Friday, September 26, 2008

Joe Biden Claims FDR went on T.V. to tell the people...

"When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened,"

The only problem with this is that FDR was not the President at the time of the stock market crash of October 1929 and the television wasn’t introduced to the public until a decade later at the 1939 World’s Fair…

This guy could be “Just one heartbeat away from the Presidency” but the question is whether or not he would know it at the time or if he will be more interested as to what is on the “boob-tube” instead…

"Way to go, Joe"...


  1. Anonymous10:43 PM

    What would have happened if the girl had said that?

  2. Anonymous12:30 AM

    The bloggers and liberal press would go even more crazy then they already have. She has them stuttering-spitting already just from here first speech at the convention, this would kill them!!

    Go Palin!!

  3. With out a doubt the MSM and the bloggers of the left would be all over Palin if she made that gaff during a campaign. There is now talk that if Obama does not get the poll numbers up soon Hillary might have to step in after Biden steps down due to medical reasons and to save the election for the party.

  4. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Joe didn't mess it up entirely. On March 12, 1933 FDR went on the RADIO for the first "Fireside Chat". The subject was the three day "Bank Holiday" that FDR had ordered in order to let banks re-group.
    It was then four years into the depression and over the previous week there had been a run on the banks and hundreds had closed. Hoping to stave off a larger crisis, FDR ordered all the banks to close for three days, and during that time, the Treasury allocated capital to the banks (the beginnings of the Federal Reserve)to stabilize the banking system. The first fireside chat was about explaining his actions to the people.

    So yes. Joe screwed up about TV vs radio. But otherwise he was correct. He didn't say the 1929 crash (Black Monday). March 1933 WAS a crash, and FDR did go on the air to talk directly to the American people to explain the situation.

  5. Several good points and you did your research on what FDR did but I wonder if Biden knew as much as you know about FDR and his actions?

    As far as going on TV to talk to the people he pretty much blew that one and I believe Gloria (Above) asks the real question here. Imagain if Palin of McCain made the statement and mistake that Biden did with this? The "mainstream" media has given Biden\Obama pretty much a pass on many issues and statements and that is obvious to all. FoxNews is somewhat leaning to the right but I believe it is pretty much in the middle on most things just appears hard to right when compared to others like MSNBC, etc... Where would we be without Fox, talk radio, andmany conservative outlets that get the other stories out? Remember when it was just NBC, ABC, CBS?
