name as a commentator...

    Thanks for the help...

  3. Thank you and Merry Christmas to all...

  4. Anonymous9:24 AM

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  5. Anonymous7:03 AM

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