Saturday, July 15, 2006

List of accomplishments...

Delegate Chris Saxman made some excellent points in his article that was published in the NewsLeader last week. Chris provided an example of what the Delegates accomplished this last session as compared to the reports by local media that had the Delegates doing nothing but stalling and not working with the Democrat Governor on his “pet” projects.

Unfortunately the local media elected to focus on petty issues involving the budget negotiations and ignore reporting what the Delegates accomplished. Below is the example of environmental protection provided by Delegate Saxman and the link to the entire article that appeared in the NewsLeader…

Pollution Reduction
HB #1055 will reduce mercury, sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions. This is an aggressive move and is well ahead of the federal guidelines that will result in the air quality of the valley improving sooner then later…

Friday, July 14, 2006

Security Issue?


While at a gathering in Germany the President was handed a famous baby by it's mother for a photo-op with the President...

The question is how did the Secret Service allow the Icon for the Democratic Party to get so close to the President???

Thursday, July 13, 2006

"To a new Low"...

The Democrats have taken the road to a new "Low" in their tactics to get back in power...

Commonwealth Conservative has a great post on the subject and additional links...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Tim Kaine License Plate?

K- Plate

Slow night last night so I took a look over at the local Dem site to see what those guys were up to. I found that it is now possible, for a additional cost of $10, you can show your pride in VA. Governor Tim Kaine by purchasing a special Virginia license plate... The license plate with have a "K" in front of or following the other numbers to show your pride in the Governor...

Now where does the additional $10 go and towards what? True sense of the word "Vanity" plate...

Hey. Will it be possible to get license plates with the letter "D" used the same way? Not for the "D" to represent "Democrat" but rather "Delegate" so we can show our support of the Delegates who stood up to Kaine and his attempts to raise our taxes?

I kid you not. Below is the text from the license plate application form...

To enable supporters of Governor Timothy M. Kaine to demonstrate their pride in his leadership of our Commonwealth, a special series of license plate numbers has been established. This special series consists of a number preceded or followed by the letter “K.” The number can be used on virtually any of the many license plate designs, such as the Seal of the Commonwealth plate or the standard type of license plate.
The charge to have a “K” plate is $10, which is paid to the Department of Motor Vehicles after the plate is assigned and when it is actually ordered from the DMV. (There is an additional charge for the various license plate designs.)