Tuesday, October 17, 2006



So has anybody heard anything about the Democratic Representative from Louisiana, William Jefferson lately???

"FBI agents videotaped Rep. William Jefferson, a Louisiana Democrat, accepting $100,000 in cash they said was intended as a bribe for a Nigerian official and later found $90,000 of the money hidden in his freezer, according to a court document released on Sunday."

"The document said the eight-term congressman received the cash from an FBI informant, who approached the bureau in March 2005 with her suspicion that Jefferson and two business associates conspired to defraud her out of $3.5 million."


Kenton said...

I still laugh at the fact someone actually fell for a Nigerian with a wad of cash...the internets are a strange, strange series of tubes.

Anonymous said...

You Foolish Republican Puppets! That Was A Setup By Haliburton Henchmen. he Was Innocent. Haliburton Just Wanted To Distract The Public From Their Real Plan To Bank Role The Republicans By Faking A Oil Leak In The BP Pipe Line! That Was A Drop In The Bucket!

On To The Next StarBucks......

C'Ville SpinMaster

RightsideVA said...


StarBucks is old news...
The Daily Grind is the new hang-out for Liberal hacks while in Staunton. They have a big "Webb for Senate" sign above their store in Staunton and just make one step closer to being the next C-ville of the valley complete with costumed characters on the streets... Talk is now that the Monkey is actually Bill Clinton watching who is loyal and going into the Daily Grind!!!

zen said...

ahhh...I love to see the Right side so desperate. You do realize that it's the Republicans who have blown things right? That you guys had all of the power and let it go to your head. Pity you guys don't actually stick to any of the principles you so loudly preach.
The real question is will you learn anything from this?

RightsideVA said...


How so?
If you are talking about the Foley incident the removal of Rep. Foley for his actions and inappropriate messages with the pages I agree he should go. In fact I also believe any one with those hidden skeletons should come to light to be dealt with. It is the Democratic party, if that is the party you support, that should also be held to a higher standard then it is now.

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

Zen, ever the spinner of dem propaganda. We'll see who has lost power on November 7 ... and I'd wager it's not going to be the Republicans.

zen said...

swac>>> really? You'd wager that the party currently in power, the party that controls congress (both houses) and has a 16% approval rating (sixteen, pathetic) will retain power? The Republicans will not lose power? And you think they should?! You're that confident huh? How confident? What are you willing to wager?
And frankly the Dems are not in power, so how could they lose it?

zen said...

Rightside>> I was not eluding to anyone in particular, but since you brought it up, I guess you're a wee bit paranoid eh?
Sure you've made you position clear on Foley, but seriously you have a whole cast of Republican characters to choose from don't you?
Has William Jefferson been charged or indicted on anything? No. But let's use you logic shall we? Bob Ney, Republican from Ohio, has pled guilty and is going to prison early next year for accepting tens of thousands of dollars in illegal gifts from lobbyists. But you know what? We the taxpayers are still paying his salary because he has yet to resign from Congress. What a guy!
Typical Republican these days really. You must be so proud!
You guys starting a prison baseball team with all the crooks going to, or already in prison?

RightsideVA said...

Paranoid? No.
Jefferson has not been charged(?) but yet somebody explain why he had $90,000 in the freezer after being taped by FBI agents taking the bribe? Ignore it and\or deny it like Clinton perfected and the media will leave it alone? Jefferson is a piece and needs to be gone but yet the Democratic party sees nothing wrong with what he has done. The importance of saving his seat in Congress is much more valuable then punishing what he did...

Pretty good jabs Zen.
Shows your alliance to the Democratic party and your values also...

zen said...

I never said that Jefferson was innocent, if guilty he should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Ignore and/or deny is precisely what you are doing about the many, many corrupt and crooked Republican Congressional members. And further again trying ti point the finger at other people to distract from your own party.

That is the sad desperation I was speaking to orignially. But I guess you really don't have anything else.

PS_ For blind allegence see Swac.

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

Ah, Zen ... you're not worth wasting my time on. You have the blind allegience. Republican police their own but dems circle the wagons over and over and protect the guilty. And if you think I believe your slanted approval rating polls you're crazier than even I imagined. 'Nuf said. Sorry, Rightside; I have no patience for his pathetic lockstep pat responses over and over. The guy is a loser ... a MoveOn.org loser.

RightsideVA said...


You sadly underestimate me....

zen said...

Rightside> How so? I simply wonder why you ignore such a blatant abuse of power and position as Ney has pleaded guilty to. I suppose it doesn't fit your agenda.

SWAC>>> Just because you throw out your tired old "Move-on" accusations doesn't make them true. You have no basis in reality for saying this. But I guess reality has never been an obsticle for you.
I'm still curious just how confident you are that Republicans will actually make gains in this election rather than losses. Care to address that?

Anonymous said...

I'll address it for her, zen master. Like my buddy Bob McDonnell said, "You just have to understand that we're right and they're wrong."

zen said...

And that is the very epitome of blind allegiance. Don't question, don't think, just follow.

RightsideVA said...


Ignore the “blatant abuse of power”? Don’t believe I have or will avoid that abuse when it happens on my side of the fence. Unfortunately I spend most of my time responding to those who only look at issues\incidents as they wish them to be portrayed. Look at all the wasted time and effort on the NewsLeader blog spent just going back and forth due to nobody can trust what the other side is saying… Look at Neal’s selection of topics and his statements. He has an impressive roll of “Bloggers” to make it work. Imagine if we could talk issues without the fear of the “Spin” or avoidance from the other side? The NL does not even attempt to hide it anymore.

I had a very good and beneficial talk going with Staunton Councilman Bruce Elder going at the African American festival last month when a known Democrat came over from their table, hugged Elder, and told him not to listen or believe anything I said. Bruce smiled but did not rebuff this woman and she continued to interrupt our conversation. We had a very good conversation about local politics and issues concerning Staunton and the County and it is sad that it was interrupted by one with such bias and limited input for the good of the community.

You fight from your side of the fence and I will fight from mine. Shame we can not meet in the middle on all issues but I believe we both know why.

zen said...

I see your point. Really I do, and too wish that we could have passionate debate about substantive issues. But rarely dose you side in these local blogs offer anything more than claims of media bias and false accusations. Where is the substance? Seriously.

While you point your finger at others, you are ignoring people right here on this blog (SWACgirl) that only hurl insults and accusations (I work for MoveOn? Get real). You do not condemn her off-base comments, nor do you express any notion that remarks like her's do not add anything to the discussion. You fail to keep you own house clean, while you chastize everyone else.
As well you have plenty of opportunities to condemn the widespread hypocrisy and corruption boiling over in the Republican party. Yet you ignore it. And in fact blame it on media bias. Get real man. How can you possibly think that will convince anyone to embrace the so-called conservative platform? You guys are looking like the party of cover-up, scandal and scapegoating.
I can only conclude that your blind eye is a result of unquestioning allegiance rather than what is right, just and moral.

RightsideVA said...

I am off this Sunday.
Looking to watch some football
but would be glad to meet you for Coffee in Staunton. Have to avoid the Daily Grind or we will not be able to have a conversation due to the Democrats coming up and hugging you and telling you not to listen to me...

You pick the time....

RightsideVA said...

Without needed changes this is something that neither of us will ever be able to "Prove" our beliefs. But it is not my party that is dead-set against making it mandatory that ALL voters must provide photo ID's to prove who they are before they vote. Look at the selective counties that Gore wanted recounted during that election. Hear about the jokes about the Dead voting in Chicago? Any truth to that?

"not one of a political ideology?"
The press, including the NewsLeader, is right down the middle and only looking for the story out there, not a party leaning story, NewsLeader included?

zen said...

Sorry busy this weekend..family visiting, you lose that one :)

I see that you still avoided to condemn your friend Swac or a criminal in your party, Ney. Your silence speaks volumes.

About the photo IDs: I share your concern for voting reform. I disagree that requiring a photo ID. I question it's constitutionality on the grounds that it esscentially becomes a poll tax. One should not have to pay to vote for their elected officials.
And I could cite just as many questionable instances from past elections. For example, the hiring of a private firm for millions of taxpayer dollars to purge mostly balck voters from the roles.
But yet I think the biggest threat looming is electronic voting machines. To have legitimacy and confidence in our process we must have transparency and validity. Electronic voting machines have demonstrated too much risk and room for error.

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

Zen said, "And I could cite just as many questionable instances from past elections. For example, the hiring of a private firm for millions of taxpayer dollars to purge mostly balck voters from the roles."

Never proven - never. Cite your source if you stand by your comment.

RightsideVA said...


My loss?
Imagine a member of the "Vast RightWing Conspiracy" like myself in a coffee shop in Staunton? People like us rather meet you at the local 7-eleven for a cup of "Joe" instead but I thought I would throw a bone to make it more interesting for you... Your call next time just not the Daily Grind. The banner outside is just too "Gaudy" to quote the local ACDC Chairman....

Electronic machines will surely be a challenge for many do not trust that which they do not understand. I am interested in voting over a two day period and then another day or two to actually count the votes with NO projections, no calling states winners before the polls close, and no interference from any media discouraging either side from voting due to "News" reports...

Poll tax?
No. most everybody has a photo ID already but those who do not should be provided on free of cost IF they wish to vote. Also you must have a photo iD and ready to vote at least 3 weeks before the election. No affadative voting or swearing I am who I am so let me vote policy... Would be intersting would it not?

As far as SWAC and Repub Criminal comments or lack of? I know SWAC and she comes from a different direction and intensity. I have not challenged here much on the blog for I get to do that at times in person and pay for doing it. I also allow comments from others that I do not attack at times for I believe people should be allowed to say as they wish as long as it does not step over that line. I get the feeling your hide is pretty thick so you don't need defense from me but will look at it closer if needed. The only thing I really hate is when the direction of the topic goes way off track like on the NewsLeader blog does most of the time...

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

I had open comments on my blog when I first began ... and it was abused with downright nasty comments. Maybe it's the "Girl" in my title ... I don't know. I also will not allow the liberal version of "War and Peace," which I've also had posted. Find another spot. And, for the record, I still have nasty comments being posted that I don't publish, something that will probably continue through the election.

Anonymous said...

Still around....just real busy.

Criminals are criminals. Everyones frig. gets some rotten food all the way in the back every once and awhile. Throw the trash out and move forward.

It cannot be a poll tax if it is free. Make them have an ID.

Computers are way to go. cannot do anything "funny" without a digital footprint. The issue will be if people are smart enough to use them.

Rightside, I like the 7-11 dark mountain roast with sugar and cream. The regular cream. no fru-fru fancy stuff.

Anonymous said...


Enjoyed the banter on the site. keep up the good work. Your sparring partner Zen is anything but. The bottom line is there is a media double standard. Look at the references made to Steele up here in Maryland ("Slavishly" following republican line, Token (last election) The Baltimore Sun editiorial indorsing KKT in 2002 was offensive in its treatment of Steele, the WAPO not much better). Lets see how it would be reported if republicans treated a african-american candidate that way. Yea some republicans are crooks and should get the boot, that does not excuse the media for bias in the reporting. Of course folks like Zen don't see it, they are to busy dreaming up paranoid conspiresies to explain lossing instead of asking, why is the problem with the ideas of the left. Liberalism has made postive contributions to the US. I think the biggest problem with liberalism as it is currently situated, is that it is primarily focused on tearing down rather than building up. Just complain about us on the right, tear us down, call use hicks, rednecks,yokels, but the liberals haven't had a new idea in a generation, and most of those they currently advocate, history has shown to be failures.

By the way, next time I get down there we will have a cup of joe Rightside and hit the hills.

RightsideVA said...


Sounds good and look forward to it. I do believe both Gore and Kerry could\should have "walked" into the oval office if they just had an ideas as to what to do. They instead spent their time tearing down the President and the GOP at every opportunity without having any answers or ideas.

Webb also does not have any ideas. He avoids issues and when he does talk them they are canned and from DNC. He continues to call for us to pull out of Iraq to surrounding countries and let them deal with Iraq. An oil rich country with no resistance for Iran, Syria, and the likes to walk into...

zen said...

Ohh, the tired old "dems don't have any ideas" talking point again. Seems like the Republicans are starting to embrace the ideas that Democrats have been talking about for sometime now regarding Iraq. Seems like the Republicans waited until after 9/11 to embrace the Democrats idea of creating the Dept of Homeland Security.
If Dems don't have any ideas then why do the Republicans keep echoing the Dems?

zen said...

Regarding electronic voting machines. Be aware that it is essential that voting be transparent. There are many demonstrated instances when an "electronic footprint" does not exist. Making any tampering untracable.

Please check out the link below for more information:

Watch the video for a good summary. We should all be very concerned about this issue.

RightsideVA said...

When I lived in Key West Florida during the 2000 election you had a ballot that was 8x10 and you filled in a circle for the candidate you wanted to vote for. You then went over to the reader and inserted the ballot. If it was marked twice, wrong combination, over-vote, under vote, etc it would not read and you were told there was an error that needed to be corrected. Paper ballot. Paper trail. Recounts were done in about 45 minutes, several times, for the whole Monroe County. Same number after each count...

Anonymous said...

Zen-The only thing tired about the agrument is you are tired of hearing the truth! Your example is not great. Both sides of the isle did not pay much attention to security prior to 9/11. There was no general push on either side of the isle regarding the issue. I have no idea if some obscure positions paper the dems had recommended the formation, but there was no active support by the democratic party. But if you want credit for the TSA and their enlighten PC policies (refusing to profile while strip searching granny), you can have it. All I know is I still hear TAX TAX TAX from the dems (by the way, your party should learn the diference between wealth and income, they are not the same, if the dems would truly tax the wealthy and make the Kennedy's poor, I might support it) The dems refuse to acknowledge that lowering taxes can actually increase goverment reciepts. Let's see other current ideas, price controls on gas (sure want to go back to the odd even gas days of the Carter administration). Support of international courts, (I am sure you would love to have those nations that are havens of human rights such as Cuba, Libia, Russia, Egypt sitting in judgement of you) or thinking the the UN represents democracy.

However, that said, you have not addressed the main point of my post, the bias of the MSM. Another example, Foley gets caught trying to seduce a page, it is a major scandal, Studds had sex with an underage page, and the MSM heaps lavish praise on him in his obit. (Foley did get what he deserved for his actions, I am just showing that action are shown differently if there is a D or R behind your name) Look at how the MSM dealt with the "crime" of outing Valerie Plume vs Sandy Berger stealing and destroying documents (nah he wasn't trying to comver up something). Polls have shown that the overwhelming majority of folks in the media are liberal democrats, and it shows.

Well I would like to continue the debate with you zen, but I will be busy taking my kids to and helping with soccer and scouts the rest of the week in the evening, and all weekend, and will not likely have time to get back to post. You know I am just one of the selfish republicans, only care about ourselves and never help in the community

Take care Rightside

zen said...

More "borrowing" of Dem ideas I see happening these days. I expect to see you all start bashing with the same intensity that you did when these ideas were proposed long ago by Dems. "Timetables" and "benchmarks" for security and political situations used to be taboo. I recall that it would aid the enemy and the terrorits would just wait us out. So don't make me wait forever to hear you criticise the same idea now that it comes from your bunch.

Anonymous said...

Just did a quick check to read. Zen - You still haven't discussed MSM bias, main point of my post - Have to go to soccer

zen said...

I do see media bias. It is one toward sensationalism.

I'm still waiting to hear criticism from the right for the timetable/benchmark talk now coming from the admin.

RightsideVA said...

There is no doubt media bias on both sides. I can no longer watch Hannity for any extended amount of time before I start yelling at him to shut up. Most of the time it is because he has not learned when it is time to be quiet and let the other person talk themselves into a hole. Larry Elder is a good one to let people talk themselves into a corner where they show where they are really coming from. I still believe that the MainScream media is still way to the left and their viewership and readership have shown a downward trend...

I do hear the talk of Benchmark and Timetables coming out of the admin. As with any war and over an extended period of time tactics will and have to change to the situation. When the Dems called for it earlier they were and still are not interested in Timetables for withdrawls as a part of the war on terrorism but as a weapon to win seats in congress and Whitehouse. This is obvious. This election will also be interesting to see how the Dems respond after the election....

zen said...

Rightside your out of line and completley wrong to think that decorated veterans and even former top generals have purly political motives in calling for some sort of metrics, such as timetables and benchmarks. You back the president's constant drone of "stay the course" and now say, "any war and over an extended period of time tactics will and have to change to the situation." Yet it is the administration that seems reluctant to alter the "plan."

Your accusations that the many hundreds of voices that have served this country honorably and have called for resolutions to move the quagmire, are only guided by partisanship is sad and hardly any way to respect thier experience. There is no question the issue has been politicized, but the goals and intent of establishing some order or plan to the chaos is very legitimate and valid.

I suggest you read Jack Murtha's resolution in full.
It includes the following language:
"measurable progress toward establishment of stable and improving security in Iraq or of a stable and improving economy in Iraq, both of which are essential to "promote the emergence of a democratic government""
"the forces involved are to be redeployed at the earliest practicable date."
"U.S Marines shall be deployed in the region"

This resolution was introduced 11/17/05...not near any election.

Where are the accusations that the president is now going to allow the terrorists to "wait us out." You are the one obviously making this a political issue by applying such a huge, hypocritical, double-standard. You couldn't be more wrong, or transparent.

RightsideVA said...


I stated that things and situations change over an extended war. I acknowledge that the Admin may be now talking a timeline now but did I miss the exact pull-out date on the front page of the NewsLeader? There is a huge difference for talk of a timeline now as compared to when Murtha, Pelosi, Clinton, Kerry, and the likes called for it for POLITICAL gains. We all know that Hillary and the likes do NOT care one bit about the military or their families unless it can score her some points in some poll. It IS obvious that the majority of the Dems are only interested in the political advantage that this can bring them. Can you imagine if they kept their views or agenda behind the closed doors of Congress and out of the press but between the members of Congress. Can you imagine where the war would be now if they supported the troops and the President in full view of the press, Americans, and world where the war would then be? If it was not so obvious that the Dems and the likes did not cut the President & admin at every chance and we were united? It WOULD be a completely different war on terrorism and you know it...

Decorated military Veterens do not have political motives?

How bout John Kerry.
Decorated with 3 purple hearts but still to this day will NOT release his medical records to show how these wounds were scratches. I give the man credit that he was in combat but seems to me I have more respect for the guy who gets really injured, tapes it up best he can and moves on with the fight and never mentions the wounds if he can...

zen said...

You really are a piece of work.
Explain to me how to invading Iraq without a plan to keep the peace is supporting the troops. Explain to me how sending troops into battle with inadequate armor supports them.
The only thing you've made obvious is your hypocritical double-standards. That you are so blinded by partisanship that you will trash anyone that voices opinions and idea that run counter to the president. Even decorated, experienced military service members. You may think that is patriotic, but in fact it is anything but. You even then have the audacity to then blame the consequences of a failed policy on those that recognize that fact.

Did you read Murtha's resolution? Did you see a date there? And besides the idea that the terrorists would stop fighting and wait us out is just plainly and simply absurd. Think about it honestly for just one moment.
If the terrorists really truly wanted us out, wouldn't they stop fighting right now? If their goal was to get us to leave ASAP then they wouldn't they let us think we won and withdraw on our own? This is the logical conclusion to that arguement. But reality shows us otherwise. The terrorists like having us there so they can kill us. In fact this is what the Bush?Republican line also supports. "Fight them there."
Damn man, snap out of it.

Bush had the green light and support. He had the backing of congress (of which his party controlled). He even had the support of a number of Democrats. He had the support of the media. He had the support of the American people. He had the support of the military. Yet he still managed to fail. Your response. Blame someone, anyone, everyone else. Classic scapegoating.
He ignored the advice of generals. Ignored the UN security council. Ignored NATO. Ignored traditional allies. Ignored anyone not inside the bubble—and continues to. This dosen't show strength. It only shows ignorance.

RightsideVA said...


"You really are a piece of work."
Yes Iam. I have had several people comment on how I allow you to spout your views and claims on my blog and how many would not allow it. But I must admit once again I tire of you calling me a liar, hypocrite, Bush- Buddy, marching in lock-step drone, and several others I am sure you have reserved.

Just saw Whinning-Ass Joe Biden on MSNBC crying how Democrats were calling for benchmarks a year ago like you have stated. Well to tell you the truth Biden and his one view Liberal idiots in Congress only look at this whole war on terrorism as a possible way to win back their power in Congress. You, Biden, and the whinning liberals have the Mainscream media on your side, including the mullet wrapper NewsLeader in Staunton and there is no denying it. .
Tolerance? Yes I believe I have a lot of tolerance for idiots like the Dems down in Staunton who continue to rant and rave whenever they can, claim to be victims, claim the elections are stolen, and have a long list of names to call the President and the Republicans. The fact is the mainstream AMERICANs see these idiots for what they are and that will be evident on Nov 7th. Jim Webb is a piece of crap who I am sure was a very good and patriotic Marine who served this country well. Now he is nothing but a person trying to get in as a Democrat for if he agrees with them he will get their voter base. See the photo of him standing with Slick Willie Clinton who he had completely different feelings about, and statements in the past?

Webb has sold his soul for a vote, maybe two, but not enough. The people of Virginia can see him for what he is...

They also see President Bush for what he is and what he is trying to do. No matter what the trash media, including the NewsLeader, tries to sell the American voter...

zen said...

Let's see I have never called you a liar. Nor have I called you an idiot, piece of crap, mullet wrapper, whinny ass. I beg of you to cite where I have called you any such name. Or that I have said that I hate Bush. Please you have the entire internet at your disposal. And yet you'll not be able to do so.
That you must resort to doing so shows just how much you lack the ability to have a civil debate. Again, rather than accept any responsibility you now need to bring more people from the Democratic party and elsewhere into your line of attack.

You blame everyone on earth for the state of affairs in this country, and yet you maintain it is the Dems that play the victim card. Your defensivness, name-calling, and petty attacks only shows me that you really cannot handle legitimate criticism. If you're not able to show me the same respect I've shown you, maybe you could at least show some for yourself. But I guess the media is somehow to blame for that as well.

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

Oh, puh-leeze. Here you go again. "Prove where I have ..." yadda yadda yadda. You make accusations but make the other party "prove it" by having to go back in their archives to look it up, research, whatever. Forget it! My memory serves me well and you definitely called Rightside a liar in the past ... plus lots of other things. There's no time for spin-artists like you and I truly think part of your purpose is to pull attention away from the pending election by distracting conservative bloggers. Keep spining; we're winning.

zen said...

See SWAC that is a major difference between you and I. I base my opinions and beliefs on FACTS. Facts are verifiable. Meaning that both parties can look back at the record and agree on, in this case, what was actually said (written). The accusations that I called anyone a liar or anything else were not made by me. They were made by RS. Just read a few comments above. You'll also see where he was the one resorting to name-calling. Being ignorant of the past, of the record, of the facts, does not mean that it did not occur. Neither does inventing allegations cause them to be true.
You however employ spin. You have no grounds for the accusations you hurl, only your belief that something exists. In common parlance of the day this is known simply as "truthiness." Nothing at all to back up your claims, only insular spin. Showing that you'd rather attack and acuuse that discuss any matter of substance. You have no substance because you cannot rely on facts, you only rely on fiction.

For someone so full of patriotism and support for all things American, you sure fail to uphold the idea that in this country people are not assumed guilty, and when accused of something, they are at least presented with evidence against them. It gives the appearance that you're all talk when it comes down to it, which is the very essence of spin. I am requesting evidence. When hurling accusations and invective the burden of proof is upon the accuser—you & RS.

RightsideVA said...


Thats what you have to be for you are so gifted in twisting things back around to direct people your way!!! Look in the past on the Rep. King post where you basically called me a liar, and chicken to change my post to fit your view of the facts. I believe "Bubba" did a good job at responding to your view on the facts and I enjoyed the exchange. Name calling?
When did I ever call you the names that many people have probably thought of you?

No. A NEWSLEADER staffer or the likes~!!! Just went over to the NL blog and you are so far over on their side that it shows you. It is interesting how you claim to be non- "Bias" but yet you are so far to the "Port" that you show yourself again. NewsLeader not "Bias"? If you believe that you once again show your self there also.

My side is "so full of patriotism and support for all things American, you sure fail to uphold the idea that in this country people are not assumed guilty, and when accused of something, they are at least presented with evidence against them."

Where is the evidence against Senator Allen in ref to the "N" word? Still waiting and if you need me to dig up people to swear Webb has used the "N" word how many do you want? Or were you referring to the trash down in Quantonimo Cuba for not pressing charges on them yet. The scum were captured on the battlfield, trying to kill our guys and the only reason they are still alive is due to they may still have info we neeed. Probly is time to "Thin" them out a bit... Send them to Satunton where they will be cuddled by the local Dem's and provided with a new uniform either a Monkey suit or Banana suit...

Don't like the answere here?
Go back to the NewsLeader blog and post with the other 3 screen names the staff uses over there........

zen said...

RS. First, I am calling for evidence that I called you any name (liar included). Find it then have me answer to the evidence, not your allegations. Provide some sort of record instead of saying, "you basically called me a liar." I did no such thing. Is it too much to ask for even a tiny bit of accuracy here?
In contrast read your comments up a few back on this thread where you call numerous people "idiots" and "piece(s) of crap." How mature.

When have I claimed to be non-biased? Don't think I ever have. Again feel free to quote me on that too. I have always maintained that "balance" is not necessary, but "fairness" (as in accurately quoting people, not putting words in their mouths, or atributing ideas to someone not expressed) is expected. It is expected in the course of a civil debate. You however will not, or cannot, fairly represent what I've actually stated, and so the debate runs off the tracks as it's done here.
Again, is accuracy and fairness to much to ask from you?

Interesting you bring up the whole Rep King remarks again. This is a classic case of a misrepresentation of the facts. You are too proud to admit that he was manipulation the record. Again you seem to have a real problem with dealing with facts, and prefer to dodge, deny and claim bias rather than respond with accuracy and/or fairness.

I do not speak for the NL, nor does the NL speak for me.

zen said...

Look, it's quite obvious you have a problem with me, with me being here, with my questions, with my inquiries. But rather than call me names and falsely accuse me of things I've not said or done, or assume my positions for me...
I'd be much more likely to back off and quieted if you met me with facts (verifiable facts!), arguements based upon substance, discussions instead of ad hominem attacks.

Are you capable? Are you willing?

RightsideVA said...


I will not give you what you want for you are wrong in your assumptions. Twist it all you want and cry for what you feel is fair but I see you for what you are.

I have given you a forum to present your "Facts" in reply to my "Facts" and let people decide for themselves. Sorry but I will not cater to your demands or requests for you do not know what I think, feel or believe in as I do not claim to know what you feel, believe.

I present my facts and you present your facts as you submit.

Let the readers decide...

zen said...

The fundamental flaw is that a fact is a fact is a fact. There are no "sides" to facts. They are realities, not shifting to opinions.
We can each use facts to support our positions, but we cannot call opinions facts nor can we rely on unverifiables and call that proof.

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

Zen, you are WRONG. "Fact is a fact is a fact" ... but what you omit is the overtures on words and phrases ... a "fact" can be set up in a presentation and spun to mean something entirely different from what it's original purpose was.

You called Rightside a liar, we all remember it, and like most Zen-libs you have a selective memory.

Keep spinning ... we're winning.

zen said...

Help me remember SWAC. Present some evidence. Quote me. I will gladly apologize, all you have to do is present evidence for the accusations you charge me with. Not so difficult I'd imagine for someone like yourself.
But if you accuse me and cannot back it up that would make you....what?....yes a liar.

zen said...

Hey SWAC and Rightside here's a link for you:

Please point out where I called anyone a liar.

Anonymous said...

WOW....I go away house hunting because I am being relocated and come back to a big blog brawl.....And I missed it. DANG. Well Bloggers looks like the BUBBA is going to be going to the land of crabs and Oysters.....hopefully I can find a ISP somewhere over there......

RightsideVA said...

Bubba, they got them there starbuckthingies there two do they???

Anonymous said...

Not sure yet, but imagine me in a Starbucks......lol

wonder if they would throw me out for bringing my own mug of Maxwell House?

As soon as I walked in the Republican detector (and/or metal detector) would go off and a Democrat Re-Education team would pop out of the back room. It might take them months to realize I am immune to liberal brainwashing. LOL