Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D) takes the call....


  1. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I listen to a talk show host in Houston who clowns Queen Sheila almost daily. He creates these hilarious parodies about her that he plays on his show. Everybody I know listens to them and forwards the link for others to hear. They are friggin awesome.

    I don’t know how long he will keep them up, but you can hear them by going to: http://www.ktrh.com/pages/michaelberry.html

    Scroll down until you see the picture of SJL on the phone, and the hyperlink that says “To hear Sheila Jackson-Lee’s Bad Day click here”. There is another one called “I’ve Been Everywhere” about her traveling to Jacko’s funeral on taxpayer dime. Scroll down until it says “previous entries” and keep scrolling and you will find it.

    Funny stuff. We here in Houston have been watching Sheila and her silliness for years. You’re only now finding out how bad she can be.

  2. The first time I visited the House of Representatives I had the opportunity to sit in while they were speaking and before going in I made the statement "Just as long as it's not SJL"...

    Soon as I got in there guess who was talking?

    What a joke...
