Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mr. Deeds, see any "Hint of racism" here?...

At a recent debate between the candidates running for Governor of Virginia, Democratic Party candidate Creigh Deeds stated that there "is a hint of racism that is crystal clear" regarding those who do not agree with President Obama...
I wonder if Deeds feels the same "hint of racism" when he looks at the actions of President Obama's Dept of Justice and the dismissal of charges against the individuals who were blocking and intimidating voters at a Philadelphia polling place last year?...

The Washington Times has a follow up article of this incident and the actions of the Obama administration regarding the dismissal of charges...
"What say you" Mr. Deeds?...

Creigh Deeds plan as Governor... "Trust Me"?...

Over at the Washington Examiner is a article describing the differences between Candidates Bob McDonnell and Creigh Deeds when it comes to the transportation issue, the solutions, and how to fund them...
The article describes how Bob McDonnell has numerous ideas and plans to remedy the transportation problem within Virginia and several ways to fund these ideas...
The Democratic candidate, Creigh Deeds on the other hand has little answers or proposals and in fact the best he can come up with is a "Trust Me" attitude as described in the Washington Examiner article...
In fact Deeds gets a little upset with you if you ask him how he will fund his solutions and if a tax increase would be involved if the people "Trust Him" and elect him as Governor...

Once again this article shows that Bob McDonnell has answers to the hard questions that face the next Governor of Virginia and plans regarding issues such as transportation.

Deeds on the other hand has little to bring to the table and when pressed for answers on funding he gives the citizens of Virginia little reason to "Trust Him"...

Friday, September 18, 2009

David Cox and his "Bee~Vee" Awards...

David Cox, who recently has failed to attract enough support and votes to win elections to both State Senate and House of Delegates positions, has kept busy writing a column for the Rockbridge Weekly newspaper regarding local politics...

Just recently he has come up with the "Bee-Vee" awards regarding the events that occur during the annual Buena Vista Labor Day Parade which historically kicks off the final push towards election day in early November...

David Cox even came up with an award for the Political Sign Competition that happens every year during this parade between the two major political parties in the parade. Unfortunately it appears Cox views the actions of the Deeds campaign and the local Democratic party and their efforts to obstruct and block the view of the opposing party campaign signs as something worthy of a "Bee~Vee Award"...

"This year's winner of the Sign Wars is... Creigh Deeds, and the Dems. Both sides had thousands out. Republican Bob McDonnell came close to winning for having more big ones. But, reversing the old adage about early birds catching worms, the Deeds staffers crept in after their GOP counterparts and placed signs carefully in front of the Republican ones. Or perching atop them."

"Creigh's (Deeds) Army wins the first annual Sign Wars Award"...

David Cox as reported in AFP...


More photos and text regarding the "Sign abuse" that David Cox celebrates and awards can be found here...


This display of Dirty Campaign tactics was noticed by many attending the parade along with the media outlets and in fact several even wrote into the Rockbridge Weekly to comment of these tactics...

Letter to the Rockbridge Weekly by a local resident can be found here...


It is obvious that the voters of the Rockbridge and surrounding areas made the correct choice during the prior elections regarding David Cox and his values...

~Staunton~Augusta~ GOP Headquarters opening...

Last night was the grand opening of the Staunton~Augusta County Republican Headquarters with many people stopping by after work and on the way home to pick up signs, campaign info, and kick-off the local effort...

Candidate for House of Delegates Dickie Bell greets Delegate Ben Cline who stopped by for the grand~opening while on his way to a debate...

Dickie Bell speaks to the crowd about his campaign efforts and plans to represent the voters from Staunton and Augusta County of the 20th district in the House of Delegates.
The Bell campaign has been very busy conducting neighborhood walks and events and has received impressive and strong support from the community...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tea Party D.C. ~2009~

More Photos and Text from Tea Party 2009 here...

"What do you think the chances are?"...

What do you think the chances are that the Landes (Republican) team came along to set up a large 4x8 campaign sign and picked a spot 6 inches behind Deeds & Marrow (Democratic Party) signs thus blocking their own Landes sign?...
Seems like it would be foolish to go to the effort to place your sign behind the competitions signs and blocking your own candidates sign...
Interesting tactic and not a new one at all. It also brings up several questions regarding the effectiveness of a game plan and campaign like this. First of all this tactic was used recently at the 2009 Buena Vista Labor Day parade where the vast majority of the McDonnell signs were blocked by the Deeds (Democrat) signs in a blatant manner. Examples of this abuse can be found here... But it is evident that this tactic tends to backfire on the acting campaign (Deeds) and creates negative press and negative influence on undecided voters. There were numerous quotes from people at the Buena Vista parade that this type of "sign abuse" was not appreciated and many looked down on the acting parties...
Another questionable aspect of using this type of tactic is that
"Campaign Signs equals Name Recognition"...
It is common practice to place your candidates signs in high visibility locations to increase your candidates name recognition to the voting public. It is also common to place your candidates sign in and around other like-party candidate signs to increase party unity and association. This benefits the party and the candidates alike...
By blocking the opposing candidates sign with your sign are you confusing the potential voter with the name recognition? Is it more likely that the potential voter will remember the LARGE RED sign and the name of that candidate once in the voting booth?...
Riding in Waynesboro today I found the above example of this tactic used by the Democratic Party as shown in the above photo...
"What do you think the chances are?"...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Wipe away the mud and look at the facts...

Wipe away all of the nasty mud thrown by the opposition Creigh Deeds campaign and look at the facts regarding Bob McDonnell, his service to the military, his service to the State of Virginia, and his willingness to debate important issues pertaining to Virginia...


The media and many of the pundits continue to give Deeds a pass by not asking Deeds the hard questions like when he says he will give businesses a tax credit for every job they create...


What kind of tax credit?


How much?


For how long?


Full-time and part-time jobs?


How and who will pay for these "Tax credits"?


The mud-slinging by Deeds is just another "Sign of Desperation"

Sheer magnitude of the Tea Party D.C. 2009....

Found this video clip showing the progression of the Tea Party D.C. 2009 event over at


Tea anyone?...

I attended the "Tea Party" march in Washington D.C. yesterday with many other people and instead of walking in the parade the entire route we elected to watch from the starting point corner of 9th and Pennsylvania...
It took two hours and nine minutes for all of those in the actual parade line to paas this starting point and at the vast majority of the time the crowd was as deep and thick as the above photo. At Pennsylvania avenue where I was the street is five traffic lanes and it was not possible to see the other side of the street most of the time...
Several things I noticed during this parade in the nations capital regarding several "Hot Issues" involving the Citizens and the government of the United States...
A wide range in the age groups of those walking in the parade...
A diverse cross section of socio-economic groups from all over the United States...
Loud applause and slogans at times but no disruptive behavoir at all...
Approximate 8-10 Police motorcycles and Police cars leading the parade and followed up by four Police cars at the end of the parade. Other than that I only saw 5 to 6 Officers on the street or walking by...
There were no Police lines or any apparant Police presence along the route or in the Mall that I saw. There was no SWAT or Riot teams walking the route looking for the "Angry Mobs" that have been associated with the "Tea Partys" by many in the press, media, Democratic party representatives, and local wing-nuts...
No fights. No arguments.
Very little media on the streets. In the 2 hour plus stay at the corner I only saw 2 T.V. News reporters with a cameraman, and one possible News copter flying overhead...
Very little trash and in fact several times I saw people picking up small trash dropped by thousands of people walking along the parade route...
I saw several people I have not seen in years and did not know that they were going to attend this event. I spoke to people from all over the United States and this is a very strong movement and not one that is going away...
I saw No Union representation as I have heard that has been happening at many of the Town-Hall meetings and other Tea Party events...
I saw many, many signs along the parade route and found many of them very good at getting the authors point across... Several of this signs will be posted here over time instead of all at once...

I observed this young girl walking in the parade and in fact she is in the above photo of the large crowd. I saw this theme used several times by different people in the parade but it highlights the main issue that many are talking about. Massive increases in spending by the government at the same time with plans to hinder economic growth by allowing tax increases and restrictive business policies...