Saturday, February 14, 2009

Jimmy B. shows up in Key West...

Jimmy Buffet showed up in Key West and did a un-announced concert for the staff and family and then opened the doors to the public. Best part is that he performed most of the songs written just about Key West and Stock Island. If you have spent some time down there you know many of these songs and the stories behind Stock Island...
Key West Citizen paper has front page coverage here...


  1. Anonymous8:39 AM

    And, on September 3 and 5th, he will be performing at Nissan Pavilion in Bristow. Hallelujah!! FINS UP!!

  2. I lived in Key West for six years and worked on a Sportfishing boat. During slow season all locals know the same hang-outs and activities that JB mentions in his songs.

    I often did research in the Florida section of the KW library and got to know the historian of that section. He pointed me out to a framed letter from JB written on notebook paper to the library stating he always enjoyed the library in the beginning of his career for that was one of the only air conditioned places that allowed him to spend so much time there!!!

    Enjoy the show...
