Saturday, August 09, 2008

Why stop at the tire gauge?...


Obama stepped out last week with his “Save all” idea of getting people to simply inflate their tires to the proper amount and we can skip drilling for more oil all together. Simple thought for a tough solution and hope it gets better if this guy ever gets close to the Oval office…

Obama says we can replace any additional oil drilling by just checking the tire pressure but why stop there? It is estimated that “Obama’s Plan” could save 2.5% in fuel consumption if people followed his simple advice. (Disregarding those responsible adults who already maintain their vehicles without government direction).

Obama and his Democratic Party buddies in Congress are big on solving our energy needs by calling for conservation instead of increased production of known energy supplies. They feel there is no need to increase oil drilling production for conservation will make up the difference and this plan keeps their environmental base happy and content. Unfortunately this is a “Static” solution and ignores increased world population and energy use growth.

If the Democratic congress really wanted to save energy and make it to where we would never need to increase drilling for known American resources like the ones in ANWR and off our coast of Virginia, they need to really step up to the plate. Instead they skipped town and started their FIVE WEEK vacation without debating or voting for increased drilling for the known American resources just mentioned…

If the “Democrats” wanted a real solution data shows that simply slowing down when driving can save 7-23% in fuel consumption. That, along with Obama’s obvious idea would save millions of barrels of oil consumption!

But why isn’t Pelosi and the “Democratic” congress calling for or implementing this obvious solution to our energy crisis? Before bolting for her FIVE WEEK vacation Pelosi could have easily pushed through a bill mandating a lower speed limit or even direction for law enforcement agencies to enforce the speed limits already in place. Imagine the revenue increase government would see if the Troopers would just write tickets for those driving over 65 on the highways? There would be so much revenue coming in from fines that Pelosi’s & Obama’s heads would be spinning. And don’t forget the 7-23% savings in fuel consumption by all those other drivers who slowed down to avoid getting a ticket? And let’s not forget getting those drivers who love to play “Bump drafting” off your tailgate when driving down the highways…

Pelosi, Obama, and the Democratic congress could solve all the energy problems with calling for this simple solution and then we could shut down thousands of oil drilling rigs and put birdhouses on top of them to keep their “bird friends” happy…

The truth is Pelosi and friends know that a obvious solution like that would never fly with the majority of the public and they would be voted out in a November heartbeat. Instead it’s easier to come up with a “Novelty” solution or statement like Obama’s as a solution without looking at the overall “real” picture.


  1. Why not use the leases that the oil companies already have? Use it or lose it should be the mantra the government tells the oil companies.

  2. It is my understanding that many of the leases already purchased by the oil companies are of less potential and many have stiff environmental opposition involved.

    There is a reported incredible amount of oil and even more natural gas off the coast of Virginia which would deliver substantial amount of energy. Opposition includes fear of oil spills]\leaks but yet there were over 2,500 operating wells in the Gulf of Mexico that went thru Katrina and Rita with no oil lose or spills.

    The claim is ANWR is a "Pristine" environment but yet I don't see Pelosi and friends visiting there during their Five Week vacation?

    Love to see wind farms here in Virginia but the environmental groups both outside and inside Congress has prevented that for far too long...

    It will take a combination of efforts to develop more and new sources of energy but we also need a strong economy to pull that off. By preventing increased oil drilling for known American sources of oil we keep fuel costs up and the economy down...

    \Where is Pelosi today???

  3. Anonymous3:44 PM

    "On Aug. 6, House Republican Leader John Boehner issued an "alert," accusing "desperate Democrats" of peddling "myths" and taking "liberties" with the facts about domestic oil drilling and the Republicans' energy plan.
    He said one of those "myths" involves the Democrats' "use it or lose it" policy for the 68 million acres where oil companies currently hold leases but are not drilling.
    "The fact is, the so-called “use it or lose it” rule is already the law of the land, and Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) should know that because they voted for it all the way back in 1992," Boehner said.
    He explained: "When an energy company gets a lease, there is no guarantee that there is oil or natural gas present under the leased lands. If oil is present, exploration, siting, and development can take up to a decade before any new energy is produced. So the land Democrats are talking about either has no recoverable energy resources, those resources are currently being developed, or they have already been developed. The entire process can take years."
