It was reported today that the revenue from the tax receipts that came in last month was greater then the same period last year and stronger then expected... kind of looks like those tax-cuts are starting to really pay off...
The A.P. reported "The Federal government ran a monthly budget surplus of $118.85 billion in April as tax receipts came in stronger than the same period last year."
It seems that the tax-cuts are providing a strong economy and one that is not reported as much as you think it would be. Tax-cuts have always increased the amount of revenue coming into the treasury and this has been proven numerous times. Even Democrat President John F. Kennedy understood this and his tax-cuts did the same...
"Through the first seven months of the current budget year, which began Oct. 1, government receipts total $1.35 trillion, up 11.2 percent from the same period a year ago"
As much as the Democrats and Mainstream Media will hate to admit, and probably will not admit it, the tax-cuts brought on by President Bush and the Republican congress have resulted in a growing and strong economy... Another thing the MSM seems to be missing in their reports are that the deficit is coming down...
"The Congressional Budget Office last week announced it was lowering its deficit estimate for this year to $300 billion, significantly below a previous estimate of $350 billion."
Revenues up. Deficit coming down. Unemployment down. Stock Market near all time high. Personal income up. Personal investment up. Government Spending UP!!! Now if we could only get those guys in Washington to cut out the spending on bridges to no-where and other wasteful spending. Now is the time we must get discretionary spending under control...
"Government spending in April totaled $196.2 billion. Through the first seven months of the budget year, spending totals $1.54 trillion, up 5.7 percent from the same period in 2005."