Monday, November 13, 2006



"Rudy, Rudy, Rudy, Rudy"...


Lynn R. Mitchell said...

What is your #1 issue with a candidate? Mine is national security ... and Rudy Guliani proved himself to be on top of that during 9/11. Leaders rise to the top through adversity ... and in an extreme emergency situation the likes of which we had never seen before Rudy proved beyond a doubt his leadership ability (as did President Bush during 9/11).

I won't agree 100% with any candidate. I have to decide on my most important issue. Rudy doesn't have enough baggage to deter me from supporting him just because we don't agree on some social issues.

Having said that, I am waiting to see who else throws their hat in the ring.

Anne Taetzsch Fitzgerald said...

He's great at a local level. Did an exceptional job with 9-11. However, he's too left of center for me. Wouldn't pull the conservative vote.

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

Elle, in what way is he too left of center? Would the conservatives stay home and let the dems win in '08 rather than vote for Rudy? I like him better than McCain.

RightsideVA said...

Rudy was just what we needed when 9-11 happened in New York and that is hard to dispute. I do have a problem with many of his social issues and stances.

Over the past 4 decades I have found myself in situations that demanded a leader to step up and take control. Several times this has been close friends when we were the first on a motor vehicle accidents or the likes. In SCUBA rescue and First aid squad rides I have seen incidents where a level head and good procedures are always best. Rudy did an outstanding job during 9-11 and I admire him for that but not sure if "President" would be the position I would like to see him in.

Maybe a Lead Commander in a military outfit made up of NYC Firefighters, Policemen, Emergency Medical Service personnel, Steelworkers and the likes all from New York City, out there looking for bin Laden and the likes?....

Anne Taetzsch Fitzgerald said...

Abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research. He's walking a fine line as a republican. No, the conservatives would not work to get him elected. I know I wouldn't. I can not support a pro-death candidate.

But, he did a great job as a leader in a time of crisis--for that I commend him. He'd be a great Secretary of State.

RightsideVA said...

Secretary of State would be a fine position for him and I believe we need somebody strong like that at all times. Would not want to be the guy (Country) that had to go up or answer to Secretary of State Rudy. We have an outstanding Sec State already in Condi Rice and that would make an impressive team also...

Anonymous said...

Personally, I wish we could convince Condi Rice to run for President in 2008. I also agree that Rudy would make an excellent Secretary of State.

Anonymous said...

"excellent Secretary of State"
"a fine position for him"
"He'd be a great Secretary of State"

Apart from a total lack of background or experience in foreign affairs, what else recommends him to y'all?

RightsideVA said...

A "Backbone"...
Something that it appears the Democrats have lost over the years and proves their theory of "Evolution"... Look at Bill Clinton. If he had cared less about his "Poll" rating and actually went after bin Laden it would have probably been a completely different story. If the Dem's, and their MainScream press, would have stood behind our President and troops back in the beginning we would have "Eliminated" the moutain range where Laden was hiding with minimal damage to the surrounding area...

Rudy was tough in NYC and cleaned up the crime a whole lot. He controlled the services during 9-11 that made his people and our country "Rally" around the efforts.

Backbone with foreign affairs or soft "feel good" tactics so maybe they won't attack us again???

Anonymous said...


Brave ignorance won't cut it. Why not push Rudy for Secretary of Homeland Security? He knows a bit about that (that's how he is making his living right now). And we'll forget his friend and business partner who had to withdraw last time around....

Seriously, Rudy doesn't know China from Shinola, but he does know cities and cops and so forth.

Of course, he may be way too old by the time there is another Republican president (now don't jump on me for that -- it's way milder than ranting about backbone and eliminating mountain ranges and other things y'all know nothing about).

RightsideVA said...

Been there,

You might be surprised what I know about "Backbone & other things"...

Sound pretty sure about Democrats taking the White House in two years. On a roll or you just dreaming?

As far as SecState who do you like?

Anonymous said...

"Sound pretty sure about Democrats taking the White House in two years."

Actually, just threw that out there to see what reaction I got from those busy staffing the next Republican administration. 2008 is too far away to call -- a lot depends on what the Democrats do over the next two years.

I'll throw Bill Richardson's name in the hat for Secretary of State.

And maybe Rudy Guliani could be Secretary of Homeland Security in Hillary Clinton's administration (sorry, couldn't resist that one -- don't jump on me about it because it's just in fun).

Anonymous said...

I don't have an opinion about rudy yet, But I do think that having a person with a strong backbone would be great. Maybe dropping someone in who is not an International YES man and the other side doesn't have piles of research on would be great. Kinda like when Reagan was President. The Soviets only knew him as a cowboy.....they didn't know what to do. Throwing the forign govm'ts a hard curve ball might be just the right thing.

RightsideVA said...


I'm telling you guys. Send a platoon made up of NYC Firefighters, Policemen,and EMS members, and lead by Rudy to Afghanistan to find bin Laden...

End of story....

Anonymous said...
