Friday, April 17, 2009

Shad Planking 2009 ~Virginian's for Energy Independence~

. The 2009 "Planking of the Shad" event held in Wakefield, VA by the Wakefield Ruritan Club was once again a political season highlight for those of us involved in the political environment and campaigns. This being evident with the thousands of campaign signs on the route leading up to a small clearing in the woods where the Wakefield Ruritan Club has been hosting this event for 60+ years...

Numerous other then campaign booths were set up and attracted the attention and support from those walking the grounds. Virginia Citizens Defense League is a very impressive group working to protect citizens rights to defend themselves...

Campaign for Liberty group...

NRA association..

Virginia Energy Independence Alliance...

With this came the opportunity for our small group of Virginia buisnessmen and citizens to set up a display and information booth to encourage discussion regarding the numerous energy sources available here in Virginia. With no association or link to the Virginia Energy Independence Alliance (photo above) we had interesting conversations with this group and encourage all to visit their website...

Along with several visual displays we had numerous "info planks" with energy facts and sources for visitors to review and discuss. These planks provided information on the many energy sources that need to be implemented and reduce our dependence on foreign sources. Energy sources including: Windpower, Offshore Oil and Natural Gas, Solar, Tidal hydro electric, Coal, Cellulose, Nuclear, Hydro-electric, and several other forms brought up during discussions including Algae oil production...

As with any gathering of people involved in politics the conversations and debates can and will cover wide ranges of topics. This included the benefits and risks associated to each form of energy sources... With offshore drilling being a hot topic in the news and the campaigns, the debate of benefits and (environmental) costs was a frequent topic. We have a proven source of oil and natural gas off the shores of Virginia and with that many have concerns of environmental impacts but we also have a proven track record of this energy source...

Lt. Governor candidate Patrick Muldoon and Chris Green

Annie C. The hardest working campaign person I know...

Waynesboro Republican Committee Chairman Chris Darden and Americans for Prosperity Virginia State Director Ben Marchi

For any of you Guinness lovers out there...

By far one of the most sought after stickers was the Drill Here-Drill Now-Pay Less bumper stickers from American Solutions and thanks to Suzanne who unfortunately was not able to attend this years "Planking of the Shad"...

Chris Green and "Pablo" with interesting conversation I am sure...

Scott Sayre

Chris Green with Governor Jim Gilmore...

Patrick Muldoon, Chris Green, and Senator Ken Cuccinelli...

Please note the "Tea-bag" earrings....


  1. Great Pics. Wish I was there

  2. Ben Marchi3:51 PM

    Sure am glad the weather held off!
