Friday, September 18, 2009

David Cox and his "Bee~Vee" Awards...

David Cox, who recently has failed to attract enough support and votes to win elections to both State Senate and House of Delegates positions, has kept busy writing a column for the Rockbridge Weekly newspaper regarding local politics...

Just recently he has come up with the "Bee-Vee" awards regarding the events that occur during the annual Buena Vista Labor Day Parade which historically kicks off the final push towards election day in early November...

David Cox even came up with an award for the Political Sign Competition that happens every year during this parade between the two major political parties in the parade. Unfortunately it appears Cox views the actions of the Deeds campaign and the local Democratic party and their efforts to obstruct and block the view of the opposing party campaign signs as something worthy of a "Bee~Vee Award"...

"This year's winner of the Sign Wars is... Creigh Deeds, and the Dems. Both sides had thousands out. Republican Bob McDonnell came close to winning for having more big ones. But, reversing the old adage about early birds catching worms, the Deeds staffers crept in after their GOP counterparts and placed signs carefully in front of the Republican ones. Or perching atop them."

"Creigh's (Deeds) Army wins the first annual Sign Wars Award"...

David Cox as reported in AFP...


More photos and text regarding the "Sign abuse" that David Cox celebrates and awards can be found here...


This display of Dirty Campaign tactics was noticed by many attending the parade along with the media outlets and in fact several even wrote into the Rockbridge Weekly to comment of these tactics...

Letter to the Rockbridge Weekly by a local resident can be found here...


It is obvious that the voters of the Rockbridge and surrounding areas made the correct choice during the prior elections regarding David Cox and his values...

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