Saturday, September 19, 2009

Creigh Deeds plan as Governor... "Trust Me"?...

Over at the Washington Examiner is a article describing the differences between Candidates Bob McDonnell and Creigh Deeds when it comes to the transportation issue, the solutions, and how to fund them...
The article describes how Bob McDonnell has numerous ideas and plans to remedy the transportation problem within Virginia and several ways to fund these ideas...
The Democratic candidate, Creigh Deeds on the other hand has little answers or proposals and in fact the best he can come up with is a "Trust Me" attitude as described in the Washington Examiner article...
In fact Deeds gets a little upset with you if you ask him how he will fund his solutions and if a tax increase would be involved if the people "Trust Him" and elect him as Governor...

Once again this article shows that Bob McDonnell has answers to the hard questions that face the next Governor of Virginia and plans regarding issues such as transportation.

Deeds on the other hand has little to bring to the table and when pressed for answers on funding he gives the citizens of Virginia little reason to "Trust Him"...

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