Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Nobody saw this mess coming?"... Actually they did but look who fought against fixing it...

Thanks to Phil

and Chris who have already posted this video that everybody must see...


  1. Capitol News Connection is looking for people to call in to their taped interview with VA Senator Jim Webb. Webb is taking calls on the topic of National Security and Economic Security ***today*** at 2:30 PM. What are the big issues the next President and the next Congress will face? What do you want to know? The show will be taped and broadcast on public radio in a few days. Note: since it's not live, people listening to the radio won't be able to call in - it's just for folks in the know. Email tsnyder@cncnews.org if you’d like to participate.

  2. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Rightside, hello from the UK. Saw on Fox news this morning that they are showing this video

  3. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Why dont we see this on NBC,CBS,ABC, CNN, MSNBC?...

    They should be all over this for these are the same people who are pushing the shame pork bailout to get them even more of our money and votes from those waiting for another government check!!!

    And OBAMA is spendingOUR money to get even more votes!!!

    What a JOKE
