Monday, September 29, 2008

Woo-Hoo "Two-Day mini-vacation"!!!...


Back a couple weeks ago Democratic Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic Party House cohorts, decided to take their FIVE WEEK vacation while the unresolved energy crisis remained on the House floor. Fortunately many Republican Representatives, including Congressman Bob Goodlatte 6th district, remained daily on the House floor debating the energy crisis that the American citizens and taxpayers pay them to do. Nancy and gang took the whole FIVE WEEKS off while taxpayers and workers faced gas pumps with $4+ per gallon price tags. And by the look of things it appears she had a pretty goodtime..

Today after seeing their "solution" to the banking crisis evaporate with a house vote, Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has shut down the House of Representatives once again without a working solution to yet another crisis...

Is there a quick roundtrip flight to DisneyLand avaiable at Dulles Airport?...


  1. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Seriously you effing idiot... the "vacation" is due to Rosh Hoshana... why dont you blame the Jews?

  2. Nice way of phrasing it but let me then ask you if we must have seperation of Religion and State why are they not still there?

  3. Anonymous8:46 AM

    If Princess Pelosi had such control of her "gang" and they have the majority in the house why didnt the Dems push this bill all the way? Truth is they are a JOKE and are going to use this as a tool to get their "tool", obama elected. Unless the American people see what pelosi and gang did to bring this mess upon us.

  4. Anonymous7:47 PM

    "...if we must have seperation of Religion and State why are they not still there?"

    Because we dont. Looked at a dollar bill lately?
