Tuesday, April 18, 2017

A whole new "Party" and way to look at it...

Had the opportunity to attend the Republican 6th district Gala held at the Stonewall Jackson in Staunton Virginia this weekend to recharge the “Conservative Republican” batteries. Impressive attendance with over 210 attendees and got to see many good Conservative friends and activists.

Noted a few usual local party people and learned that several were not attending due to the ongoing petty BS power plays by those who once “Ran” the local party. Must say that I DO NOT MISS the political bickering and powerplays by these people and in fact it’s probably good that these people did not attend this celebration of conservative ideas and practices for they would have only been undermining the efforts of the 6th GOP at every opportunity. So much time and effort spent/wasted on promoting themselves and their efforts to control the party and oppose the people working to return this unit to an effective and growing unit. Gone are the days were a select few influenced and ruled the local committees to obtain and control the local members to march in their direction without question.

 It was a great event to visit and talk with old local GOP “activists” friends who continue to be active in the party and have become active in building a new inclusive party that returns and promotes more control to the local units as it should be. The 6th district now has a new Chairman in Scott Sayre that strives to build the units and help them to both coordinate their individual units as well as work in unison with other units to represent the 6th district and its members. I have spoken with Scott several times and like the way he thinks regarding on how to build/re-build a strong conservative party in Virginia at the 6th district level. His ideas on how to build the local party database to coordinate the single voter regarding both local, State, and National issues is very impressive and needs to be installed all across Virginia. Sayre has brought much to the 6th district and it was evident at the 6th district gala...

   One of the speakers at this event was Dinesh D'Souza who I have heard talk several times at Americans for Prosperity events. I even brought one of his books with me to sign and it was his book on Ronald Reagan he wrote back in 1993. I have used this book numerous times to dispute & educate those who said Reagan only increased debt as they ignore the incredible economy resulting from his policies. 

I very much enjoyed his speech on this night for he said what many of us believe and have said for sometime. Simply he focused on how the Liberal Democrat party has manipulated the message over the years\decades to where no matter what the issue they convince the public\voters that "it's not there fault"  and they are the solution. Take the message and mold it in such a way, with the help of mainstream media and our education system, and prevent those who do not know better that in fact the Democrat party is responsible for many of the issues... 

But there is hope.
I saw that in many of the old friends at this event and the direction they are steering the local party. I was told there were over 210 attendees to this event and I saw many encouraging comments and actions to prove this.

Do something at your local level and make that change grow and influence it all the way up the line...

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