Thursday, February 04, 2016

Complete Change of "Bearing & Heading" ...

A person commented on an earlier post with a link to a post on another blog that showed a complete change in "Bearing and Heading" on the bloggers part...

As I read it I was amazed by the change of direction by the writer who once was a strong supporter of the "Grass roots" and would strive to keep the "Establishment" candidates and electeds in check. Now it appears this blogger supports the "Incumbent Protection Act" where incumbents select the best tactic to keep themselves in office instead of standing up to the voters and answer for their actions while in office..

It is easy to see that the citizens are fed up with the some of the current "establishment" electeds and the direction they have taken the country with their actions and lack of action... 

This is why two "outsiders" in the Republican primary are doing so well and should be allowed to ask the questions and raise the issues that the citizens have been discussing for years...