Monday, September 05, 2016

Where were the "College-crats" like in the years past?...

For the last 15 years that I have lived in Virginia I have made the pilgrimage down to Buena Vista Virginia for the Labor Day parade which has always been the kick-off for both the Virginia and national campaign season.

Here in Virginia there is some type of political election going on so each year both parties, and even 3rd or odd parties, gather in BV for the annual parade and "speechifying" that always goes on.

Buena Vista in the past was known for the "Sign Wars" between the major parties and there have been hundreds if not thousands of campaign signs along the parade route. If I get a chance I will post some photos from years past for you to compare.

 With the many signs in the past the Democrats also showed up with large groups of college aged "Kids" who "Volunteered" to help put the signs up and cheer whenever the democrat candidate said a approved "Talking point" during the speeches. Many times I watched as these "volunteers" looked towards their coordinators to signal when to cheer and shake their campaign signs...

This years parade and festivities were very much different with the lack of Democrat support & exposure. Instead of hundreds\thousands of campaign signs and massive democrat "Supporters" today we saw the small contingent shown in the first photo.                  Approximately 10-12 "Senior-crats" with two small "Hillary" placard signs and not a college-crat to be found. There were signs for Degner but as his elections have shown in the past no big deal at all and nothing to see here...

By far the most interesting thing was to see the lack of support for the Hillary\Kaine ticket especially with Kaine being a ex-governor of Virginia. With that NO elected Democrats showing up to support their ticket or platform.
Lack of college "volunteers" shows that without "Compensation" or "Stuff" results in no turnout from this voter bloc...

Did have a interesting conversation with one of the GOP workers regarding why they could not make a sensible selection of campaign signs when it came to set-up  and got a rookie response. Boy it's hard to find proper sign techniques and practice when you need it... 

Friday, August 05, 2016

Remember before when you said you would vote for a Garden Gnome before you voted for Hillary...

Back before and even in the early GOP primaries many of you said you would vote objects and even a garden gnome before you voted for Hillary...

Now we have a legal and proper presidential candidate in Donald Trump and many, including elected Republicans, who are saying they will rather support\vote Hillary instead of Trump.

Fine. Stand on your principles and devotion to the established Republican party that has for far too long forgotten the hard working people that they claimed to fight for while putting up weak candidates. Even those who were elected, including majorities in House & Senate, failed to fight\defeat Obama's Liberal & Progressive actions thus losing the support of long time Republican voters...

Many of us are just done with a "established" national party that claimed they were supporting smaller government but watched a debt that is now close to $20,000,000,000,000 even when this party "controlled the purse strings" in the House. We watched the Speaker of the House in Boehner who would cry in a heartbeat but failed to confront Obama and the Democrats. And there are so many things over the past 8 years and even decades that people from both sides and the "middle" are fed up thus the popularity of Trump & Bernie.

So go ahead and vote for Hillary with everything you know about her and what she has done over the decades. Ignore the lies. Ignore the theft and manipulation of the media and public. Ignore her actions, and lack of action in Benghazi as the Secretary of State. Ignore the Laws that she has broken and damage done to so many people. Ignore the many promises that she continues to make that will drive this country even further into the hole. Ignore her lack of integrity and honesty and history of intimidation.

So instead of supporting Trump who might not be the "Ideal" presidential candidate, go ahead and elect Hillary and live with that. Instead of working with a President Trump to correct what Obama & Democrats have done over the past decade and get us back towards a conservative and ethical government, go with Hillary...

How much support do you think you will get from the true Conservative and Independent (middle) voters next time after 4/8 years of Hillary?

Good luck with that... 


Friday, May 27, 2016

6th District Chairman Scott Sayre...

Well said by the new Chairman of the 6th district and exactly what the VA-GOP needs !!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Where is the coverage in the 6th?...

As I search for coverage of the 6th district convention that recently happened I find nothing but crickets chirping from the old standby Valley bloggers such as LynnRmitchell & Bearing Drift when you would think they would report what was going on in the 6th? Turns out every day when I check I find "Nada" on these sites and can only imagine they are NOT HAPPY with the results from the convention...

What is up with that for both of these sites have been very vocal on other conventions in Virginia so I can only take that they are NOT happy with the outcome of the 6th convention...

Sad, for the results show that the population are tired of the politics of the 6th and the same old leadership coming out of the 6th. As with national politics we are looking for STRONG conservative leaders who will stand for the constitution and what the people believe in...

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Grassroots Republicans grow in number and influence...

Grassroots Republicans grow in number and influence

Major events are occurring in the Republican Party of Virginia. This article will discuss some of those events and explain their significance.

Let’s begin with a brief description of the organization of the RPV. The base of the Party encompasses 133 local committees, such as the Waynesboro Republican Committee.

The next level encompasses 11 Congressional District Committees, which overlay the geographic areas of Virginia’s 11 Congressional Representatives. The 6th Congressional District covers the Shenandoah Valley and is represented in Congress by Bob Goodlatte. The members of the 6th District Committee are the Chairpersons of the local committees within the District.

The top level of the RPV is the State Central Committee which has 84 members who are elected at Congressional District Conventions in the Spring of even-numbered years.

As you may know, there are two main groups within the Republican Party, the Establishment and the grassroots. The Establishment is led by elected officials and funded by large corporations. The grassroots are local people who seek to elect officials who will accurately represent them. They receive no outside financial support and are staffed by volunteers, not employees.

Now, let’s look at the long-term trends and recent events.
Since the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, the center of gravity of the Republican Party has been shifting from Establishment to grassroots. On a sustained incline, the influence of the grassroots has been increasing.
The tug-of-war between the Establishment and the grassroots continues today. Increasingly, the Establishment cannot depend on Republican voters to sustain them. That is why 33 State Republican Parties, such as Virginia’s RPV, use Open Primaries, which allow non-Republicans to choose Republican candidates for office.
But month after month, and year after year, the Republican Establishment is eroding like a sand castle. And month after month and year after year, the grassroots are becoming more numerous and more influential.
There is no better place to see that shift than right here in the 6th Congressional District.
The 6th District Committee has 32 members. Years ago, the majority of those members were supporters of the Establishment. Today, the majority of the members are grassroots people, or as they preferred to be called, Constitutional Conservatives.

A key member of the 6th District Committee has always been the Chairman. The current Chairman declined to run for re-election. To fill the vacancy, the Establishment enlisted Ralph Smith, a retired State Senator from Roanoke. On Tuesday, March 22, Smith announced that he was withdrawing from the race to be the Chairman of the 6th District Committee. With two months of campaign time left before the election, Smith quit.
In a published statement, Smith wrote, in part, “The outcomes of recent local unit chairmanship races and the degree of turnover within those units, make it abundantly clear that the gap within the Republican Party that I saw earlier has continued to expand rather than shrink.”

The most significant insight from Ralph Smith’s campaign is his inability to identify the cause of the gap within the Republican Party. Most people, even casual political observers, understand that the gap exists because the Establishment does not represent grassroots voters.

Here are two examples of the lack of representation. The Establishment funds Obamacare, and the grassroots want it repealed. The Establishment funds illegal immigration and the grassroots want it stopped.
For some inexplicable reason, the Establishment just does not get it. And because they do not get it, the grassroots of the Republican Party will continue to increase in numbers and influence.

Ken Adams is the Chairman of the Waynesboro Virginia Republican Committee.

Printed in the NewsVirginian

Friday, March 25, 2016

Maybe if Obama was a real Leader...

Obama and his crew continues to blame the Republicans for keeping him from completing his entire agenda...

Maybe if we had a real Leader who would unite the country to go forward asChurchill did?...


Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Conservatives are coming out in force...

Woke this morning to news that the Augusta County Republican Committee (ACRC) once again conducted and completed another successful mass meeting and elected a new Chairman to the committee. Depending on which media report you read, the meeting went off well with no problems or the "Established Political world" as some see it has gone to "H" "E" "double hockey sticks... 

Bob Stuart over at the NewsVirginian reported once again on this ritual mass meeting as he has done for years and wrote that Delegate Ben Cline came out in support of Curt Lilly who was the eventual winner of the chairman position. "Cline said it is important to capture as many of the 13,000 county voters who participated in this month's presidential primary as possible in November."

Strong Conservative candidates have been doing well recently and many committees are striving to get back to conservative values & practices and this has to have the "establishment" worried. As with what is going on in national politics and the run for the White house, the local conservatives are turning up in large numbers at political events not happy with the ever growing federal government and little reaction or action from their elected Republican representatives.

I also read elsewhere about the LARGE turnout at the Halifax mass meeting where over 300+ eligible voters attended and changed the leadership there also. The losing side noticed and appears to have issues with numerous busloads of church goers showing up and voting. Seems like the kind of people we want to show to help fix this mess to me...

Another report from the Augusta County mass meeting had the "establishment" world taking a beating from those crazy Tea Party people who continue to show up in larger & larger numbers looking to take back their government. This local "blogger" was present and providing cutting edge reports in a "Live blogging" format and did not seem happy with the changes or turnout. 

The "Live Blogger" Lynn R Mitchell was quick to point out anybody who was, or perceived to be, a Tea Party member as soon as they were mentioned and in a less than favoring manner. In fact this blogger even "Live blogged" that the husband of the ACRC Chairwoman who was replaced by Lily is the director of the Shenandoah Valley Tea Party Patriots. Boy, just Tea Party people showing up everywhere you look...

The "Live-blogger" then went on to identify and criticize those temporarily elected to run the mass meeting by the conservative republicans attending the mass meeting. Even to the point of wishing the temporary chairman (Tea Party) to know what was going on and then also identifying the Parliamentarian as a Tea-party'er. Even took a jab at the Chairman of the Staunton committee for supporting Lily for chairman in prior days...

The dialogue then continues to go on about and identifying those speakers who seem to favor nominating candidates by CONVENTION. This procedure endangers those in the establishment incumbent circle who like to call out for support from the Democrats in primaries because they are less conservative then stronger candidates that the Dem's fear...

To sum it all up both reports indicate that there were 181 eligible voters, 86 voters favored Georgia Long, but the majority went with Curt Lily producing 95 votes making him the new ACRC Chairman.

This to some appears to be a danger to the "establishment" GOP which needs to understand that there is a large number, and most likely a majority, out there that desires a change in the GOP game plan in response to the last seven years. But this would signal a change in the control of the local committees which obviously some have a problem with. The Live blogging session ended up with "This committee has just officially fallen into the Sayre camp".  This in RightsideVA's opinion is a good thing and is needed to organize and grow the Conservative Republican party to YES "Make America Great Again"!!!

Oppressive control by committee leadership has been a problem in the past and all of GOP needs to understand and utilize ALL of those on the conservative side of the fence to fix & better our government at all levels...


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

"Just wait until we get to the convention"....

Recently there has been much in the media regarding what the "Establishment" GOP will do if it in fact goes to the Convention and Trump does not have the required 1237 delegates needed to become the Republican candidate...

There is talk that the establishment would install the candidate of their choice and go against the majority of the voters who voted in the presidential primaries. This week John Boehner came out of "retirement" and  stated that Paul Ryan would make a good candidate...

Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.
"The media has created the perception that the voters choose the nomination. That's the conflict here," Curly Haugland, an unbound GOP delegate from North Dakota, told CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Wednesday. He even questioned why primaries and caucuses are held.
Haugland is one of 112 Republican delegates who are not required to cast their support for any one candidate because their states and territories don't hold primaries or caucuses.
Even with Trump's huge projected delegate haul in four state primaries Tuesday, the odds are increasing the billionaire businessman may not ultimately get the 1,237 delegates needed to claim the GOP nomination before the convention.

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Foolish "Dirty Politics" in the 6th...

In the past few months there has been many examples of "Foolish" Dirty-Politics on both a national level and here locally in the 6th district of Virginia. Last week Mitt Romney came out with his Rant & Rave against Donald Trump filled with numerous contradictions from four years ago, that all Romney did was solidify Trumps supporters.

And did it with the heavy-duty 5,000 p.s.i. type

And it has also been happening here in the 6th district of Virginia in the local politics where Virginian's head to the voting booth every year for one form of election or another...

Both in national and local politics there has been a group referred to as the "establishment" group that have had solid control of their party members and supporters for decades. But recently, and especially during the Obama tenure, there has been a growing up-welling from the depths of once strong supporters who have felt that their party has left them and the "establishment" no longer represents them.

Six+ years ago I stood on corner in Washington D.C. with two good friends and watched THOUSANDS of people walk by for three hours at the first Tea Party march. Even at that time there was a growing segment of Americans who saw their country headed in the wrong direction and not just by one political party. Sure we prefer and support the "Right" party, but we have also seen this "establishment" group continue to take the people for granted since they were still "better of the two evils" when it came to voting time. This ignorance of what has happened to the American people over the last seven years has lead to Donald Trump running so strong in the presidential primary and astounding the "establishment" at every corner. 

Trump just recently took Virginia in the presidential primary but yet they do not understand why...

And it's not just limited to national politics.
We continue to see "Foolish" Dirty-Politics here at the local level and the type that divides the party instead of uniting a strong cohesive entity. The national party failed to incorporate and use the strong conservative members of the Tea-Party and once their elected members made it to Congress they plotted to exclude these members.
The same has been going on here in the 6th district for quite some time and far too long. 

Recently I learned of a tactic used in the Rockbridge party where a member contacted other members of the committee with a "one-sided" version of the story.
I have been informed that Barbara O'Shields sent members of the Rockbridge Republican community  a one-sided misrepresentation of a meeting of the Sixth District committee intended to harm Scott Sayre.


By Lynn R. Mitchell

 In the above post the author states :
"Former State Senator Ralph Smith, whose term recently ended (seeRalph Smith announces retirement from state senate, annoints Suetterlein), has been asked by Congressman Goodlatte, among others, to run against Rockbridge businessman Scott Sayre, whose entry into the 6th District chairman’s race came at perhaps one of the most fractured and raucous meetings the district committee has known."
Interesting the support and influence of the Congressman at this level.
Barbara should have sent my blog correcting the misrepresentations, which I am including here  " 

      "Two sides to every coin". Just don't let them see the other side!!...

to show that there is always another side of the coin to be considered...

It is important to provide members of the party all sides of the issues to be considered and voted on.

Unfortunately this is yet another example of the local "establishment" trying to divide and ignore those that they should be incorporating into a strong cohesive Republican party to send conservative representatives to all levels of government.

I unfortunately also watched this unfold at the recent Rockingham County Republican Committee mass meeting in vivid living color. I described it in a prior post regarding this meeting here:

"I attended the Rockingham County Republican mass meeting last week and saw the tactics being used to control meetings as well as to control the voters who attended the meeting. First of all a "Staffer" was quick to nominate the "Chosen" temporary chairman to run the meeting and once that person was elected temporary chairman, this same staffer continued to instruct the temporary chairman. Several times the staffer approached the temporary chair and whispered into his ear instead of making a "Point of order" or motion for all of those in attendance to hear and consider. All the time I watched members of the "Establishment Political Machine" in action working the crowd and at times even while the "opposing" candidate was talking at the podium to those in attendance."

In the past two days the above described "Staffer" that was so involved in the procedures of the above described mass meeting, has been exposed on a different local blog for his ties to the local establishment.

Campaign Staffer for Jackson/Obenshain/Goodlatte and Vice-Chairman of the Rockingham County GOP

 The above link goes to a local blog that makes it's own conclusions but also provides hard facts and copies of public records to back up their claims.
RightsideVA will not pile on this individual for it is obvious that this individual needs help and not another public thrashing but it is important that people see the ties & tactics involved...  

As it was obvious at the above described Rockingham County Mass meeting, the speech by Mitt Romney, and the attempt to provide only one side of the story in Rockbridge, tactics and actions like these by the "establishment" are the issue. Instead of working with and incorporating all strengths and assets of those dedicated to returning the Republican party to a fiscally responsible and conservative party, we have "Foolish Dirty Politics" being used.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Congress to actually use the "Purse strings" to control the Sanctuary cities?...

Check out the video at 34:05 for a segment where O'Reilly talks about Congress actually using their "power of the purse strings" to control the sanctuary cities ignoring federal law...

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

"Dirty Politics" and usual tactics...

      Scott Sayre talks about the ugly tactics being used in the 6th district of Virginia...


Sayre is running for the 6th district chairman to organize these county committees to be able to inform and turnout republicans and independents to vote and support conservative candidates. He believes. as many of us  do, that the local committees must seek out and develop committee members to both support and hold responsible the people we elect to office. Each committee should develop their own database of voters in their area that they maintain and use to inform and develop both loyal and potential voters..

I attended the Rockingham County Republican mass meeting last week and saw the tactics being used to control meetings as well as to control the voters who attended the meeting. First of all a "Staffer" was quick to nominate the "Chosen" temporary chairman to run the meeting and once that person was elected temporary chairman, this same staffer continued to instruct the temporary chairman. Several times the staffer approached the temporary chair and whispered into his ear instead of making a "Point of order" or motion for all of those in attendance to hear and consider. All the time I watched members of the "Establishment Political Machine" in action working the crowd and at times even while the "opposing" candidate was talking at the podium to those in attendance.

But even more appalling was the way that people were required to cast their ballot. All of us wishing to vote had to be credentialed at which time we were given a blank "Neon Green" 3x5 index card and white\blue name tag. When it came time to cast our ballot we were instructed to the front of the room where we exchanged the neon green index card for a printed ballot with each candidate for committee chairperson name on it. There were no tables or secure\private area to complete your ballot but instead two people standing there with clipboards held flat to write on. While the voter marked their selection for their candidate there was the person holding the clipboard as well as other people standing there watching your actual vote selection. This was noted and discussed by many people who voted. (The above photo shows the actual process taking place. Note the female with white sweater marking her ballot on a clipboard held by another person).

Secret ballot as described in the meeting agenda and rules that were provided at the beginning of the meeting?....


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

"Two sides to every coin". Just don't let them see the other side!!...

Had the opportunity to sit down with a friend from the past and share some “Catch-up” time since dropping out of the local Shenandoah Valley political world to focus on work. During this get together that featured a fine “Romeo-Y-Julieta 1875” a sip or two of a fine single malt, conversation came around to political turmoil in our nation’s capital with the upcoming 2016 election.  Little did I know that this was about to be overshadowed by the antics going on now here in the Shenandoah Valley.

As I got caught up on what happened recently at the sixth district meeting at the Homestead it came back to me how the VA-GOP has perfected the art of destroying the perfect atmosphere of the Homestead with political antics. Turns out a familiar name surfaced once again and after I read her vivid “description” of the meeting at the Homestead  I got sucked back into local 6th politics and her somewhat “fantasy world” of the blogworld. Now RightsideVA is not one of the big ones out there with impressive logos, graphics, or even a neat decal to put on my laptop, but it does give me the opportunity to ask\investigate a question or two.   

After reading Lynn Mitchell’s post which failed to cite sources, I made a call, text, and visit to check into the facts regarding the most recent Sixth District Republican committee meeting held at The Homestead.
What a nice place to tarnish with these antics and falsehoods…

Turns out, only three committee members opposed what the other 22 committee members wanted to get done at the meeting.  Those three Committee members; Georgia Long, (the wife of Ed Long, who has worked for Congressman Goodlatte and who was conveniently the Parliamentarianfor the meeting)  Roger Jerrell, (former employee of the Congressman) and Cole Trower, (current employee of said Congressman)  were accompanied by three proxies: the Chairman's wife, Roger Jarrell's  Secretary, and a college student from JMU.

Now, Lynn Mitchell says the meeting was hijacked.  Neat catchword and I am sure it works well with some in the political blogworld, but how so in this case? When 22 members allow three members and the Chairman's wife (as a proxy) to shout, attempt parliamentary procedure tricks, and call into question the integrity of the committee's Vice Chairmen and others for 2 1/2 hours, one can hardly describe this meeting as being hijacked.  This sounds like a familiar writer with an opinion influenced and bias with prejudiced disposition towards the majority of the members of the Sixth District committee.  And that describes the SWACGIRL from the past.

From what I hear by the end of the meeting, the 22 members allowed almost every substantive amendment to the business they were trying to conduct, which was the adoption of a draft Call for the District Convention submitted by the Vice Chairman two days in advance of the meeting.

It seems that hindsight reveals that most of the amendments were made by the Roanoke County Chairman (now Virginia State Senator) David Suetterlein who never attempted to amend the location of the meeting.  What was the reason to have a district convention all the way in the extreme south of the district when a more convenient location, say the central region, would have been better for all of the district members? 

As I hear it by the two and a half hour mark the shouting, innuendos, provocation and questioning of their integrity led a member who opposed the three vocal committee members to Call the Question. Who will ever know if David Suetterlein did not oppose the location of the meeting because the eventual nominee would be his boss, State Senator Ralph Smith, also from Roanoke?  Well that’s just darn convenient.  Is this what Ralph Smith meant when he said at the Botetourt County Ham dinner three months ago that he was not retiring from politics?  This would not be the first time the Senator and his Legislative Aide, now Senator, have worked together to create a favorable outcome (see Virginia's New Senator Stooge by John Fredericks, TheBull Elephant).

So I called Vance Wilkins to get the facts on the scoop Lynn Mitchell presented. Turns out he had not talked Sixth District Republican Party politics since June 2015 to anyone on the committee or present at the meeting that day.  

So I called Scott Sayre to find out more regarding Lynn Mitchell's "sources" uncovering a secret meeting held on November 21st in Rockbridge County. Turns out Sayre was at the Virginia Tech football game that day. He admits caucusing with several members of the committee, but they share a common goal of bringing efficiency and conservative principles to the table. Something that we just have to get back into Virginia Conservative politics. I now just read that Republican(?) Senator Emmett Hanger was one of the two “R” votes that sunk the Charter School bill in Virginia. Surprised?

I also asked him about the video he made the day before the District meeting. He commented that he planned to announce he was running for district chairman at that particular meeting because it was at the same meeting, two years ago, where Wendell Walker voted against his motion to research and recommend a database for the entire Sixth District. Had the draft Call not been adopted nor the date set he simply would have run a different video.  As to having a website up and running before the end of the meeting he said that was just his way of being prepared.

That’s pretty much it and confirms what I learned a long time ago in 6th and “Valley Politics”. You have to make some calls, send a text or two, and fill the email boxes to find out the “other side of the story” and not rely on a single feed coming from some blogs. I saw in the past that when there is only one info feed to the troops that is all they have to go on without any other voice present. That is something Richmond never understood about what was really going on in SWACLand for they were only getting one feed and that was from a committee chairman not interested in growing the local GOP party for the good of the party. Smaller committees are much easier to control but exclude the people we need to seek to grow the party...

Monday, February 15, 2016

Senator Emmett Hanger shoots down Charter schools...

Once again Senator Hanger has shown his true "Heading" no matter what he sells the Conservative voters of the Shenandoah Valley during his campaigns. Here he was one of the two "Republican(?)" votes that shot down the Charter School bill in the Senate...

 — Legislation to amend the state constitution to promote charter schools went down in a surprising defeat in the Virginia Senate on Monday.
The denial of the measure was a blow to conservatives, who got the Republican-led House and Senate to pass an identical resolution last year. But this time, two Senate Republicans voted against it. Neither one spoke against it during the floor. However, Democrats who led the charge against the bill said it would undermine the authority of local school boards.
When Obenshain finally called for a vote Monday, it failed 21 to 19, with Sen. Emmett W. Hanger Jr. (R-Augusta) and Sen. Ben Chafin (R-Russell) opposed.
The proposal would have given the state Board of Education the authority to establish charter schools within local school districts across the state. That power currently rests with local school boards, which have been so resistant that only nine exist statewide.

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Complete Change of "Bearing & Heading" ...

A person commented on an earlier post with a link to a post on another blog that showed a complete change in "Bearing and Heading" on the bloggers part...

As I read it I was amazed by the change of direction by the writer who once was a strong supporter of the "Grass roots" and would strive to keep the "Establishment" candidates and electeds in check. Now it appears this blogger supports the "Incumbent Protection Act" where incumbents select the best tactic to keep themselves in office instead of standing up to the voters and answer for their actions while in office..

It is easy to see that the citizens are fed up with the some of the current "establishment" electeds and the direction they have taken the country with their actions and lack of action... 

This is why two "outsiders" in the Republican primary are doing so well and should be allowed to ask the questions and raise the issues that the citizens have been discussing for years...

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Trump shuts 'em down and wakes some candidates up...

People ask why do I like Trump. Not really sure I want him as President but I very much want him in the race to "Stir the Pot" as he has done since getting in the race. I believe Cruz will make a good President for what I have seen him done already and his belief that we need to take our government back. He believes in the constitution and will fight for it...

The "Establishment" has a problem with both of these guys and that is why so many people like them. Government has become a BIG business and for many a very profitable career for what should be a part time job with limited duration.

Trump is running it like he should and with that he has sent a message to the GOP establishment and the mainstream media. By boycotting the next debate he is telling both that we no longer believe or will go along with the "Spin" that has been sold for decades. Many times I have heard local GOP people and especially bloggers cry about how unfair the MSM has been. Interestingly many of these same bloggers were big on claiming that they were not working for the candidates but for the "Republican Party" and there to keep the candidates and "Electeds" in check. Now I see one of these bloggers actually has worked as the campaign manager for one elected that this same blogger went after in the past. Is it loyalty or the desire of "Power" & attention?


I have also noticed that many of the local "Electeds" have become much more involved in their local campaigns and not just depending on the local committees actually doing as they claim or promise. I recall years back were the local GOP party volunteers would report back "yeah, we have been walking communities and making calls" as promised but never did see this happening. Many a days\nights while picking up candidate signs at headquarters to place in the 6th district I never did see any phone banking going on as reported. This does not seem to still be happening(?) now and that is good. I remember thinking it was a good sign when I would come in and fine Anne T. from the Staunton committee working the phones hard and it paid off for the candidates she supported. Candidates who lost by very slim numbers or ones that still won but not the spread they had hoped for are now taking control for themselves...

Many do not like Trump and others taking this type of control from the "Establishment" control but it's time to get back on track and on the correct heading...


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Establishment vs. "Grass Roots"...

While waiting for a program to start tonight I had a few minutes to check some of the older political blogs in the area to see where they stand before the voting starts this Friday. Interesting to see how some have changed and how many have remained the same. Some try oh so hard to be a "NEWS" source for the Valley but it is still apparent if you preach to your own people, and say what they want, you will have a following...

Fortunately the people have learned to see things for what they are and are no longer marching in line or following blindly as they have. They seek out the truth and explore other avenues of information to get the real facts. 

It will truly be interesting this time around...
