Monday, September 05, 2016

Where were the "College-crats" like in the years past?...

For the last 15 years that I have lived in Virginia I have made the pilgrimage down to Buena Vista Virginia for the Labor Day parade which has always been the kick-off for both the Virginia and national campaign season.

Here in Virginia there is some type of political election going on so each year both parties, and even 3rd or odd parties, gather in BV for the annual parade and "speechifying" that always goes on.

Buena Vista in the past was known for the "Sign Wars" between the major parties and there have been hundreds if not thousands of campaign signs along the parade route. If I get a chance I will post some photos from years past for you to compare.

 With the many signs in the past the Democrats also showed up with large groups of college aged "Kids" who "Volunteered" to help put the signs up and cheer whenever the democrat candidate said a approved "Talking point" during the speeches. Many times I watched as these "volunteers" looked towards their coordinators to signal when to cheer and shake their campaign signs...

This years parade and festivities were very much different with the lack of Democrat support & exposure. Instead of hundreds\thousands of campaign signs and massive democrat "Supporters" today we saw the small contingent shown in the first photo.                  Approximately 10-12 "Senior-crats" with two small "Hillary" placard signs and not a college-crat to be found. There were signs for Degner but as his elections have shown in the past no big deal at all and nothing to see here...

By far the most interesting thing was to see the lack of support for the Hillary\Kaine ticket especially with Kaine being a ex-governor of Virginia. With that NO elected Democrats showing up to support their ticket or platform.
Lack of college "volunteers" shows that without "Compensation" or "Stuff" results in no turnout from this voter bloc...

Did have a interesting conversation with one of the GOP workers regarding why they could not make a sensible selection of campaign signs when it came to set-up  and got a rookie response. Boy it's hard to find proper sign techniques and practice when you need it... 

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