Saturday, August 09, 2008

"Pelosi's Vacation" ~Day Six~

Maybe we found the real reason why Pelosi "Dropped the gavel" so quickly last week to start her FIVE WEEK vacation without allowing a vote for increased drilling for known American oil reserves...

"Although 73 percent of Americans favor offshore drilling, Speaker Nancy Pelosi won't allow the House of Representatives to vote on the Republican bill to lift the drilling ban."
Maybe scheduled events during the planned FIVE WEEK vacation were more important?...

"While this important legislation stalls in the House, the speaker is traveling the country to promote her new memoir, Know Your Power: A Message to America's Daughters (Doubleday, $23.95). Last Monday she appeared on Today, The View, and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. She's visiting bookstores nationwide. At this point the book seems to be tanking. Know Your Power is short--both in length and substance. In just over 170 pages with large print and wide margins, Pelosi races through her journey "from homemaker to House Speaker."
Nancy's Vacation Days...

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