Saturday, August 16, 2008

What did SAM mean by "Normal People"?...


It appears SAM was not very happy with the results of a recent SurveyUSA poll showing Congressman Bob Goodlatte holds a 2 to 1 edge over SAM with adults in the sixth district… NewsVirginian article

It seems SAM has a problem with the poll’s methodology. Now obviously no single poll technique is 100% accurate as many of the past elections have shown, but it’s the way SAM phrased his objections to this poll are in ??Question??…

“If you do look at the methodology, even the way polls are done right now, I think it’s a little bit archaic in the sense that normal people do not have phones, in other words, landlines,” Rasoul said.

Now maybe SAM slipped here a bit and could have phrased it differently, but what does he mean by “normal people”? Those people who still own actual hard wired “Landline” phones in their houses are not “normal“?

“They have cellular phones, so those people, of course, tend to be more working-class individuals and tend to be more Democratic, to generalize. Younger people do not generally have landlines. I’m just speaking in broad generalizations.

So lets look at some of the facts that I got off the internet, which I have the old style version of “hard wired” connection as compared to the “Wireless” version that I guess the “normal” people have…

“Among all adults, 9.6 percent had only a mobile phone in the first half of 2006, compared with 7.7 percent in the preceding six months. The overall number without landlines _ 13.2 percent _ includes those who have no phone at all.”

The CEO of the SurveyUSA poll even mentions the percentage of people who only have cell phones only in their homes… But what did SAM mean by “They have cellular phones, so those people, of course, tend to be more working-class individuals and tend to be more Democratic,” Is there data out there on the internet, only available to those with “wireless” connections(?), that shows if you only have a cell phone you are a “working class” person and “more” Democratic then those who have landlines in their houses?

Now maybe SAM would like the opportunity to “re-phrase” his statements but the more important question is what does SAM consider a “normal” person? Is it a person with a cell phone that is obviously a working class person and is generally more “Democratic”? Would SAM lead in the poll or win the election if we only contact those without “landlines” and from the “working class”? If so how would SAM represent ALL of the people of the sixth district if he was elected as the Virginia State Representative to Congress?

Maybe the guy from the polling service said it best: “The content is not close,” Leve said. “The Republican candidate leads decisively. … What it sounds like to me is that the Democrat is making noise about our method because he is losing.”

Rockingham County Fair ~Jim Gilmore~


Governor Jim Gilmore toured the Rockingham County Fairgrounds Saturday meeting and talking with many people interested in his campaign for U.S. Senator representing Virginia.

Harrisonburg \ Rockingham County Republican Party maintained and staffed an outstanding campaign booth representing local, state and national Republican representatives and candidates...

Governor Gilmore with Lowell Barb who is campaigning for Commissioner of the Revenue for Rockingham.

Additional photos and info at: Bloggers for Gilmore

Rockingham County Fair Day One...

Congressman Bob Goodlatte has "Been Busy"...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

How much longer can we wait on the "Democrats"?...


The Daily News Record ran a story yesterday showing the strong support for drilling for known American energy reserves but how much longer can we wait on the “Democrats”?…

The article was about how Congressman Bob Goodlatte has been joining other Republicans on the floor of the house keeping the debate and pressure on Democratic Speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi to call back Congress from their FIVE WEEK vacation to address this issue. Congressman Goodlatte understands that “Drilling” is not the only solution to our energy needs but is an important factor of a comprehensive energy program…

"This is not a short-term problem," he said. "We are pleased that prices are coming down a little bit. But it is a long-term problem, both in terms of the availability of supply and the impact on our economy shipping billions of dollars outside our country to buy foreign oil."

Unfortunately many of those from the Democratic Party continue to prevent a true vote on increased drilling for known American resources and the media continues to fail in asking the hard questions of the “Democrats”.

Democratic candidate Barack Obama now states the he supports offshore drilling under “certain conditions”. What “Certain” conditions? Great way, and political way, to appear you support something that the majority of Americans are calling for but where are the hard questions of his statement? And this is not just a “national” media problem. It also involves local Virginia politics and the lack of questioning local candidates of their statements and claims…

“Goodlatte faces two challengers in his bid for re-election to his 6th District House seat in November: Democrat Sam Rasoul of Blue Ridge and Janice Lee Allen of Bridgewater.
Rasoul and Allen both support massive national efforts to find alternative energy sources to free the country of its dependence on foreign oil.”

What type of “massive” efforts and in what types of alternative energy? SAM has called for increased wind and solar energy production but where? How much land would be required for wind\solar fields? Will these massive energy fields be in Virginia and take the place of farmlands? What will be the energy return on the massive efforts as compared to increased drilling for known American reserves? How and who will pay for the “Massive national efforts” to find alternative energy sources and how will the economy support this effort if energy costs continue to rise while the “Democrats” ignore our known American energy reserves?

“Rasoul opposes drilling in federally protected areas, for now, he said Tuesday. He stressed that other steps should be taken first, including developing the areas where oil companies already have leases but have yet to act.”

SAM, like many of the Democratic Party that he wishes to join in Washington, continue to bring up the “oil lease” issue but the media fails to report that many of these leases are being worked and the time\effort required to bring oil to the market with all of the restrictions placed on the oil companies. Many of these restrictions are the result of “Democratic Party” efforts to appease their environmental lobby friends… The media needs to ask the hard question of why SAM does not want to allow drilling for known American energy reserves that would provide more energy per area used and deliver this American energy source faster to the market?

“Rasoul said he would consider drilling in the environmentally sensitive areas, years from now, if needed.”

SAM, like Obama, has learned to use those “open ended” statements to appear he agrees with the majority of the citizens on this issue but offers little facts to his statements. And the media continues to fail in asking SAM in how many years and how “needed”?… SAM has already learned the “delay” tactics of the Democratic Party in Washington that have resulted in preventing us from delivering known American energy sources to the market.

“In recent weeks, Goodlatte introduced the Virginia Outer Continental Shelf Act.
Under the proposal, Virginia's governor could petition the federal government for a waiver of the federal moratorium on offshore oil and natural gas exploration. The state and federal governments would equally share the revenue from drilling, according to the proposal.”

But the question is will the Democratic Party governor of Virginia, Tim Kaine, actually petition the federal government to allow us to deliver known American energy sources off the shores of Virginia? Why should he? The Democratic Party has a long history of preventing drilling for known American energy resources when they had the choice. “Democrat” Virginia Governor MARK WARNER pulled out the veto pen in 2005 when he had a bill on his desk to allow drilling for known American resources off the coast of Virginia. Now Warner wants to be our Virginia Senator in Washington? And then there is the example of “Democrat” President BILL CLINTON who also pulled out the veto pen TEN YEARS ago and prevented drilling for known American energy sources in ANWR and off the coasts of the United States. Don’t the “Democrats” now argue that drilling will not deliver oil to the market for TEN YEARS? Where would we be now if “Democrat” President Clinton did not pull out his veto pen TEN YEARS ago???

How much longer can we wait on these “Democrats”?…

“Goodlatte proposed that 75 percent of the commonwealth's share be used to help with such needs as transportation and education. The remaining 25 percent would be split evenly between the Land and Water Conservation fund and a reserve fund to address other environmental issues.”
Just asking some "Hard" questions of SAM... Click here...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

70% looking for a solution...


"A new survey finds that 70% of Virginians support increased access to domestic oil and natural gas resources."

Energy has the results of a new poll showing that the majority of Virginia VOTERS understand the importance of developing and delivering known American energy reserves to the American energy inventory. Very good site for information...

"This is a critical shift in public opinion, and one that our leaders in Washington need to recognize. According to federal government data, the United States has enough oil to fuel more than 65 million cars for 60 years and enough natural gas to heat 60 million homes for 160 years. But current policies restrict access to 85% of the outer continental shelf and 83% of onshore federal lands."

"About the SurveyThe poll was conducted by telephone between July 10 and July 21, 2008 by Harris Interactive and commissioned by API. The survey of 501 registered Virginia voters who are likely to vote in the upcoming presidential election found 70 percent of those surveyed said they somewhat or strongly support increased access to domestic oil and natural gas resources. Only 20 percent of respondents said they opposed increased access. An overwhelming 99 percent said they are somewhat or very concerned about the price of gasoline. Click here to view the survey methodology."

Monday, August 11, 2008

Rockingham County Fair ~2008~


Rockingham County Fair August 11-16th, 2008

Nice kick-off for the Rockingham County Fair on Monday 11 August with many people arriving as I was leaving and the start of the Moto-cross event at the Pepsi Grandstand...

The Harrisonburg \ Rockingham Republican Party had the usual impressive campaign booth covering all of the local and national candidates in the upcoming elections...

Republican Candidate for Harrisonburg City Council Tracy Evans working the booth and walking in the daily parade held each day at 6:30pm...

United States Marines and members of the Stonewall Detachment of the Marine Corps League challenge parade patrons to the "chin-up" bar and to step up for the "Toys for Tots" program with a donation\entry into the drawing for an authentic M-1 Garand...

Artist Charles R. Vogan Jr. in front of some of his works on display at the Fair and can be found at "The Presidential Gallery"...

Noticed a friend and co-worker over the Democratic Party booth and stopped by to say hello to Muawia and talk "Politics" which we do often at work during break times. Muawia is new to the local political scene and I always enjoy and appreciate his viewpoints of topics we discuss, but I must admit I was dissapointed by the reception and actions of the Democratic Party "operatives" at the booth once I was introduced as a person from the "Rightside" of politics...

"Pelosi's Vacation" ~Day Seven~


Maybe she really does need a vacation?...

“House Republicans,” Pelosi said, “have opposed forcing oil companies to drill on the 68 million acres they already control, new investments in renewable energy, increasing vehicle fuel efficiency standards, making mass transit more affordable, cracking down on price gouging, and releasing oil from the government’s stockpile.”

Maybe she really does need a vacation?
If the evil-oil companies really were able to get a substantial amount of oil from the leases they have would they rather not enjoy the profit margin of oil they “own” as compared to oil they are buying from other countries? With the free market system there is not a single oil company that could develop these oil surpluses and get it to market to make a profit?

New investments in renewable energy? From what I have read many of the major oil companies are the ones leading research and development in new areas of energy so to secure their futures. Only smart business thing to do…

Making mass transit more affordable? How much cheaper and where will the money come to make it cheaper? Government subsidies? Pretty cheap now and people refuse to use it for they would rather operate and pay for their own private forms of transportation…

Cracking down on price gouging? Always a favorite cry when the prices go up during supply interruptions such as hurricanes and the likes. Still waiting to see proof of actual “price-gouging” and I am sure the Democratic Party would be waving that proof high if they had it….

Releasing oil from government’s stockpile? This one is the most disturbing for if the leader of the House of Representatives, members of the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party candidate for President, and many “Prius” owners who really believe this to be a real solution for the energy "crisis" we have. If Pelosi really believes that by releasing our “Strategic” reserves to lower fuel prices for a very short time is worth risking the nation’s emergency oil supply this lady really does need a vacation!!! This will only result in a temporary drop in fuel price and DO NOTHING to bring any more energy into our inventory which is what the problem is… Drilling for known American oil reserves will bring more inventory on-line resulting in actual lower fuel prices and maintaining a strong economy to finance and make research\development of new and renewable sources of energy possible…

"Pelosi's Vacation" ~Day Six~
"Pelosi's Vacation" ~Day Five~
"Pelosi's Vacation" ~Day Four~
"Pelosi's Vacation" ~Day Three~
"Pelosi's Vacation" ~Day Two~
"Pelosi's Vacation" ~Day One~

Deerfield Parade ~2008~

The Bob Goodlatte campaign took a ride out to Deerfield for their annual parade and to spend some time with strong conservative republicans who understand the importance of proper representation in Congress...

Congressman Goodlatte walked the entire parade route and met with many people along the route resulting in the parade slowing down at numerous points because of many people wishing to greet the congressman...

Travis Smithdeal and family assisted in float set-up and then rode the parade route while distributing Goodlatte campaign balloons and candy...

Congressman Goodlatte then went to the Augusta County Fair at Expo where he met Delegate Steve Landes who represents Augusta County in the Virginia House of Delegates...

Congressman Goodlatte and Delegate Landes stopped by the Marine Corps reserve booth that supports the "Toys For Tot's" program and spent time with Marine Corp Reserve member Chris Green talking numerous topics ongoing both in Washington and Richmond...