Saturday, December 17, 2011

Guest Post: "President Obama, please put JOBS under the Christmas tree this year !!!...

Unless you have a high paying government job, and even if you do, you are probably well aware that the majority of American’s are deeply impacted by the ongoing devastation to the United States economy since President Obama took office.
While overall the unemployment rate hovers close to 9%, minority unemployment remains consistently near 15% and these figures show no indication of significant improvement in the near future. Meanwhile, the current administrations lack of a positive Energy Policy is not only hamstringing companies that could add much needed AMERICAN JOBS to the economy; it is also compromising our long term national security and unnecessarily delaying our economic recovery.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) recently released a report that shows the U.S. is on track to actually export a net increase in gasoline, diesel and other oil-based fuels in 2011 for the first time in 62 years. This is due to the fact that while our economy is stalled, the economy in emerging markets is booming. However these record exports are not forecast to continue. EIA is also predicting domestic oil production will fall 240,000 barrels/day through 2012, mainly due to the continued Gulf "energy freeze" imposed by our current administration.
The United States has the highest standards for environmental protection in the free world. Other countries do not endeavor to protect the environment for future generations as we do, yet their lack of concern for the environment will affect all of us. We have the desire to be good stewards of the environment as well as the technology to extract our resources in a safe and efficient manner. The U.S. also has the most stringent work place safety requirements of any nation. We have the energy resources right here within our borders. If President Obama wanted to put American’s back to work he has an entire industry waiting for the green light to help him turn around our economy.
I grew up in New Orleans and my Dad worked on the oil rigs. I can attest first hand that oil industry jobs keep food on the table, the lights on and the rent paid. If we simply used the God-given resources we have in our great Nation, many American’s would not be needlessly losing their homes and struggling to keep their lights on and their families fed.
We still import over half of our oil and petroleum products. Instead of selling our debt to China we should be selling our OIL to China and reducing our national debt. We do not lack the resources in America. What we lack is leadership and the political will to demand our administration put forward an energy policy that is beneficial to Americans and the United States. Let’s start the New Year on the right path. It is time to resume drilling within American borders and stop exporting American jobs.
Melody Himel Scalley is an entrepreneur and talk-radio show host in Virginia.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Newt tells it the way it has to be said if we expect to get anywhere..

Newt has very much been the whipping boy of the past week or so and many are coming out saying he has too much baggage and would not do well against President Obama if he is the Republican candidate...
No doubt the man has "History" that tends to make some conservatives a bit nervous when they see him in action, but I am telling you he is out there saying what many of us believe and doing it the only way you will be able to beat Obama...
As in the past the Democrats will go ugly once they see their guy behind and loosing and the personal attacks, not just on Newt but all Republican\Conservatives, will be vicious and paid for with a Billion $$$ they are expecting to raise...
The Democrats and Obama don't care about anything but being re-elected and the power it brings and will do what ever it takes. Look at the class-warfare they are using now...
I fear the GOP will fold if they get to much public pressure on the payroll tax bill and will agree to the removal of the Keystone Pipeline from the bill as the President plays him game that will be trumpeted by the media...
Newt is right that we need to send the bill to Obama and make him veto as he has promised. Then you send it again and make him veto it again and again until the public understands the real issue and how it effects them and our economy...

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Hokies vs Liberty Ice Hockey...

Went down to Liberty last night to watch the Hokies vs. Flames game and they had a pretty good attendance with a very loud and vile at times student showing. Game started late and had to watch "Human Ice Bowling" for about half an hour before the game started but it was good to catch another live game....
This is the fourth game that I have seen at Liberty and it's nice to be able to find a spot on the 2nd level close to the ice rink with some very nice viewing spots. The officiating the first game or two that I have seen at Liberty was questionable but the third game, which was a playoff game between William & Mary vs. Citadel, it was obvious that the calls were very much one sided. Last nights officiating was almost as bad with several questionable calls going Liberty's way. During the 2nd period a Hokie player ran into the goalie and it appeared that he was pushed by a Liberty player and he received the appropriate penalty for interfering with the Goalie, but there were no penalties when the two Liberty defense men proceeded to beat on the Hokie player as the linejudge stood there and watched... Other then that it was a good game with Liberty winning 4 to 1 and with Liberty player #9 McCombe scoring a "Hat Trick". Very good puck handling and drives to the net did it for him and he was a "Star" of the game...


Saturday, December 03, 2011

Enough said...


President George W. Bush (43)
All terrain knobby tires, Trip computer, Sport eye protection, etc...


President Barack H. Obama (44)
Cushy fat tires, Book rack on back, "Ring-Ring" ringer, etc...

Thursday, December 01, 2011

"Can we have Balloon Rides"?!.....

The Newsleader has an interesting article about the meetings they are having over at the Augusta County Government Center to bring the newly elected Supervisors up to speed before they take their seats next month.... "Operation Drumbeat" has more info and quotes...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Fireworks or Explosion?....

Had hoped to finish this site (Operation Drumbeat) a bit more before posting but the antics continue at the Augusta County Board of Supervisor meetings...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Went to a Hockey game and a Political fight broke out"!!!...

A few weeks back I went with a friend to a UVA vs. Radford Ice Hockey game in Charlottesville and was sitting watching the Sports channel before the game when we turned to find a familiar and notorious ex-political player from the Shenandoah Valley standing there. As with many times in the past it was he who was to seek out the conversation\debate\conflict, and like many times before it became a back & forth from extreme offense to extreme defense tactics to argue his points...
My hockey friend did a great job of deflecting personal attacks from the intruder as well as providing numerous facts and examples to set the record straight when the visitor started to revise history to fit his claims.
Incredibly this went on for 1 1/2 hours and he left 3 different times only to return again and again once the facts were provided that clashed with his agenda and\or desired recollection
of past events.

Radford ended up beating UVA in the game....

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Augusta County Election night 2011...

Supervisor-elect Michael Shull with his family at the Augusta County Republican headquarters after learning he won the Riverheads Supervisor seat...

Augusta County Commissioner of Revenue Jean Shrewsbury and Augusta County Treasurer Richard Homes...

Delegate Richard "Dickie" Bell (20th District House)...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Door to Door with Augusta County Republican Candidate Jeremy Shifflett...

Had the opportunity to do some good old fashion door to door campaigning with Augusta County Beverley Manor District Supervisor Jeremy Shifflett who is campaigning for his second term on the Board of Supervisors. I volunteered for Jeremy when he first stepped up to the plate and ran for Supervisor four years ago. It's now that much better now that he has a proven track record of representing Beverley Manor district and it shows when he goes door to door resulting in residents seeking him out in the neighborhood to show their support...
It was good to get back to the basic form of campaigning by getting out there and meeting with the people who will decide the direction of their district on election day Tuesday November 8th. Jeremy was kept busy talking with his constituents as we worked our way down the streets and this gave him the opportunity to talk with the people regarding the past four years as well as some of the "questionable" claims made by his opponent. There is great value for the citizen to be able to meet face to face with their Supervisor to discuss issues that effect them and their families. Many appreciate the opportunity to confront and ask questions about claims being made in the local press and several commented on the negative visits by opposing candidates across the county...
Documentation of what a candidate has done in the past is a valuable tool for the voter to utilize when making a decision on election day as well as different media formats to dispel false claims that are out there. Simple and honest practices are expected and appreciated by the voters when it comes to identifying the candidates and what they stand for. I have always liked it when a Candidate identifies himself and the party he supports right on their campaign signs such as "Jeremy Shifflett *Republican for Supervisor* Beverley Manor District...

And yes, there is a car wash in Verona!...


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sure, yeah, I am the (a) Republican Candidate"... Wink~wink... Widespread?...

It seems that word is getting out around the county that several of the “Independent” candidates in the Augusta County Supervisor race are claiming to be “the” or “a” republican candidate when going from door to door or when soliciting campaign sign locations…
Reports are that several of those doing this quickly change to “a” republican candidate once questioned or challenged by those they are soliciting support from. But in fact they are not the Republican candidate and are actually misrepresenting themselves to garner potential votes.
It appears former Augusta Republican Committee chairman Kurt Michael has used this “tactic” several times already and more examples are coming out. If true, it then means that Kurt Michael is using his past tenure as chairman of the local Republican party as a campaign “tool” to solicit support in the present campaign for Supervisor of Wayne district, when in fact he is not the Republican candidate in the race. This “tactic” may work with the potential voter who knows little or nothing of Kurt Michael’s past history, or knowledge of the infamous past GOP mass meeting that turned ugly once Kurt Michael was voted out as the Chairman of the Augusta Republican Committee by the majority of republican voters present.
There are several reports of candidates misrepresenting themselves as the “True” Republican candidate when soliciting campaign sign locations in the county. Several of these candidates have been told to take down their signs once the landowner finds out the truth about the false claims and you can be sure that does not sit well in the business community. If you see a campaign sign that just does not look right in front of a business you know, ask that landowner if they know the true status of that candidacy… Word of mouth and friends talking does wonders!...
But with Augusta County’s history of voting 70%+ for Republican candidates in the past, it’s obvious that several of these “Independent” candidates, possibly even a former Democrat member, would seek support of the Republican “label” if it might help them in this election.
It is important to talk to your neighbors, the people you work with, and the people you socialize with to ensure that they get the real info regarding claims being made by some candidates who are seeking their support\votes when in fact they are misrepresenting themselves… Word of mouth and the truth works wonders when it gets out there!...

There is now a letter to the editor in the Staunton Newsleader from the Chairman of the Augusta County Republican Committee advising readers of this obvious problem with candidates claiming to be the Republican candidate when they are not......

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Attended my first JMU Ice Hockey game last night when they played UVA at the Main Street Arena in Charlottesville. Also first time at the arena in Charlottesville which has nice ice but very limited area for fans to watch the game. Most and best area is right up against the glass but folding chairs if you are looking to sit. Bonus is the Pub at one end of the rink where you can sit and watch with an ale the HD sport programs\games that are on at the same time between periods.

Teams were fun to watch but it’s obvious that it’s the beginning of the season and these guys will get better as they play together some more. The JMU team was better at passing and running 3 hit plays before shooting on goal and many times beat the UVA goalie but missed the net with their shots. UVA for the most part shot on goal as soon as they got the puck and several goals were made from the Blue line…

JMU goalie was good if he had defense back there with him but on UVA breakaways he looked scared and not skating up to challenge the shooter coming his way. Overall a good game with action even with the score going JMU way 10 to 4…

It was also fun to watch the Charlottesville crowd with many of the students from both JMU & UVA due to free admission and available beer. Another highlight was watching the local family groups come in all dressed up and ready to be seen by all. Think of a “The Housewives of Charlottesville” episode…

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Augusta Supervisor Race: "The Pot calling the Kettle Black"?....

The local Staunton newspaper (NewsLeader) recently did a piece on the Augusta County Board of Supervisor race where the challenger, David Karaffa (I), brought to light that the current Beverly Manor Supervisor, Jeremy Shifflett (R) has missed other than BOS meetings in the past. All of the seven Augusta County Supervisors are on special community committees and many times are welcome to attend but are not allowed to actually vote during the process...
Unfortunately the NewsLeader did not investigate or explore the meeting attendance record of any of the other Supervisors thus making this basically a "Political Hit Piece" by Karaffa against the sitting Beverley Manor District Supervisor...
Interestingly the NewsLeader article has gotten numerous comments from local citizens who have seen this piece for what it is. In addition to this one commentor has provided an interesting link to the minutes of a BOS meeting where one Supervisor (Beyler) questions another Supervisor (Pyles) regarding his attendance to a committee that dealt directly with the recent Augusta County re-assessment process that he (Pyles) has actively criticized and has been very critical about. The BOS transcript shows Beyler asking Pyles if he had attended these meetings and especially the meeting that dealt with the methodology used to perform the re-assessment process. Supervisor Pyles never really answers the attendance question or provides an actual number, if any, of meetings that he attended...
The re-assessment issue has become a obvious political tool used by members of the "Gang of Four" (Tracy Pyles, David Karaffa, Kurt Michael, Michael Pattie) who are all running for the Supervisor seats in their own districts. Instead of allowing the re-assessment process to evolve and allow the homeowner to challenge their individual assessment by the procedure provided, members Pyles & Kurt Michael organized a protest by county citizens before the actual individual challenge process was allowed to happen or complete. The vast majority of those protesting no longer see it as an issue now that the process was allowed to be completed as required by law, they had the opportunity to challenge any questionable assessment, and the BOS set an appropriate tax rate with the current economic situation...
With the above transcript of the Augusta BOS meeting it is obvious that Shifflett is not the only one that has missed committee meetings in the past and thus the "Pot calling the Kettle black" reference above...
The hope here is that the local newspapers will further investigate issues like this and others sure to come in the future so the voters will have all information to make their decision with....

Monday, September 26, 2011

Obama's Class-Warfare....

Two very good examples to describe how things actually work as compared to the "Class-Warefare" that Obama is throwing around....

Suppose that every day, ten men go out for dinner and the bill for all comes to $100.If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:

The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing like they do now with the present income tax structure.

The fifth would pay $1.
The sixth would pay $3.
The seventh would pay $7.
The eighth would pay $12.
The ninth would pay $18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59 of the bill.
So that is what the ten men decide to do.

The ten men ate dinner in the restaurant every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. “Since you all are such good customers I am going to reduce the cost of your daily meal by $20”. Dinner for the 10 men now costs just $80...

The group still wanted to pay the bill the same way that they paid their taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still eat for free. But what about the other six men -- the Paying customers? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everybody would get his “Fair Share”?

They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But they subtracted that from everybody’s share, then the fifth and sixth man would each end up being paid to eat their meal…So, the restaurant owner suggested it would be fair to reduce each mans bill roughly the same amount; and proceeded to work out the amounts each man would pay.

The fifth, like the first four now paid nothing (100% savings).
The sixth man now paid $2 instead of $3 (33% savings)
The seventh man now paid $5 instead of $7 (28% savings)
The eight man now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings)
The ninth man now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings)
The tenth man now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings)

Each of the six was better off then before. And the first four continued to eat for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings…

“I only got a dollar out of the $20,” declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man “but he got $10”…“Yeah, that’s right,” exclaimed the fifth man. “I only saved a dollar, too. Its unfair that he got ten times more than me!?”“That’s true”, shouted the seventh man. “Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!”“Wait a minute,” yelled the first four men in unison. “We didn’t get anything at all. The system exploit’s the poor!”The nine men surrounded the tenth man and beat him up…

The next night the Tenth man did not show up for dinner, so the Nine sat down and ate without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn’t have enough money between all of them for even half the bill!

And that Boys & Girls, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just might not show up anymore. In fact, they might start eating overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier…David R. Kamerschen, PH.DProfessor of EconomicsUniversity of Georgia

And then there is this cute little cartoon (makes it easier for some of my Democrat friends to follow) which also shows what happens when you take away the incentive to better and improve your self.....



Saturday, September 24, 2011

Hokie Ice Hockey 2011...

First VA Tech Hokies Ice Hockey game of the season for me last at the Roanoke Civic Center and the guys looked good and skating well together as a team. Better passing this year and the team looks more aggressive all together as evident in taking a 3 to 0 lead after the first period...
Hat Trick for Hokie player wearing #23 but not the player listed in the program that I got. I believe the name was Alex Smith when announced but can't be sure. #23 was hot and was very good at breaking for the goal when the opportunity was there but the trailing player was not always there but much better then last year...
Senior Joel Samuels (Def) looked strong and more aggressive then last season and was quick to get back into the defensive zone when needed but still had several good shots on goals when the opportunity was there....
Looked for Senior Andres Morales (forward) who was a hot scorer last year but was somewhat limited this game. He contributed to the team but was not the stand-out I saw last year... Still early and just the beginning of the season.....

Also noticed that Josh Bennett had himself a tough game being on of the smallest players on the team at 5'-7" but he mixed it up with any available player from the Villanova Wildcats and many times he was the guy taking the beating but that did not stop him. Towards the end of the 3rd he was near the glass where I was and mixed it up with a Wildcat going after the same puck. The Wildcat got away with cracking Bennett over the head with his stick and I thought the lady sitting in front of me was going over the glass for the ref missed the call all together. Bennett kept up with it and will be one to look for in future games.....

Hokies took the first of two home games with the Wildcats with a score of 7 to 4...


Sunday, September 18, 2011

The 2011 Local Political Season....

It is after Labor Day and with that campaign signs appear, candidate forums are reported in local media sources, and the "Marketing Plans" go into full effect and top gear. The major difference between the candidates is that we have those who have already served in the position and have a track record of their decisions and actions, and those who are campaigning with little or no history of their actions or decisions and are working off their marketing plan and promises...
All candidates who have held or presently hold office now, once had to also run a campaign and "marketing plan" as many of the new candidates vying for office are now doing this election. Some with little or no experience stepped up to the plate when needed for their district and fellow citizens and have proved to be wise beyond their years, grown into the position, and have become a valuable part of a balanced team...

Those who have been in office for multiple terms, or even just one term, have documented history of their performance and actions during their terms and decisions made. With that they have had to take criticism from the public, the somewhat "Left leaning" local media, stonewalling from within, and political attacks from those with agendas. Obviously you are not going to please everybody all of the time but experienced and well qualified people in the right positions have the ability to deal with tough, and at times un-popular, decisions that the offices bring to do what is right for the county and its citizens.. With that the public has a track record to go with when considering re-election of the people in office as compared to those with only promises and a "Slick" marketing plan....

This election cycle once again brings out those who have had the mentioned "marketing plans" and "agendas" in the works for sometime now and look to capitalize on economic unrest and manufactured issues to stir the voters against those already in office. There are also some good members of the citizenry who are stepping up to the plate in hopes of being elected and being able to serve their community and doing it for the right reasons.
But with that unfortunately we have those who are now running for office who have been divisive along the way as well as active in efforts to "Spin" and misinform others regarding the abilities and operational procedures of the Board of Supervisors. Fortunately many informed citizens have been able to keep abreast of the facts by following the true local media and talking with their representatives and constitutional officers.
Slick marketing plans and promises of "Hope & Change" are nothing new to the world of political campaigning and in fact I believe many have learned their lesson after the recent promise of "Hope & Change" which now resides in the nice white house on Pennsylvania avenue. The best thing the citizens can do is pay attention and seek numerous sources of information to verify or correct campaign promises or claims against their opponents...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

9/11 anger?...

This past weekend I was up in New Jersey to visit with friends who I was with during the terrorist attack on 9/11 ten years ago as well as to meet with members of the Dive \ Rescue who recovered the two men who drowned at the Manasquan Inlet during hurricane Irene...
During that time I stopped by the beach in BayHead and was surprised to see so many people on the beach after Labor Day weekend. While standing on the small boardwalk area looking out on the Atlantic, I heard a older lady say "Can you believe that they continue to press this fear ten years after 9/11"?... She also said we will be seeing this fearmongering for the next 25 years.
As I looked over I saw that she was reading the Daily News (above) with the front page photo of a NYC Police officer with a search dog leading up to the 10th year date after the terrorist attacks on NYC, Pentagon, and another airplane in Pennsylvania...
She went on to rant how the terrorist attacks has become nothing but a reason for the media to keep the citizens in fear and it is a big business to many who write books, promote shows, and go on the talkinghead shows perpetuating the fear so as to make money. I attempted to converse with her on the topic but it was obvious that she did not want to hear what I was saying if it did not follow the direction of her rant. No matter what it kept coming back to how the "War on terrorism" and cautionary actions like the ones on the front page of the Daily News, were nothing but a major inconvenience to the citizens and not necessary since there have been no further terrorist attacks....
Knowing better than to continue this conversation for there was no way to convince her, or even bring up other valid points or questions, I bid her farewell and moved down the beach to check out the surf conditions. It would have been interesting to have had the opportunity to point out to her that just 60 miles East of where she was sitting on the beach, there is a German U-boat (U-869) that sunk while patrolling up and down the east coast during World War II sinking many merchant ships....
The U-869 sunk towards the end of the 2nd World War but there was an even more coastal intrusive action along the east coast and Gulf of Mexico called "Operation Drumbeat" were numerous German U-boats hunted and destroyed many merchant ships since they were running with Nav lights on, no blackouts along the coast which backlit their targets, and no concern for precautionary actions along the coast during the early years of the war... People, like the one described above, did not want to be in-convenience by the fear mongers out there.....


Tuesday, September 06, 2011


Do not forget what happened here...

Do not let them "Spin" this or let them even call if a "Man made disaster" as they have already...

It was a "Terrorist Attack" on the United States, it was intentional, it was planned, it was sanctioned, and it was even celebrated by some...

Learn from history...

Do NOT forget...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Manasquan Inlet body recovery after Hurricane Irene..

The dive team was busy this past weekend after it was reported that there was a body sighted in the Manasquan Inlet during the effects of Hurricane Irene. Eventually two bodies were recovered the next day and additional info can be found here...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sure, go ahead without me... I will be along shortly.....

The Daily Mail is reporting that Michelle decided to take a different government provided jet with an additional Secret Service team, flight crew, motorcade, and extra police escort once she and the girls arrived in Martha's Vineyard for their 10 day vacation.... And they got there 4 HOURS before Obama showed up with his Air Force One and supporting assets.....
They also are staying at a place that rents for $50,000 a week and Obama is sure to play a couple rounds of golf with a millionaire or two while there. Or will he be able to squeze in a "Listening Townhall" meeting while there and write off the whole trip?
There has been much noise about how many times President Bush 43 went to HIS ranch in Crawford Texas, but at least he was not hanging out with the "Rich" lke Obama is doing and claiming they are the problem with our economy......

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Is it a matter of the "Have" and "Have Not" ?....

With all the riots going on in the UK and class warfare talk coming from our President and the “Liberal Left” media and citizens in our own country,
Is it really a matter of the “Have” against the “Have not’s” ?….

In Israel 250,000 protestors were in the streets because of the rising cost of living. Spain, Greece, and Portugal have had massive demonstrations and costly riots after implementing Austerity programs to cut spending and trying to save their economies…

But yet when I look at the news footage of these riots I do not see what you would expect to see. I do not see people in dire straits breaking into food stores or the local warehouse to steal\take what they need for them and their families to survive. Like New Orleans after Katrina, I see well dressed Kids\adults kicking in storefront windows to steal flat-screen TV’s. We see them flipping cars over and burning them. We see them intentionally throwing objects at police officers and hoping to get an officer to respond with 1/100th of excessive force so that the gathered media can film it to crucify the police force. I see them burning down stores in their own neighborhoods which can’t help them once they work this anger temper tantrum out…

We did not see this in Japan after a massive earthquake & Tsunami wiped out thousands of people creating many people without homes or jobs. We also did not see the Hollywood promised “China Syndrome” when the numerous nuclear reactors melt down. (I knew I couldn’t trust Jane Fonda in that movie). We did not see the people of Japan on their roofs with arms outstretched looking for help from their government. We did not see looting, intentional firestorms, kicked in store fronts, riots, or self pity in the eyes of those effected….

Will this happen in the United States once our economic situation gets worse?
With the lack of leadership we have in the executive branch it’s almost certain and might even be desired(?)… We have had riots here in the past due to stressful incidents and reactions and we have even had numerous riots, lootings, and storefront burnings due to Championship sporting events were even the winners were the actors! …

“What Say You” ?….

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Honey Harvest ~Winfield Farms~

Courtland Winfield gearing up to go in and take a share of the Honey Production ~2011~ from the three hives that he started and maintains. Impressive amount of gear for the task and also a little hot since it was 90'+ when we did this.....

Interesting to watch from a distance but with proper procedure Courtland was able to remove 4 large sections with honey and only having 3 honey bees make the trip to the processing site...

Small sample provided to the author & photographer to keep him busy and not complaining about how hot it was....
Removing the "Cap" with a hot knife to expose the honey before being placed into the extractor...

Honey Extraction unit....

Raw honey after extraction