Friday, July 29, 2011

Augusta County Republican Mass Meeting 2011...

The Augusta County Republican mass meeting went on last night without the "Disruptive Catalyst" that has haunted it in the past and the 202 registered voters chose Richard Homes as the Republican candidate for Augusta County Treasurer....


Augusta County Treasurer Richard Homes was nominated by the eligible voters at the mass meeting as the Augusta County Republican candidate for the upcoming election.


Jason Bibeau challenged Richard Homes for the Augusta County Treasurer Republican nomination and brought many people to the Augusta mass meeting along with several ideas to improve the position. Even after not winning the nomination, Bibeau called for and received party unity and support for the Republican candidate. I have known Jason for years while volunteering for local political events and even with being on "different sides of the fence" on some issues, Jason and I have always been able to have constructive and beneficial discussions. I applaud him for stepping up and bringing new ideas to the election process... Good job...


Jamie Radtke was also in attendance and spoke to the 225 people at the mass meeting during the election process. She did a great job and spoke with many Republicans concerning what is going on in D.C. at this time....


Virginia State Senator Emmett Hanger....


Virginia Delegate Dickie Bell....


Augusta County Sheriff Randy Fisher....



  1. You mean you guys really pulled one off without having to call for back-up ?! Where was the "catalyst" this time lurkng in the bushes?

    Keep it going and see you there in 2012.

  2. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Happy that everything went well. Jason did not understand what was involved with the office, it would have been a big mistake for him. There is so much law to understand.
    Now, if we could find someone to oppose Kurt and his bunch. Kurt comes with too much baggage. The county will suffer if Kurt is elected.

  3. But I do respect him for stepping up and making the challenge and bringing his perspective to the arena.

    There is much baggage to Kurt Michael and I believe the voters in the county, and even those who will not vote in the next election know of Kurt and his destructive actions in the past as well as being the "disruptive catalyst" at many times. People need to tell their friends and voters in Wayne district of his past....

  4. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Yes, I respect Jason as well. It was a brave step on his part.

    It won't be long and everyone but a few folks will see Kurt for what he really represents. Fairfax figured him out. Most of the ones that once stuck with him have discovered the true Kurt. The ones with him now, like Lynn, Tom S. and a few others are just like him. Those few folks with him just love the drama.

    You are a good guy! Why don't you move to Wayne district?

  5. So Kurt was not there at the mass meeting grandstanding and promising to assemble the throngs in the name of justice once again ?!!!

    We still laugh here at lunch every once in awhile thinking about the drama coming out of Augusta in the years past. Hope you guys can keep it back together and continue to keep the votes coming into Richmond and take back the Senate!

    Beer at the Ale house on me....

  6. The Ale house sounds good !!...

    Kurt is running for county supervisor in Augusta County and is already making waves in the community but fortunately many in the county know of his tactics and past adventures. Probly a reason for the great turnouts at the several mass meetings that we already have had.

    The key will be to remind voters of his past actions as well as educate those new to the voting arena. Word of mouth is very effective and has already been apparent since that infamous mass meeting...

    see you next round of meetings in Richmond or next session.....

  7. I heard that and it's no wonder that he is not runing as a Republican candidate. We have been watching it here in the 6th and some of the members have gotten email regarding his cohort and her actions so far.

    I agree word of mouth is a very important and effective tool. Love your link for it reminds actually what and how much he did trying to destroy the Augusta GOP..

    Keep up the good work!!

  8. And don't forget this one:

  9. Stan

    No kidding. I got an earful at the mass meeting about how the other half of the M&M (Michael & Mitchell) team regarding how she represents the "Republican Team" in Richmond. Fortunately the Augusta GOP has moved on and has been able to regroup to get things done at the local level.

    The county fair is coming up and it sounds like they have good coverage at the booth with much energy. Nothing like the one they have up in Rockingham fair but improving.

    Great link and send me email when you get the chance...

  10. Anonymous6:55 AM

    The real shame is the good people he drove from the party with his antics. I applaud all who stuck it out on priciple. It's a shame Lynn has lost so many friends by sticking with Kurt and following his orders. Pray he doesn't get on BOS to destroy the county, but he carries a lot of weight at Blue Ridge Church of Christ, and has an unchecked platform there to further his personal agenda.

  11. Anonymous8:48 AM

    How can we place any trust or believe cowards and trolls who hide behind anonymous comments. There is no value to comments mad by people who cannot be held responsible for their comments. The people you are attacking can't defend themselves without knowing who is attacking them. Cowards!

  12. Ironic how anonymous 8:48 complains about people who comment using the "Anonymous" options but yet does the same thing?!...

    This blog allows comments as long as they are not a personal attack without any merit. If the comment is not already a known fact or wildfetch it will be questioned or removed.

    It is obvious that some people are not comfortable to idntify themselves in a manner that will allow attacks from others but still have information regarding the topic. Several "Anonymous" posters have emailed this blog providing info and crediability to their comments and all are welcome...

    Unlike many local bloggers in this area that moderate the comments made before they ever see the light of internet, thus eliminating any comments or info they do not want to be known or visible, this blog allows opposing views and comments to be discussed....

    The above topic and discussion apears to be one that will be with us for awhile and more antics by those discussed will be sure to provide more topics in the future !...

  13. Anonymous 6:55

    It is true that Kurt has his following at the Blue Ridge Church but those people also read newspapers and have seen his actions in the past. He is a good "Used car salesman" but people trust salesmen like that with a large grain of salt if they know their background and past actions.

    The key is to provide info and experiences that people can research and look into before they make their choice at the next election...

    Keep the faith... After the Obama debacle people will not fall for the pre-made marketing plan like that again !!!

  14. Correct!!

    People bought the BS Obama was selling and now regret it. Let's make sure people see Kurt for what he is.

  15. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Food for thought.
    Most people behave in church. I don't know that I ever saw anyone rant and rave in church, unless it is a spoiled brat that isn't getting their way. Chuch is where most people can fool you.

  16. Anonymous 7:02

    Unfortunately there is decption even in Church and I too fear that tactic is\will be used as you describe.

    I have seen that "Spoiled Brat" in action in the past and expect it will be used again. That is one reason why people need to know of actions like where Kurt Michael continued to disrupt Agusta County Republican meetings to a point where he and his actions resulted in the requirement that thye GOP committeee had to hire an off duty deputy during the meetings at the Augusta County Govt center...

    This is fact and can be confirmed with anybody on the ACRC committee. Even members of the RPV know of this and probly why Kurt is not running as a Republican (?).....

  17. "The SWAC-Chickens have come home to roost" !!!!!!!

  18. Anonymous7:02 PM

    A bit odd that he would run as anything other than a Republican. I guess that is the safest way to run in any election. That way you can draw from both sides. It appears that he fears his party would not support him.

  19. Stan,
    That they have, in more ways than one...

    Anonymous 7:02,
    My understanding is that he burned many bridges with both the local GOP and the big guys in Richmond RPV during the infamous mass meeting debacle. Shame for all he had to do was step aside and work with other people in the party to promote the message and candidates.
    It was obvious that was not his ambitions for the party since he went to great lengths to destroy "The local republican party" (a direct quote from what I hear) and continues to disrupt the Augusta GOP meetings and efforts...
    This I have seen in person numerous times....

  20. Mr. Bibeau ran for the wrong office if he wanted to affect the assessment. This most cost him quite a few votes which could have made it competitive... most folks who come out for this know the difference between the Comm of Revenue and Treasurer. The last thing you want is the Treasurer meddling in the assessment. Its the Treasurer's job to handle the receipt, disbursement and accounting of state and local monies, not affect the valuation of taxable assets.

  21. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Whit, you are correct. The Treasurer and the Comm of The Revenue are not one in the same. One office is responsible for assessing property, real and personal property. The treasure is responsible for the collections. The Board of Supervisors are responsible for setting the tax rate that is applied to the assessment of the property. You have to have a tax rate applied in order to collect taxes to run the County. Taxes have to increase in order for the county to continue to pay teachers, etc.

  22. Anonymous 8:40,
    Good description of the different offices and their functions. I fear much of the efforts to unseat the Treasurer and Supervisors was directed against the people in office not for failing to do the job properly but because of ersonal vendettas by the M&M crowd. This will be more evident as we get closer to election day by Michaels actions and comments. Fortunately the people are smarter than that and have seen his\their actions for what they are.....

  23. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I noticed our prominent local blogger was there with laptop out. Yet there was never an article posted. Maybe it was an oversight. My bet is there's only juice in it for this blogger if there is stink to be stirred. No controversy, no story. My, how the worm has turned. This blog is now just like the Newsleader... I noticed this blogger now spends a lot of time in richmond rubbing shoulders with the high and mighty permanent political class. This is a good thing for the local party. Maybe the local GOP can vote an annual travel stipend to keep this blogger out of town!

  24. I saw that also and I believe she (SwacGirl) would have posted it there was an upset and Jason was elected as the Republican representative and candidate. Instead she probly avoided any negative reporting, that Homes was once again the GOP Candidate, because she is still a State Central Representative and they do not allow that. If State Central would stick to their plan and rules she would not be able to hang out in Richmond with the SC elite and club. I look for her to come out strong next election cycle for the "Establishment" candidate and provide her vote "where needed" as she did during the J.Frederick hatchet job... Picked up a Newsleader the other day, paid my $.75, and it was thin with anything original. I see what you mean....
