Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Boy Scouts coming to Goshen, VA...

Delegate Ben Cline
(540) 461-0534


RICHMOND, Virginia – February 11, 2009 — Delegate Ben Cline (R-Rockbridge) made the following comment regarding the announcement of the National Boy Scout Council of their selection of Rockbridge County as the location for the National Boyscout Jamboree beginning in 2013:

"I am pleased to learn that the Boy Scouts have chosen Goshen as the tentative site for the National Boy Scout Jamboree in 2013. Rockbridge County has the perfect combination of natural beauty, outdoor excitement, and economic development for the Jamboree, and we have worked hard to convince the Council that Goshen is the best location for them to continue their successful event. I look forward to working at the state and local level to ensure a smooth and successful transition for the Jamboree to the Rockbridge area."

Cline represents the 24th House District, including Rockbridge County and the Cities of Lexington and Buena Vista, and parts of Amherst and Augusta Counties. He was elected in 2002, and re-elected to his fourth term in 2007. Cline is a member of the House Commerce Committee, Public Safety Committee, Finance Committee, and Courts Committee.


  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    No! Bringing 250,000 people to Goshen Reservation all at one time will not be environmentally supported! There is not enough water, not enough space and not enough consciousness about this matter affecting the local environments! (Both ecologically and economically) Have you seen Goshen?!
    Not that I can't deny that bringing so many people through there could supply a lot of economy for the local businesses...there are barely any local businesses! This means they'll be fighting traffic 19 miles to Lexington to go to the already booming WalMart, and spend hours getting back because there are so many people on that tiny, windy 2 lane road!
    The natural resources are at risk here, and it seems to me that the council may need another lesson in Leave No Trace because these plans sure dont take this age-old Boy Scout tradition of environemntal stewardship into consideration when considering the Goshen Scout Reservation for the 2013 Jamboree!

  2. I have seen Goshen many times including hiking the area, fishing the area, kayaking the Muary River, and know of the roads and businesses in the area.

    I also note your objection to allowing young boys and men to experience this area and learn\practice skills other then sitting in a coffee shop playing video games or plotting to take over the world under the claim and promise of "hope"...

    It also appears that you are against the evil Walmart and their ability to serve the public what they want.

    "Pristine" areas MUST BE protected! only to be used and viewed by those you select and fit your mold?

  3. I must say that Im all for the Jamboree! People are all abuzz bout this without thinking! I worked at the camp for many years and enjoyed the kids and staff. They say Lake Merriweather is the fault for the Pass being polluted...well there are other places that is making that happen! \
    I say bring on the kids,bring it all on! GO SCOUTS GO GO JAMBOREE GO
