They have mentioned it once or twice already. Worked it into a comment in passing. Blamed it on the evil Republican administration. And you can be sure they will highlight their “remedy” once we get closer to the 2008 Presidential election for they believe it is a great vote getter…
It’s the Democratic Party’s war on evil pharmaceutical companies who have unacceptable profits earned from overcharging the American people. They believe it as well as the voters who do not understand simple economics and the free market system and believe the Democrats who tell them they are being gouged by the pharmaceutical companies. It’s so much easier to believe and act the “Victim” and to vote for those who promise to give you something that another has worked in producing… The Democratic Party has a whole playbook full of “Victim” tactics to convince the weak to vote for them…
“If you rob from Paul and give it to Peter, you can count on Peter’s vote in the future”…
Doug Bandow has a great article in the Washington Times that provides the facts and data the Democratic party representatives fail to mention or provide for this data does not fit the game plan. The Democratic candidates do not want you to know how much it costs a pharmaceutical company to bring a new drug to market for that would show where those obscene “Profits” are being reinvested into research and development of new life saving drugs…
“Patients are the ruling's biggest beneficiaries, because medicines do not magically appear on the market. To develop them, pharmaceutical firms spent $55 billion on research and development (R&D) last year. Few prospective drugs make it to market — 5,000 to 10,000 are tested for every one approved. So the few successful medicines have to pay for all the other costs — including the costs of defending against demagogic politicians seeking to control prices. Medicines that do make it to market are estimated to cost $800 million on average to develop“.
The democrats would rather have you believe that the American people are being overcharged so that the pharmaceutical companies can make obscene profits for their shareholders. It’s easier to thrive on the peoples fears then it is to explain and support programs that provide the life saving drugs to Americans and the worlds populations. There are more votes to be had from the weak who do not understand simple economics then to explain why other countries pay less for the same drugs. Would the Democratic party rather have third world countries pay the same rates and thus prevent millions of people from having access to life saving drugs?
“So why do some drugs cost less in other countries? One reason is different economic circumstances. Most people in developing nations cannot afford to buy drugs at developed nation rates. Lowering the price in poorer countries makes it possible for people there to have access to important medicines, while allowing drug makers to have sales they otherwise would not“.
The Democratic party would rather have you believe that we are paying higher rates so “the rich get richer” instead of showing how American pharmaceutical companies have delivered life saving drugs and procedures to the world’s population.
“These countries free ride on U.S. R&D. That may not be fair to American consumers, but punishing the pharmaceutical industry with price controls will not solve the problem. To the contrary, doing so would reduce the availability of new medicines. That is because if those same drugs were sold at the lower price in the U.S., they would not have been developed in the first place. You cannot spend $55 billion on R&D if you make only pennies for your products in your most important market“.
The Democratic party is not interested in telling you this for they would rather have you feel the victim and vote for them. They promise to hold these evil pharmaceutical companies responsible for their obscene profits as long as you vote them into the power they crave. But at the same time they fail to tell you what will happen in the future if they succeed.
“Moreover, no one knows what cures will not be developed. The trade-off is cheaper drugs for voters today versus unrecognized deaths and hardship for the unborn in the future“.
The “Drug Card” will be played, once again, in the near future…