Monday, December 31, 2007

Ron Paul "Revolution" in Harrisonburg?


Recently I have been seeing numerous Ron Paul 2008 signs around Harrisonburg and have found several 20 “Somethings” at work talking about his campaign and issues. It has been interesting talking issues with people who were 14 years old when 9/11 happened and to hear their perspective on this and the war on terrorism.

The interesting thing is that a civil debate and conversation can happen with these Ron Paul’s supporters resulting in a productive exchange of ideas and opinions. Unlike many discussions with “Progressives” of the same age that fall back on “Bush lied us into the war” and refuse to discuss issues or facts that they do not agree with. These same “Progressives” are now arguing at work that Iran should be allowed a nuclear bomb because if we have them everybody should be allowed to posses a nuke. Ask them about Iran’s top guy calling for the destruction of Israel and America and they say everybody is allowed to their own opinion…

I have found it refreshing to discuss issues with people who are voting for the first time and interested in the actual issues instead of rallying around the most recent “MTV Voter Drive” agenda. While not agreeing with many of Ron Paul’s stances on the issues, I find it interesting to talk with potential new voters hungry for information about an election that will surely shape their future.

I have also found it interesting to discuss issues with people who are voting for the first time and interested in the actual issues instead of rallying around the most recent “MTV Voter Drive” agenda. While not agreeing with many of Ron Paul’s stances on the issues, I find it interesting to talk with potential new voters hungry for information about an election that will surely shape their future.

Members of the Ron Paul “Revolution” have been criticized for their appearance at functions and maybe being a little loud at times but it is good to see them interested in conservative issues. I personally do not believe that Ron Paul is the best Republican candidate but I do welcome the interest in conservative issues that he has generated in many younger voters.


  1. Anonymous1:03 AM

    The top ten reasons to vote for Ron Paul:

    10. Social Security is just for wimps.
    9. Multiple currencies will make spending our money, that much harder.
    8. With troops back home, we can fight next wars in places we can pronounce.
    7. An armed society is a polite society.
    6. Widespread drug addiction would make America fun again.
    5. It would be cool to see the Pentagon hold a bake sale to raise money.
    4. Eliminating useless federal agencies would free-up D.C. parking spaces.
    3. Poor people should have to beg on U.S. streets, just like everywhere else.
    2. The gold standard will show other countries just how worthless the Dollar is.
    1. Always wanted to know what living in a third world country was like.

  2. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Ron Who?
    Did not do well in Iowa but how important is that?

  3. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Ron Who?
    Did not do well in Iowa but how important is that?

  4. Anonymous8:29 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I happen to be a Ron Paul supporter. He is the only sole candidate that is not in support of the Council on Foreign Relations or the United Nations.

    Some RP supporters may be distorted. In no way would I ever support Iran getting a bomb, but at the same time I predict that we are certain to have it out with Iran before too long. I would support a conflict with Iran, because I know too well that they will be the instigators of such a conflict.

    I don't see RP making it too long, but there are a vast number of conservatives like myself who support him,

    There are distinct reasons why RP and his supporters do not support the CFR and UN, but that is all another story for you to investigate and research.

    Good luck.

  6. PS - Sorry, I couldn't find your contact info, but a local man is in trouble and needs help:

  7. Paul's pretty much collapsed by now...good thing too!

  8. Anonymous7:40 PM

    anonymous fool said...
    Top ten reasons to vote for ron paul
    but doesn't really even have 10
    lets start critiquing shall we?

    10. Social security is just for wimps.
    - do you have a way to fix it? If you are so smart, high, and mighty why don't you grace me with your plan?
    9. Multiple currencies will make spending our money, that much harder.
    and 2. The gold standard will show other countries just how worthless the Dollar is.
    - These are basically attacks on paul for his plan to raise the value of the dollar. It does still say in the constitution to use gold/silver as a form of currency so maybe that should be amended before you make an attack, Not to mention I'm sure you have a fantastic plan on how to raise the value of the dollar? uhhh didn't think so.
    8. With troops back home, we can fight next wars in places we can pronounce
    -Considering the war in iraq is obviously not a war that can be won militarily this statement should just be thrown out. If a terrorist organization wanted to attack us they could, it has nothing to do with our armed forces being over there. By the way are you ready to ask for the next check from china?
    7. An armed society is a polite society.
    -Being a proud gun owner I agree with this, but if your putting it into the context of foreign countries well than I can say just one thing. Why doesn't a non-criminal upstanding citizen of the country of Iraq not deserve a fire arm? This is the war on TERROR not IRAQ.
    6. Widespread drug addiction would make America fun again.
    - Whats the difference between having a bunch of doped up people on pharmaceuticals? I can name plenty of addicts of Ambien, Vicoden, Oxtcontin, ect. Not to mention if it were privatized it would be a major economy booster rather than adding to the deficit...
    5. It would be cool to see the Pentagon hold a bake sale to raise money.
    - Gotta hate on the grass roots eh? You need money to campaign, not to be president. I support the working class without them you wouldn't have corporations.
    4. Eliminating useless federal agencies would free-up D.C. parking spaces.
    - If your a true capitalist than you should be for this dimwit. Eliminate and privatize.
    3. Poor people should have to beg on U.S. streets, just like everywhere else. AND
    1. Always wanted to know what living in a third world country was like.
    - What does this even mean? We have a ton of beggars in the US, just goto DC. you can even find them in Harrisonburg! So what can we do to help them?
    and as far as number one goes you are ridiculous if you actually think that the states can get taken over. While alot of us think differently we still are all Americans and if you think you can invade our country well than you got another thing coming.

    I am a socially permissive, fiscally conservative American. Call me what you want socialist/progressive/democrat/libertarian
    but the fact of the matter is we need a strong economy (That is NOT a war economy) and equal rights for all Americans.

    and oh yea, I like Ron Paul.
