Monday, May 17, 2010

Universal Healthcare... WWJD? "What Would Jesus Do?".....

While driving home today I listened to several different talk radio shows and settled on the much talked about Universal health care issue on the Wilkow Majority program…

Andrew Wilkow has always done a good job at providing fact based info in his discussions and allowing callers with dissenting viewpoints to also call in to debate the issue…

The Universal Health care issue has been a hot and ongoing topic for months and it continued all during this show. As usual it went both ends of the issue and once again it got around to who will pay the lions share for this health care and who will get it without contributing little or nothing.

Once again a caller called in with the argument that every person is entitled to universal health care and it is a “right” as a citizen and it is the governments function to provide it…

This caller proceeded to use a phrase used by many universal health care supporters often to put the “Conservative Religious Right” on the spot and said: “What would Jesus do regarding health care?”…

Wilkow responded with a question of his own…

Would Jesus use the tip of the Roman sword to enforce it?”…

The caller paused for a moment and then said “No”…


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