Thursday, September 18, 2008

The "Change" they are looking for...


The "Agent for Change", Obama, had his wife stop by Charlottesville yesterday to talk about the changes they hope to make if elected. Charlottesville once again showed it's "Tolerance" with the following example as noted in the NewsVirginian article...

"U.Va. student John Sweeney, 21, however, tried to attend Obama’s rally with a John McCain bumper sticker attached to his polo shirt. Obama’s campaign staffers made him remove it, saying signs were not permitted. “Apparently a bumper sticker constitutes a sign. And they said there are no signs allowed at the event,” he said. “Frankly, I wanted to see if they would let me in with a McCain sticker on my shirt. I got my answer.” During Obama’s speech, it should be noted, there were dozens of pro-Obama signs throughout the crowd, including ones that said “Virginia Needs Obama,” “Si Se Puede,” “Smart Moms for Obama” and big white letters that spelled out “CHANGE.”


  1. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Ha! I'm sorry... does it bother you that Obama staffers are actually looking out for potential trouble makers while McCain's are allowing women in pink shirts in without a backwards glance? And then you wonder why that woman is standing on her chair, screaming about change!

    Take a page from their book... look out for the trouble makers.

  2. Anonymous4:37 PM

    The change that they define is to change the change that we hold so dear to change.

  3. I agree and can you imagine if they attempted to keep those "Pink Shirt" individuals out before they "Engaged their Rage"?...

    As I watched the Republican Convention I wished I could have been there when the noisemakers started their rants and could have been in the area. Remember when you were young and Mom would grab you by the ear in the way only a Mother knows and where she tugged is where you went?...

    Just don't see the aggressive removal of potential civil disturbance, and danger to the general public, as we should anymore. And the Republican party has never been known for standing in a middle of a crowd screaming their accusations and irate messages like the guys from the "Leftside"...

    The most excitement I ever saw was back in 2000 during the recount in Florida and it was not going the "Democrats" way so they took the ballots with falling chads into a locked office and would not allow the Republicans in... Several clean cut Republicans in blue button down Oxfords, sleeves rolled half way up, Khaki pants, (see file photo of Ben Cline) standing out side the locked office yelling "Let Us In, Let Us In!!!
