Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What the Big Virginia Dem Blog is not mentioning...

One of the Big "Democratic" Party leaning blogs here in Virginia is reporting that the Republicans in the House failed to support a energy bill that includes increased drilling for oil...

But yet they leave out many other aspects of the bill ...

"The measure wouldn't give states a share of the royalties for offshore drilling, which Republicans argue will leave states little incentive to agree to oil exploration off their coasts. "

"House Republicans said the bill is nothing more than a charade because it would keep off-limits nearly 90 percent of offshore oil because it lies within 50 miles of land."

"To pay for the new tax incentives, the bill rolls back $18 million in tax breaks for the five largest oil companies. It also requires energy companies to pay billions of dollars in additional royalties from oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico in the late 1990s. "
Read it all here...

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