Saturday, May 10, 2008
Old Middlebrook Day ~2nd Annual~

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Let the Super-Delegates decide?...
While waiting for the election results from Indiana concerning the Democratic Party primary between Hillary and Obama, there was a report on how the Clinton campaign will be concentrating more support on the Super-delegates for a victory. It seems that the campaign will begin special focus on convincing those considered Super-delegates to commit, maintain, and switch support to Clinton for a victory over Obama.
We are approaching and witnessing a uniquely tenuous time in politics and current situations promise to change how many citizens view their votes in the future. Imagine if the Democratic primary results come in and one candidate receives a substantial majority of the votes of the citizens who came out looking for a “Change” from the current leadership, only to have their votes disregarded and ignored by those who “know what is best for the party”. Enter the “Super Delegate”. The voting public watches as their vote, opinion, voice, and educated choice is changed by a “Super Delegate” chosen by the party hierarchy.
As the final election approaches we also begin to see a “paranoia” develop within the ranks of the party as some people view opposing or somewhat different opinions as a challenge to the party or people in leadership positions. This has in the past and will likely progress to a point where some even stand up and claim that they are more party oriented then others in the crowd. Here in the 6th district of Virginia Republican party we have seen some claim that others do not support or endorse the party’s candidates as they could or should publicly. The fact is there are many levels and ways of showing support both publicly and privately and a party that incorporates all forms of support for the Republican candidate benefit’s the candidate and the party.
Unfortunately the focus changes from convincing a large number of voters and constituents to convincing a super delegate who’s vote is more valuable and subject to “Spin” influence at times. This leaves the voting citizen questioning the political system as they see their efforts and vote overruled by a committee member. This past weekend in Lexington there was meeting of the 6th district Republican committee at which time the committee members voted 15 to 8 to recognize Kurt Michael as chairman of the Augusta County Republican Committee. This committee was assembled to review “facts” of the Augusta County mass meeting where the majority of voters in attendance chose Dr. Larry Roller over Kurt Michael by a margin of 141 to 103 votes. Michael claimed that the meeting was not closed properly but that is all after the fact that the voting public chose Roller in a up and down vote over Michael. The closing of the meeting happened after the voters had cast their votes for Chairman and was not an issue at the time of voting. After the committee met to review the “facts” and listen to comments by Michael, Roller was not allowed to speak to the committee, they voted to recognize Michael as their Augusta County Republican Chairman. These 6th district committee members decided that they understand the workings of the Republican party better then the citizens of the 6th district and that they knew “best” for the party and disregarded the recorded 141 to 103 vote of the citizens in attendance at the mass meeting.
If the 6th district committees vote is allowed to stand how will the voting public view their vote when compared to the “Super-delegates” vote? It will be interesting to watch the fallout if Hillary is able to steer away enough Super-delegate votes to overrule the citizens vote for Obama…
Lets not forget past history and the possible future use of legal actions when some people do not get the results they expected or desired. Al Gore took legal action to change the way votes were counted in Florida when it appeared he lost that state. It is sad when a presidential candidate, or chairman, feels it necessary to take legal action when the results of the voting citizen does not agree with his agenda or game plan. This is but another way of devaluing the citizens vote while claiming they are doing the will of the people or “for the good of the party”…
Remember the bumper sticker after the 2000 election “Selected not Elected”…
Conflict of interest?...
Today is the local election for City Council in Waynesboro and Chris Graham is seeking that office. He is also the owner\editor of the Augusta Free Press media website and has been active investigating and reporting local news events for the community over the years.
Questions have come up why Graham has not been confronted about this issue by other candidates or the local newspaper. The truth is this may not be such a big issue for this “unique” situation has happened in the past and a well educated public can and will decide for themselves if there is any bias in the news service they choose.
A little research finds that Louis Spillman was the founder, owner, and editor of the Waynesboro NewsVirginian and also held the office of city council. In fact the ability and understanding of asking the proper questions when needed as a news reporter should provide valuable in depth knowledge of the workings of the local government. This could be a valuable tool and viewpoint needed as a member of the city council…
Bringing prior training and business knowledge into a government position is a valuable and beneficial asset and should be viewed that way. In fact the attractiveness of sending a experienced business owner and operator to Richmond to represent the taxpaying citizens of Virginia is something many of us worked for in the recent past…
Another unique advantage and benefit of the Free Market system is that if the media owner\editor brings an unfair bias to his news service the reader and subscriber will see that and the business will fail…