Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Another "Secret Ballot" vote by the 6th district?...

Why hide your vote from those who you claim to represent???...


  1. Anonymous5:05 PM

    If you have nothing to hide you stand up proudly and vote that way.

    Sounds like another "Deal" was made on the side again

  2. I would like to have seen an open vote and roll call vote. We expect it and demand it from the representatives we send to Washington and if they are there to represent us we should be able to know how each person votes.

    This, like local reps who refuse to meet with local committees to provide info on upcoming votes, decreases the faith of the people in those who represent them. We had the same instances a few months back when our local State Central Rep refused to meet with the committee before she voted to remove our RPV Chairman. That too will come back in the future in the minds of the local committees and "grassroots" supporters...

  3. Good grief, now what? There are situations where a secret ballot is justifiable, but given the level of suspicion in the Republican Party right now, this is almost certainly NOT such a situation.
