Monday, May 17, 2010

Obama: "I Will Not Tolerate More Finger-Pointing".... Wait a minute.....

In a "Pure Political Movement", President Obama has said he is tired of all of the "Finger-Pointing" that is going on with the Deepwater Horizon incident in the Gulf of Mexico and their is plenty of responsibility to go around, including the Federal Government... But who is he pointing at in the Federal government?

"I understand that there are legal and financial issues involved, and a full investigation will tell us exactly what happened. But it is pretty clear that the system failed, and it failed badly. And for that, there is enough responsibility to go around. And all parties should be willing to accept it.

"That includes, by the way, the federal government. For too long, for a decade or more, there has been a cozy relationship between the oil companies and the federal agency that permits them to drill. It seems as if permits were too often issued based on little more than assurances of safety from the oil companies. That cannot and will not happen anymore. To borrow an old phrase, we will trust but we will verify.... I will not tolerate more finger pointing or irresponsibility."

But it appears that Obama, his administration, and the "Back-Pocket" mainstream mass media, has decided to ignore the reports that the FedGov failed to have the fire boom available when the explosion occurred as required. It could have been a completely different situation in the Gulf now if we had the required Fire Boom as reported in the IBD...

"When the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded, the feds had not a single fire boom ready to deploy in accordance with the plan. Federal officials later had to scramble to purchase one from a manufacturer in Illinois. By then it was too late, as the oil had begun to spread out of control and emulsify from the water and the weather."

How much difference could it have made?....

"A single fire boom being towed by two boats can burn 1,800 barrels of oil an hour. That translates to up to 75,000 gallons an hour, raising the possibility the spill could have been contained at the accident scene far from shore."

It has been said that the "Thin-Skinned" President Obama has not been happy when several media outlets started to call this incident "The President's Katrina" and this is likely why Obama came out with the "Tired of Finger-Pointing" and "Enough blame for everyone" speech. But will he step up and take responsibility for the lack of required Fire Booms?...

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