Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Energy & Stimulus for Virginia...

Local Virginia State Delegate Chris Saxman (R) introduced house bill
HB1633: Offshore Drilling royalties bill which would allow the royalties from drilling off of the Virgina coast to be used to solve Virginia transportation and budget problems...

There is an incredible amount of potential energy sources off our coast including oil, natural gas, and wind power. Developing these energy sources could solve many energy and budget problems that we now face and know will increase if we do not take action soon…

According to an ICF International study
commissioned by API, developing America’s
vast domestic oil and natural gas resources
that were kept off-limits by Congress for
decades could generate more than $1.7
trillion in government revenue, including
$1.3 trillion in revenues from offshore
development alone. These revenues would
be earned over the life of the resource.

Increased federal leasing could bring
additional high paying jobs to Americans.
Our industry directly employs 1.8 million
Americans, with another four million jobs
supported by the industry.3
• Oil and natural gas industry exploration
and production wages in 2006 were more
than double the national average.
• New manufacturing jobs would be created
to develop and install the infrastructure to
bring new resources to market.
• Local employment also would benefit with
the addition of construction jobs as well
as service and support positions.
• In 2030, 160,000 jobs would be created.
This has already produced revenue for States to use...

According to the Department of the
Interior, in fiscal year 2008, the agency
distributed a record $23.4 billion to the
federal government, states and American
Indian tribes from onshore and offshore
energy production.
• A part of this revenue included $10 billion
in bonus bids paid by companies to lease
tracts for offshore energy exploration on
the Outer Continental Shelf in the Gulf of
Mexico and Alaska.
• A total of 35 states received $2.6 billion
from these revenues.1
Source info...


  1. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Natural Gas Trading Jobs are expected to rise. for jobs check out:

  2. Those aren't offshore drilling platforms... they're future fish habitats!

  3. Tell you what the day after those things hit the water they became habitats and fish were upon them. Fish love structures for protection as well as a reference point in the water...
