Thursday, April 16, 2009

~Shad Planking 2009~ "Virginian's for Energy Independence"...


Attended the "Planking of the Shad" in Wakefield yesterday and was part of a group of concerned Virginian's regarding the energy situation both here in Virginia and nationwide... It was a very good event even with the overcast weather and some rain. The booth and displays were well received and this resulted in numerous conversations about the energy resources available here in Virginia and nationwide....

Wakefield Ruritan Club did another great job....

Bob McDonnell comments at the Shad Planking...

Very popular bumper sticker and many requests for extras for many knew that friends would be asking for one... Off to work now and will post additional photos and info when possible...


  1. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Ugh. I'm so sick of One Gun Bob. I wish we had a real conservative in this race.

  2. Ugh. I'm so sick of Anonymous posters who are so weak in their convictions that they will not use their real names....
