Friday, August 05, 2016

Remember before when you said you would vote for a Garden Gnome before you voted for Hillary...

Back before and even in the early GOP primaries many of you said you would vote objects and even a garden gnome before you voted for Hillary...

Now we have a legal and proper presidential candidate in Donald Trump and many, including elected Republicans, who are saying they will rather support\vote Hillary instead of Trump.

Fine. Stand on your principles and devotion to the established Republican party that has for far too long forgotten the hard working people that they claimed to fight for while putting up weak candidates. Even those who were elected, including majorities in House & Senate, failed to fight\defeat Obama's Liberal & Progressive actions thus losing the support of long time Republican voters...

Many of us are just done with a "established" national party that claimed they were supporting smaller government but watched a debt that is now close to $20,000,000,000,000 even when this party "controlled the purse strings" in the House. We watched the Speaker of the House in Boehner who would cry in a heartbeat but failed to confront Obama and the Democrats. And there are so many things over the past 8 years and even decades that people from both sides and the "middle" are fed up thus the popularity of Trump & Bernie.

So go ahead and vote for Hillary with everything you know about her and what she has done over the decades. Ignore the lies. Ignore the theft and manipulation of the media and public. Ignore her actions, and lack of action in Benghazi as the Secretary of State. Ignore the Laws that she has broken and damage done to so many people. Ignore the many promises that she continues to make that will drive this country even further into the hole. Ignore her lack of integrity and honesty and history of intimidation.

So instead of supporting Trump who might not be the "Ideal" presidential candidate, go ahead and elect Hillary and live with that. Instead of working with a President Trump to correct what Obama & Democrats have done over the past decade and get us back towards a conservative and ethical government, go with Hillary...

How much support do you think you will get from the true Conservative and Independent (middle) voters next time after 4/8 years of Hillary?

Good luck with that... 


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