Thursday, November 04, 2010

Remember when Speaker Pelosi accused "Failed Policy"?...

Remember the many times over the years that you heard Speaker of the House Pelosi, Senate leader Reid, and their back pocket media outlets such as CNN, MSNBC, and the alphabet networks repeat the claims of "Bush's failed policies"?...


Seems ironic know after all these years of Democrat Party control of Congress we can take a look back at the "failed policies" of these Democrats & their party...



Wednesday, November 03, 2010

General George Washington and the Constitution ~J.R. Manship~

Came along this video of J.R. Manship who portrays General George Washington and I have had the opportunity to meet and speak with him several times while at conservative events. Here he is interviewed by Dean Welty and Suzanne Curran who are also strong conservatives here in the Shenandoah Valley... Good stuff...

J.R. Manship this past Labor Day Parade in Buena Vista walking with Delegate Ben Cline. More photos and info from the parade available here....


After this parade I had the opportunity to speak with Manship regarding the "Appeal to Heaven" flag that he carried in the parade and further information available here....



Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Election Day 2010...

Frost on the signs this morning at 28f degrees but coffee was hot at the 7-eleven when I got there... Need to take a ride past Starbucks to see if the local Democrats are held up there with their overpriced free trade, free roaming, organic, feel good java and afraid to come out.....

Monday, November 01, 2010

Boucher and the Dem's have a problem with "foreign" money in politics?....

Last week there was much noise in the news, most of it from our President and his back pocket media, about "foreign" money in politics especially regarding the Chamber of Commerce contributions to Republican candidates....

Seemingly referring to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, President Obama said earlier this month that that “one of the largest groups paying for these ads regularly takes in money from foreign sources.” According to a Democratic National Committee TV commercial, “It appears they’ve even taken secret foreign money to influence our elections.”
Congressman Boucher in the 9th is now crying about "outside influence" effecting his campaign in the 9th district of Virginia...

“What we’re seeing is unprecedented,” Boucher said moments before speaking at a campaign stop in Abingdon on Saturday. “It’s an avalanche of attack ads against me, funded maybe by outside sources across the nation, maybe even outside the country.”
So let's take a look at that "foreign" money that our Democratic Party friends are complaining about and where most of it actually goes....

The Chamber’s website explains how AmChams work: “AmChams are independent organizations, created to represent American companies in overseas markets, and they do not fund U.S. Chamber political programs. Collectively, AmChams pay nominal dues to the Chamber — approximately $100,000 total across all 115 AmChams. Under our budgeting system, the nominal funds received from AmChams and business councils are used to support our international programs.”


Look at what the top 23 unions out there contribute to the candidates and where that "foreign" money actually comes from...

The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation provided me with data taken from the U.S. Labor Department’s LM-2 disclosure forms filed by 23 unions that make substantial campaign donations. These figures are from each union’s 2008 reporting period (either calendar or fiscal year 2008). Rather than union dues, the money disclosed on the LM-2 forms is income from international affiliates, overseas royalties, legal-settlement payments, and other miscellany.

This foreign money presumably was segregated from union campaign coffers. Still, it is interesting to see how these 23 unions distributed their political cash. While the Chamber was giving $258,907 in 2008, these unions jointly contributed $35,025,103 to candidates, PACs, and parties. Democrats scored $32,859,130, or 93.8 percent, of this cash. Republicans got the remaining $2,165,973, or 6.2 percent.

The SEIU union has also been in the news recently for its bullying tactics used in the past...

The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) in particular has been unfriendly to Republicans and friendly to foreign donations. It directly gave Democrats $2,771,213, or 95.3 percent, of its donations to candidates, parties, and PACs. Republicans got the rest: $137,000 (4.7 percent). Its members’ mandatory dues supply SEIU’s political treasure chest.

Maybe Congressman Boucher should worry about this "foreign" money in the campaigns....
“SEIU is the largest union of immigrant workers in the country, and a number of them are undocumented,” Executive Vice President Eliseo Medina has said. “But let me hasten to add, these are not just Latinos. In our membership are Eastern Europeans, Irish, Polish, Indians, Chinese — the whole world is represented among the undocumented and also in our membership.”




Sunday, October 31, 2010

Boucher claims its the "Outside" influence attacking him....

Congressman Rick Boucher claims its the $2.4 million worth of TV ads bought by mysterious conservative backers that is the reason he is in danger of losing his Congressional seat in the Virginia 9th. But maybe its a fact that the people of the ninth have seen him for what he is and it's time to make a much needed "CHANGE" ......

"Racism" as a weapon in the 5th district?....

Now I need to warn you of the language that you will experience in the above video of a Democrat Candidate Perriello supporter the other day when he cam along a legal, peaceful, rally that was setting up in the 5ht district....


I had thought there would probably be some form of intimidation, civil disturbance, and\or noise coming from the "Left" since it looks like the Democrat Congressman Tom Perriello is facing a good chance at losing his office, but did not expect this....


The irate and perfect example individuals in the video are attacking people from the group "Americans for Prosperity" who I have in the past and continue to support their efforts. I have attended several of their functions and seminars and the claims of racism towards this group and it's members are far from true or reality. This is nothing more than a last ditch desperate attack from the "Left" in the last innings of the game...


More info and further thoughts available over at Bearing Drift...

I am sure that this YouTube video will be seen by many and I am sure Congressman Perriello will also see it. "What say you" Congressman?
