Thursday, June 15, 2006

"Now about that Voter Fraud"...

Voter Fraud

During the comment period of the “Busby” post it was brought up that RightsideVA was attacking the Democrats on the “voter fraud” topic. Of course not all Voter Fraud is done by just one party but it is interesting to look at the history of this topic and to note who is responsible for the majority of this practice and incidents…

Went to the RightsideVA library and found the book “Stealing Elections. How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy” by John Fund for some information on this topic…

* The Military Vote: “The problem is that most states are still conducting absentee voting essentially as they did in World War 2, depending on snail mail to deliver the vote”. It can take weeks for the military person to request a absentee ballot, receive it, use it, and send it back to the states to be counted. And as in the 2000 election there can be problems with dates and postmarks when the military mail service is used. Remember Democrat Al Gore’s lawyers in the 2000 election when they aggressively looked to disqualify the military vote. The Washington Post commented: “Absentee ballots from service members overseas need to be treated with the utmost care and subjected to ballot-counting criteria that are, at a minimum, no more stringent then those applied to regular ballots”…

* Photo Identification: A Rasmussen Research poll finds that 82% of Americans, including 75% of Democrats, believe that “people should be required to show some form of photo ID before they are allowed to vote. But yet Maria Cardona, spokeswoman for the Democratic National Committee claims that “ballot security and preventing voter fraud are just code words for voter intimidation and suppression”. Why so much opposition to requiring photo identification by political party?

* Motor Voter Law: Motor voter law was the first legislation signed by President Clinton. This allowed anybody renewing a drivers license, applying for unemployment, welfare, etc to register to vote without having to produce identification or proof of citizenship. Also states had to permit mail in registration which is very easy to forge. In Broward county Florida an eight year old girl successfully registered to vote. A elephant in the San Diego zoo was also successful in registering to vote. In Missouri the secretary of state found that 56,000+ St. Louis voters held multiple voter registrations…

* Pay for Vote: “The NBC affiliate in Milwaukee filmed Democratic campaign workers handing out food and small sums of money to residents at a home for the mentally ill in Kenosha, after which the patients were shepherded into a separate room and given absentee ballots. One of the Democratic operatives fled when she saw the NBC camera”. On Indian reservations Maka Duta was paid more then $13,000 in voter registration “bounties” by the Democratic party before county auditors discovered that she had turned in hundreds of illegal registrations. Maka Duta was linked to as many as 1,750+ questionable absentee ballot applications.
During the 1996 skin-tight election of Democrat Mary Landreieu of Louisiana the election was tainted by thousands of phantom votes including 1,380 people registered at abandoned buildings…

Imagine if we had an accurate and true vote total of all properly registered and identified voters during the next election in 2006? I believe it would not even be close and this is why there is so much opposition to proposed laws requiring photo identification and the likes…

"Rightside" of the fence...


In a recent post it was stated that this blog was in the habit of “Smearing” the Democrats whenever possible and always looking to attack them at every opportunity. It is the intention of this blog to present facts and topics that are current and provide the facts that many Mainstream Media sources tend to leave out… Does this blog lean to the Right? Yup… But it also allows discussions and comments to be posted as long as they do not offend or attack another writer… If you are looking for that there are many on the other side of the fence that will be happy to see you…

Wednesday, June 14, 2006