Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hold on there one moment, Madame Speaker...

Speaker Pelosi came back from the FIVE WEEK vacation and rammed a bogus energy plan through the House that now has many from the "LeftSide" pointing at the Republican members and accusing them of not supporting the drilling bill they asked for...
Fortunately Investors Business Daily has provide the facts that many in the mainstream media and "LeftSide" bloggers have been ignoring... Oct. 1 can be the American Energy Freedom Day.

"On that first day of the new fiscal year, the congressional prohibitions expire on offshore drilling for oil and natural gas, as well as for the oil shale available in Western states."

"The Democratic-controlled, do-nothing Congress for once is frantic to do something before that deadline hits. In a big election year, with summer gas prices exceeding $4 a gallon, voters won't swallow an extension of the ban. So Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday had the House of Representatives pass legislation she unveiled less than 24 hours earlier, with Republicans blocked from offering amendments."

"But Texas Rep. Jeb Hensarling, the Republicans' Study Committee chairman, correctly called the bill "a sham" with no provision addressing the dire need for construction of new oil refineries, "no clean coal, no energy exploration in arctic Alaska, no nuclear energy and — if you read it — no exploration in the Outer Continental Shelf for energy in their bill."

"Over in the Senate, Republican Saxby Chambliss of Georgia has been leading a bipartisan group that, like Pelosi, would keep almost all known oil reserves off limits. Meantime, the oil and gas industry would be slapped with $30 billion in new taxes for alternative fuels and vehicles — costs sure to be passed on to consumers. Some 20 senators have signed on."

"It all makes for a great opportunity. Republicans could take that Oct. 1 deadline and act like a winning football team — by running out the clock. President Bush and Sen. McCain could lead the chorus counting the days to American Energy Freedom Day."
Read it all here....

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