Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Marketing, Marketing, Marketing...

Learned back in college that marketing is a very important function of both society and the business world... If at times things do not seem to be going right or selling you may just need to "Market" it in a different way... Now lets say you have a wet piece of property you wanted to sell. It would be called a "Swamp"...
Now if a environmental group wanted to keep you from building on that same piece of land it would be classified as "Wetlands"...
For many years the working stiffs out there have been drinking Coffee everyday...
But to market this same drink to the student at a higher learning campus it should be called a "Latte"

Now starting out those "Dixie Chicks" sang Country songs and did pretty well with the "Common Folk" out there...
Then it seems they decided they needed to grow and evolve into more "Popular" songs and political issues. This resulted in numerous show dates in their present concert tour being dropped due to poor ticket sales across the "America Tour"...
And then there "was" the potential Dixie Chick "World Tour"...
And for the longest time we have had the party from the Right, "Conservatives", and the party from the Left, "Liberals"... Even the Left has marketed themselves, now they call themselves:


Sunday, June 25, 2006

"Lets put it to a vote"...

Vote Record

The House of Representatives rejected a proposed timetable for pulling the troops out of Iraq by a vote of 256-153...

The Senate also turned down a proposal by Democrat John Kerry calling for withdraw all combat troops from Iraq bu 1 July 2007... The vote there was

Some of the statements made by our elected Representatives:

"Stay the course, I don't think so Mr. President. It's time to face the facts," House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California stated. "The war in Iraq has been a mistake. I say, a grotesque mistake."

"The choice for the American people is clear; don't run in the face of danger, victory will be our exit strategy," Rep. Mike Conaway, R-Texas

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., predicted that terrorism would spread around the world, and eventually reach the United States if the United States were to "cut and run" before Iraq can defend itself.

"We must give them that support and not send a signal that we're going to pull possibly the rug out from under them," Sen. John Warner, R-Va.,

Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., said: "It is time to tell the Iraqis that we have done what we can do militarily."

*Thanks to Sacred Cow for the Graphics and NewsMax for the quotes...