Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"What do you think the chances are?"...

What do you think the chances are that the Landes (Republican) team came along to set up a large 4x8 campaign sign and picked a spot 6 inches behind Deeds & Marrow (Democratic Party) signs thus blocking their own Landes sign?...
Seems like it would be foolish to go to the effort to place your sign behind the competitions signs and blocking your own candidates sign...
Interesting tactic and not a new one at all. It also brings up several questions regarding the effectiveness of a game plan and campaign like this. First of all this tactic was used recently at the 2009 Buena Vista Labor Day parade where the vast majority of the McDonnell signs were blocked by the Deeds (Democrat) signs in a blatant manner. Examples of this abuse can be found here... But it is evident that this tactic tends to backfire on the acting campaign (Deeds) and creates negative press and negative influence on undecided voters. There were numerous quotes from people at the Buena Vista parade that this type of "sign abuse" was not appreciated and many looked down on the acting parties...
Another questionable aspect of using this type of tactic is that
"Campaign Signs equals Name Recognition"...
It is common practice to place your candidates signs in high visibility locations to increase your candidates name recognition to the voting public. It is also common to place your candidates sign in and around other like-party candidate signs to increase party unity and association. This benefits the party and the candidates alike...
By blocking the opposing candidates sign with your sign are you confusing the potential voter with the name recognition? Is it more likely that the potential voter will remember the LARGE RED sign and the name of that candidate once in the voting booth?...
Riding in Waynesboro today I found the above example of this tactic used by the Democratic Party as shown in the above photo...
"What do you think the chances are?"...


  1. Anonymous9:22 PM

    You might wanna check out David Cox's editorial on the Augusta Free Press, saying this kind of tactic is common practice for the Dems and is perfectly okay. Iam sure if the Republican candidates would have done this holy hell would have been raised by the dems.

  2. Another fine piece of journalism\opinion coming out of the Augusta Free Press. Hard to tell which one coming out of this self-described "Progressive" news magazine with an agenda...

    David Cox's Bee Vee awards show the citizens from the Valley exactly what we missed out on in NOT sending this Gem to Richmond to represent us... Good to see he is keeping busy with the free time on his hands...

    Interesting how he awards his Bee Vee award to the Democrat campaign of Deeds for geting out and blocking all of those McDonnell signs with their own campaign signs. Rewarding and promoting bad behavoir? Again, a shame Cox is not in Richmond working for us and our children...

    And then there is Cox's praise for Jody who continues to tie and ride the coat tails of Democratic Governors Warner & Kaine. Has she ever had to explain WHY did Warner raise taxes when not need and where did that tax revenue go and for what? Or how Kaine gets a budget spending our tax revenue expecting a 6% increase in the economy? Like Deeds, Jody is not asked hard questions by news "magazines" such as the AFP...

    But by not agreeing with Cox or the Augusta Free Press I guess that makes me a "racist" by the rules they play...

    Cant wait to see the coverage of Jimmy Carter coming to town next week...

  3. makinganimpact9:17 AM

    I did not see the permission slips sent out before Landes decided to fnally visit local elementary schools in our district prior to a contested race. If we fumble our words with adults and the press maybe we can stump children in believing common fear mongering speeches by a politician in the classroom. Seems pretty hepocritical and more news worthy than placement of campaign signs.

  4. Visiting local elementary schools by Delergates and other electeds has been a practice by both parties for a long time and an important part of the "Political" education process...

    The parents you mention also need to see the the actions and comments such as yours regarding the visit and the attempts to spin a event like this. Worthy parents appreciate a visit like this and the introduction of their children to the political syatem and how it effects the citizens and community...

    Parents of children that you represent fear their children learning for themselves and thus not just repeating "What Momma says"...

  5. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Actually, Steve Landes visits schools in his district every year for the past 9 years in his district. It is part of America's Legislators Back to School Week. No biggy. And I am sure the principals and teachers gave their permission for Landes to come. As far as I know, they are happy to have Delegates pay a visit and hear what issues they are dealing with.

  6. teacher10:10 AM

    Maybe we should be more worried when the Democrats come to visit our classrooms. They probably have ACORN people in the classroom registering the kids to vote and promising candy if they vote DEMOCRAT party !!!!!

  7. Anonymous12:55 PM

    You guys just wont admit that Bob McDonnell got beat at the Bee-Vee parade. Just wait till November!!!!
