Thursday, November 09, 2006

Dem Victory Party...

Motel 6 Conference room
Washington D.C.

Schedule of Events for Dem Victory Celebration

7:00 P.M. Opening flag burning…Nancy Pelosi
7:15 P.M. Pledge of allegiance to U.N., Madeline Albright
7:30 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
7:30 till 8:00 P.M. Nonreligious prayer and worship…Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton
8:00 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
8:05 P.M. Ceremonial tree hugging
8:10 P.M. Video message from Saddam... "I'm not really a bad guy"... We Win!!!
8:15- 8:30 P.M. Gay Wedding…Barney Frank Presiding
8:30 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes ethics, chastity and a toast.
8:35 P.M. Free Saddam Rally. Cindy Sheehan-- Susan Sarandon.
9:00 P.M. Keynote speech. The Proper etiquette for surrender demonstrated by French President Jacques Chirac and Harry Reid
9:15 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes the party moves to the hot tub and a toast.
9:20 P.M. Collection to benefit Osama Bin Laden kidney transplant fund
9:25 P.M. Jim Webb... "How to Win without ever talking State Issues"...
9:30 P.M. Unveiling of plan to free freedom fighters from Guantanamo Bay presented by Sean Penn
9:36 P.M. Special Music provided by the Dixie Chicks "Still Talking Trash"
9:40 P.M. Why I hate the Military…A short talk by William Jefferson Clinton
9:45 P.M. Ted Kennedy makes a pass at Barbara Streisand and proposes a toast
9:50 P.M. Michael Moore presents Dan Rather…Truth in Broadcasting Award
9:53 P.M. NewsLeader Newspaper... How To: "Keep the Mud flying, Avoid the real issues"
9:55 P.M., Ted Kennedy gropes passing waitress and proposes a toast
10:00 P.M. How George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld brought down the World Trade Center Towers…Howard Dean
10:15 Governor Tim Kaine... "Our Big Union Buddies and there Money"
10:30 P.M. Nomination of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Mahmud Ahmadinejad
10.40 P.M. Patrick Kennedy.. Benefits of voting at 2 a.m. - NO LONG LINES!!!
11:00 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes new taxes and a toast
11:05 P.M. Al Gore reinvents Internet
11:15 P.M. Our Troops are War criminals, a diatribe by John Kerry
12:00 A.M. Ted Kennedy farts, throws up and proposes a toast
12:05 A.M. Bill asks Ted to propose to Hillary and drive the woman home


Jackson Landers said...

Wow, you're a pretty sore loser.

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

TOOO funny! Thanks for my laugh of the day, Rightside!

Lighten up, Jack Landers. You won! Are you going to continue the bitterness you've nursed since 2000?

Anonymous said...

How do we get tickets to that? And is Mike Stark going to be in attendence? I want his autograph!

**rolls eyes**

Unknown said...

No wonder you guys lost--the bile just keeps flying. Americans are sick of your revolting negativity. Take a lesson in civility, please.

RightsideVA said...


You guys cant even win the right way. Where are the classic "They stole the election!. They intimidated the voters! They rigged the voter machines! They had police cars out front to scare our voters!" Sorry, those are the Lib claims during the 2000 & 2004 election loses for the Dems!

Have you seen any Republicans blaiming it on the Dems?

This is the difference of the parties and no bitterness here...

6th District kicked ass for Allen, the Republican ticket, family values, Shenandoah Valley Values, and American Values. Staunton woke up and are back on the "Rightside" and those Monkey\Banana suits were a great help. Thanks for that.

Read it again and let me know which ones you do NOT agree with...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

We are living with it yeller--living with the election in VA--it's electrfying our base more than ever--better late for the next election than never--and living with the resounding victory of our 6th district. It's still Allen Country.

The 6th District--proud to be the only district whom Webb conceded too

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

The NOVA dems won - the local dems lost ... but you still can't stop. We won the battle ... but you won the war. Republicans are not making claims about disenfranchised voters, not being able to find the polling places, the weather being rainy, illegal ballots, hanging chads, or any other whining that goes on when the Democrats lose. We're moving forward by making plans for our next election, clearing out headquarters, and checking the numbers because we took back Staunton. And you guys are STILL whining. Sixth District is major Republican territory ... still!! :)

zen said...

okay, enough with the jokes, the crying and even the gloating...can we focus on ending the war and getting our troops home?

Or are we going to be debating the war during the '08 campaigns? How many thousand more dead US troops and innocent Iraqis will we face then?

Removing Rummy is a step in the right direction...a few years late, but hopefully not too late.

zen said...

And what no congratulations to senator-elect Webb!?!?
Virginia now has 2 former secretaries of the Navy representing us in the senate.

zen said...

One more...

recommended reading

RightsideVA said...

Yellow Puppy,

Once again I state nobody is crying or claiming anything was stolen. Those are not the ethics of the "RightSide"...

It is amazing that all of the voting machines worked properly and there was no outrage at their results.Did anybody hear about all of the reported fears of the machines failing again before the election? It is good we can put the machine issue away now. Even if it was Allen winning by 5,000 votes it would not be a "True" win for Allen for Webb should have never been within 10% of Allen at anytime. Webb could have been replaced with the Monkey suit guy the day before the election and he would have gotten the same # of votes as long as there was a "D" behind his name...

Numerous reasons why Webb was as close as he is and those reasons will be corrected. The 6th District and Valley are on track. Staunton is back where it needs to be. Watch for the State to follow...

Dennis Neal said...

You're not handling this well at all, are you?

Anonymous said...

Whan all is said and done and you've gotten it out of your system, it's still



Anonymous said...

I will give any democrat a dollar if they can say these words with me:

The 6th District is still Allen Country. Webb was soundly defeated in the 6th District. Webb won Virginia, he did not win the 6th District.

Now once more, with feeling! It's like a Disney sing-a-long song! Yippee!

Anonymous said...


Actually loving this part for it is an opportunity to discuss the results and the comparison of how the two parties handle this issue...

Has anybody from the local party "Cry" like some have stated?
Is it not interesting how much talk there was prior to election day about expected voter machine problems but yet I have not seen or heard any Republicans claim machine fraud, error, etc as we heard during 2000 & 2004 elections. I hope the machine error issue hype will go away after this but we will see.

Webb should have never been closer then 10% at anytime. I have said in the past that I believe a lot of it is due to how the "Mud" was reported instead of the real issues. We will get into that topic I am sure but I am\will not use the media as an excuse. Webb should have never been as close as he was...

Anybody notice yet that Augusta County, the Shenandoah Valley, and YES Staunton went for Allen as well as the Marriage amendment?...

Unknown said...

Fortunately, Steve, not all Republicans in the District are as vicious and unkind as you and SWAC Girl. You can gloat all you want about the District voting for Allen (an attitude that has already made our area the butt of jokes about ignorant rednecks), but a whole lot of your neighbors voted for Webb, and we care just as much, if not more, about the future of the state and the country. So why don't you try to engage us in civil discussion instead of constantly spewing the disrespectful nonsense that you are so well-known for. It's not productive and eventually it will backfire on you, if it hasn't already.

Anonymous said...

Give me Cliff, at least 3 examples of how we have been "vicious and unkind". Give me at least 3 examples of how our area is "the butt of jokes about ignorant rednecks". Prove to us that you "care just as much, if not more, about the future of the state and the country." You tell me when we have engaged in anything BUT "civil discussion instead of constantly spewing the disrespectful nonsense that [we]are so well-known for." can't..............

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

The campaign is o-v-e-r, Clifford Garstang. Get over it already, okay? Interesting how you're here mixing it up with us on what should be a victorious and wonderful day for you as you welcome Senator-elect Jim Webb to Virginia!

We are moving forward ... conservative convention this weekend, dinner and bonfire with activists ... we live in an optimistic Ronald Reagan world.

Enjoy your win, Red Baron ... congratulations, and we'll meet again down the road one day!

RightsideVA said...

For those of you who are from out town, allow me to introduce Cliff Garstang who is a member of the Augusta County Democratic Party located in Virginia. He was also responsible for coordinating the Democratic party Precinct Captains for the recent Webb campaign. I have never met Cliff in person but I know of his actions in the valley as a member of the Augusta County Democratic Party.


Please show an example of me “as vicious and unkind as you and SWAC Girl.”
I am also very proud that the 6th district went as strong as it did for Senator Allen, Congressman Bob Goodlatte, the marriage amendment and other “Values” related issues. I still await with you coming up with examples of local Republicans attacking, disrupting Webb events, or “constantly spewing the disrespectful nonsense that you are so well-known for”.
I am also still waiting for you to list your disagreement with one of the topics listed in the original posting on the topics of the Dem Victory party… That was listed as a “Fun” look at what the Democratic Party has come to be known as but maybe it did hit a nerve there Cliff…

Meeting starts off with Pelosi opening the ceremony by burning the flag. Just a jab Cliff and I doubt many really think Pelosi would burn a flag in public, but it does bring up something with the local Democratic party. All campaign season I saw the Augusta County Democratic Party at many local functions such as the Fair, African American festival, parades, and the likes but I never did see them displaying a Large American Flag. Saw the Virginia State flag at the Augusta County fair, displayed wrong, with smaller, much smaller American flags on the table… American Flag is to be displayed in the most prominent location…

Meeting then goes on with the Madeline Albright pledge of allegiance to the United Nations instead of the flag that Pelosi just burnt. Another jab here Cliff but I am sure that puts a smile on the faces and nods of many on your side also…

Then we follow up with Ted Kennedy making a toast. Everybody gonna laugh at that one Cliff…

Please go on and reply to any of the other ones that you see and maybe I can enlighten you on how they are jabs, puns, or jokes but that fit pretty darn well…

Maybe instead of listing your problems with the above “Jabs” you may want to explain what you meant by saying “an attitude that has already made our area the butt of jokes about ignorant rednecks” Who are you calling “Rednecks” here Cliff and did any of them maybe vote for your candidate? Seems to me you have a problem with some of the voters in this area and in the State of Virginia by calling your fellow citizens “Rednecks”… Hmmm.

Cliff. Have you ever used the “N” word?

Unknown said...

I didn't call anyone a redneck. As I said, that's what the rest of the country is calling us. As for the other questions you and John raise, just read all your own blogs--the evidence is there. And you, SWAC Girl, you're absolutely right (for once). The election is over. We won. And suddenly Virginia is looking an awful lot like a Blue state. See you all down the road.

Anonymous said...

I think it's funny how even yet, you still refuse to answer RightSide's and my questions. I guess you never will...pity...

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

You believe this guy?! Maybe he would be more at home living in NOVA. As to his "Redneck" comment ... maybe he would like to take a ride to our rural areas and make that comment.... Hope he knows how to use a weapon so he'll fit in with the good old boys ... er ... rednecks. Target practice, anyone? :)

RightsideVA said...


Are "We" rednecks or not?
Where is that "constantly spewing the disrespectful nonsense that you are so well-known for” that you speak of?

Your chance here Cliff...
Step up to the plate and show us your claims...

Web-Stats show that many from all over the state as well as numerous hits from outside of Virginia are watching. Show us your examples Cliff...

To quote Mike Stark, "Have you ever used the "N" word?

Anonymous said...

Well, to be fair, let's give Cliff his due...he never ACTUALLY (though it was a strong implication) said himself we are rednecks. What he did say was that we have "already made our area the butt of jokes about ignorant rednecks." But in any respect, Cliff, you at least need to man up and do one of two things...

1) Man up and just say that you personally called the great men, women, and youths of the 6th district rednecks

2) Or, you can give us the sources of whom you speak of and we'll leave you alone

Though I doubt any of those answers will come to fruition...

How hard is it around here to get a simple apology from someone...I smell a dog--and it ain't Grevious', rest his loved's a Poodle...hmmmmmm...

Anonymous said...

See ya Fire-Boy....

Anonymous said...

"just get the hell out of the way."?

ohhh, that is the 'civil discussion' cliff wants us to emulate from his own party. thanks for clearing that up for us, yeller.

Anonymous said...

At least the Newleader's Editors can continue to feel good about themselves because they've cast an untold majority of thier readers into the "uneducated, hateful" catagory, because it disagrees with thier stance on marriage in the Commonwealth.

Anonymous said...

"get the hell out of the way"? Now THAT'S civil, for sure. The tolerant, inclusive party that is neither tolerant nor inclusive.

f mcdonald said...

I've got to hand it to Augusta Co. Without a doubt they have some of the nastiest, vilest democrat/ics in the state of Virginia as evidenced in this last campaign. Thank goodness you guys were on the ground to counteract their poison.

From what I'm hearing, the news of the Democrat/ic victory has gone through our military personnel overseas like a bullet in the back. More than ever, we need to do all we can to help them from home and let them know that at least half of their country still believes in them and respects their mission.

quasar10 said...

You guys really are sore losers, aren't you?

Before you go to bragging too much on the 6th District (which I admit is a strongly leaning red district), you might compare some numbers/percentages to the last federal election and you can see the local Democratic Committees whipped your butts in GOTV. Permit me to explain since I'm sure you can't or don't want to understand.

Yes, the Rep won the district, but by a smaller percentage than in the last federal election. If that smaller margin had held in this election it would have shrunk the difference between Webb and Allen by 7,000+ votes. Hum, could the election have really been lost right here?

Truth is Virginia is changing from red to BLUE right before your eyes -- we are now purple. Demographics, attitudes, a reenergized Democratic Party, and many other factors are part of this shift. So get used to it swac and steve... you might have a Democrat living next door before you know it. Call it home improvement!

Anonymous said...


Quasar10 states "Permit me to explain since I'm sure you can't or don't want to understand."

Sounds like one of your "Cheap" shots. NewsLeader does have influence in the Valley!!!

Anne Taetzsch Fitzgerald said...

All I have to say is--we took back Staunton. How sweet it is, how sweet it is. Staunton, Waynesboro, Augusta County, Harrisonburg and Rockingham County. Ahhh--we are red and it is beautiful.

Cliff and Tom and Firehock and Dennis are bitter, b/c despite their hard work--they lost ground this election. They lost ground when many of their counterparts gained it. So if they want to continue throwing about insults, let 'em. They're sore losers.

Anonymous said...

And you know, perhaps it's the other way around...maybe the rest of the state was getting blue. It COULD NOT break the 6th district and we continue to remain strong. The 6th district was the last line of defense. And from this moment on, from this spot, we begin to take back the rest of the state for the better.

But you know, that's just my opinion.

Let's get back to the unanswered questions--
Are "We" rednecks or not?

Where is that "constantly spewing the disrespectful nonsense that you are so well-known for” that you speak of?

Please show an example of RightSide “as vicious and unkind as you and SWAC Girl.”

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

I'd like to see those examples, too.

Anonymous said...

I like to live in the present--for the moment---and at present, the 6th District socked it to Webb--and they made their voices heard.

And sure it will matter next time---because we will take back the state...and then the country. All in good time. But for the meantime, we will wait--and watch.

Maybe you can answer our questions observer...Cliff and the rest have gone tounge tied.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me it is the Democrats not answering the questions. What happened to the Yellow Dog and Cliff. Came in here claiming that the Republicans were crying in their beers but yet I see no claims of fraud or anything like that... I do see some democrats pissed about a joke that started this whole thing off. Many of those topics must have hit something for this Cliff guy still has not answered anything.

Picked this up off of Blognetnews and if that valley is still hard (R) might need to look at moving there. Here in Maryland we had a great potential in Michael Steele but yet the Big labor money keep him out. They will see their error here in a year or two..

Outstanding thread. My friends enjoy it and my husband, who is a Democrat is still laughing from the meeting agenda!!!

Anonymous said...! I am flippin happy I live in TN. A red state that elected Bob Corker held its ground even though the demonrats...ahem...srry...democrats tried their best to get their grip in our state. But, you know what? They had to run a moderate/conservative democrat to even have a chance at winning. And of course gotta love the numbers on the passage of the marriage amendment 80-20. But off of me and onto the demonrats..err..democrats commenting on this blog. What is that evil language I hear? Reach across party lines...VA is a blue state...get the hell out of my way. I think it proves that they are not willing to talk civil and work things out between the republicans. America is more divided than ever. Half of us are Rep. Conservatives and the other half is composed of Independents and Dems. Not everyone is happy about the election results. America did not resound with one loud voice. And so what if we joke about it now. It is a free country and we have freedom of speech. You expect us to accept that you won this last election, fine, we do, now don't be angry when we express ourselves. It's just a joke, get over it.

RightsideVA said...


I love that photo you posted on your blog of the "Uneducated" in Irak. Meant to use that photo but lost it and it is a classic. I agree the Dems had to modify their candidate to have a chance of winning in Tenn.. Good to see the Marriage #'s there also were strong as in most places. Shenandoah Valley is still strong Red State and did not fall to the tactics that worked for the Dems & Liberal press across the nation. We did lose the Senate seat as did many in the states but we did make a difference here and in fact took back the city of Staunton which was lost to the Governor race where the democrat won. Very close race here as it was in many states but I have not heard any Republicans claim that there is no mandate like the Dems did so many times before. In fact we had many locals who thought their Dem was actually gonna lose days before the election stressing that probably half of the Virginia voters will not vote for Senator Allen and that he will have to listen to them... Funny, now that their Dem won I don't here them saying that now even with a closer 50-50 number deciding the election...

Welcome from Baltimore & Tennesee to a very interesting 2 years and more recently how the two parties handle election results in different ways!!!

Anonymous said...

No doubt!
The Democrats in this area got ugly with name calling right out of the gate and continued all the way through the race. I cant believe these people say they are the tolerant ones and care for all. They will do whatever it takes to smear anybody for their cause. We must keep on them and call them on their claims!

RightsideVA said...


We had the same problem down here. The Local Dem's felt strong after taking control of Staunton during the Governor race when Tim Kaine won and they continued into the Senate race. Had several incidents where members of the Augusta County Democratic Party just got ugly at fairs, parades, and debates. Usually just the same bitter people but we believe this is why the Staunton City went back to (R) with this election.

Back during the Augusta County Fair one of their members came over to a table where a Rhonda Winfield was selling her book about her son Marine Lcpl. Jason Redifer that was KIA in Iraq.
The Democrat approached her wanting to give lit on Webb and how he was the "man to vote for". Rhonda told him thank you but she supported Senator Allen as did her son Jason who was killed defending this country. The Democrat then placed the Webb literature on top of the book and said "Jim Webb is more of a man then this boy could have ever been"...

These people are out of touch and living in their made up world...

Below is the link to the incident at the Augusta County Fair

Anonymous said...

"The Democrat then placed the Webb literature on top of the book and said "Jim Webb is more of a man then this boy could have ever been"..."

Actually, the man said that Jim Webb was more of a man than George Allen would ever be. But that doesn't make a hate story.

And, Baltimore, tell us about the busloads of homeless folks from Philadelphia passing out flyers with Republicans shown as Democrats.... Makes a nice story, too.

Anonymous said...

another "anonymous" posting. why don't you stand up and face republicans if you're going to make accusations?

Anonymous said...

Especially ones that aren't ture...

RightsideVA said...


"Actually, the man said that Jim Webb was more of a man than George Allen would ever be. But that doesn't make a hate story."

There are two quotes out there in print one with "Could have been" and one "Would". Pretty much means the samething and a bash on the memory of a United States Marine who died protecting the old mans right to say what he wanted.

The interesting thing is how the local Democratic Party dealt with this incident. They first claimed that this man was not working the Democratic booth but then admitted he was once it was shown that he had been behind their table and gave him the literature. They then denied that he ever said what he did but none of them were in attendance at the time of the Statement. They then claimed he was old and confused as to what he said. They still not have apologized for the statement or make a statement saying that they would not agree with the statement made...

I was in attendance when the incident happened, heard the words for I was standing next to Rhonda when the Democrat said it, looked into his eyes and say his expressions, and know what I heard. It is an unfortunate incident but it does show the values and workings of the local Democratic Party in Staunton & Augusta County...

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well........

Been away a internet yet at the new compound........

all I have to say is the old saying...."Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it."

Yes, the dems won. Yes, Webb won. Actually Allen beat himself, but none the less Webb is the new Jr. Senator. Nationally the Republican party got too comfortable at being in power, this is a wake up call. 2008 should be very interesting, to say the least.

So, Jim Webb? You won the election what do you do now?......????

...go to Disney World?...Hope enjoys the short honeymoon he will get along with the other Dem elects, because now it will be put up or shut up time. And as far as what I have seen they are good at criticizing but have no structure at solving problems. Remember anyone can look at a situatiuon and say this or that is broken, but only true leaders can recognize the broken pieces, pick them up, re shape them and make something work.

The Dems are just like someone who lied on their resume...they got the job from big talk, but once they are behind the desk they have no skills to back up their talk.

One simple observation about the whole thing.......For the last few weeks I have been from one side of the state to the other getting ready to move my family and taking care of business for where I work. I drive a whole lot. Why is it that there are still Webb signs litering the beautiful Virginia country side everywhere? Is the webb campaign so incompetent that they cannot formulate an exit stratagy for their own campaign? How will they handle Iraq if they cannot even handle taking down their signs on a deadline? Or prehaps maybe they don't care about their signs or any potential for reusing them, because they know this will be a one term win for him.? Just some thoughts that go through my head as I drive along the road.....

Congratulations democrats.....your worst nightmare has come true. You now are in power. no longer can you just sit in the minority and snipe at those trying to get things done. No longer will complain and critique be an accepted stratagy. Now you must lead or fail. You asked for it..You got it! Now, Put up or Shut Up!

...Let us see what 2007 brings............

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I love that pic too! I got it from drudge. I must say I am very proud of al of you from the 6th district. Keep up the great work!!!

RightsideVA said...


Went to Richmond for VCAP (Virginia Conservative Action Pac) convention and stopped in on a meeting about Conservative bloggers. Got a great quote that goes along with what you just said about the Democrats winning and soon will be the time to "Put up or Shut up"...

The speaker put it this way. "Everybody loves to storm the castle, but yet nobody wants to govern it"...

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% !!!

The people up here are already 2nd guessing the election and are worried about what they have put into "power". They now see Pelosi and want their votes back!

I watched CSPAN today and they had Michael Steele on with Donna Brazille who is the "Democrat Strategist" from Gore's election run. Steele did a great job and I believe Maryland will be very sorry that they did not elect him.

Brazille already was arrogant and sounded like what you guys have down there with those "Local Dems". Then CSPAN put on a caller who actually told Michael Steele to "Shut-Up' and the show allowed the caller to continue. Brazille just sat there and smiled...

This is what we have to look forward to?

Anonymous said...

Still looking for the answers to our questions, Dems....

Anonymous said...

rightsideva I think you should e-mail this joke to Rush. It is great. I read it to my friends and they were all rolling in the floor laughing.

RightsideVA said...


Sent it off to Rush this morning and hope to see him read it soon. Pretty much applies and the local Dems are having a hard time replying to it and in fact are ignoring it when it comes to local issues...

RightsideVA said...

John Maxfield,
Just a few things that have been said on this thread so far.

"Wow, you're a pretty sore loser."

"No wonder you guys lost--the bile just keeps flying."

"Stack it, pack it, rack it, spin it, recount it, blame it on bananas (now why was that monkey out there anyway), "

"You're not handling this well at all, are you? "

"an attitude that has already made our area the butt of jokes about ignorant rednecks"

"If that is too much to ask, just get the hell out of the way."

And all of these came from those on the "Winners" side. I too was amazed to see the reaction to the original post about the agenda to their victory party for it was meant to be a joke but it is obvious it has hit home pretty hard. The Cliff Garstang replies are from one on the members of the Augusta County Democratic Party which has a history of "Odd, questionable actions in the county during parades,fairs, public gatherings, and attacking one of the Conservative debaters at a Allen\Webb debate a few weeks back... They have shown themselves in their posts and actions within the community...

Anonymous said...

Check out the Letter to the NewsLeader today about the Democratic party worker chasing people down in line asking them who they were voting for and then yelling "BUSH is Evil,Evil,Evil...."

This is the party that won and is "In control"?

God help us...

Anonymous said...

Did I misread SWAC Girl, or did she threaten to shoot someone. Now that's what I call civil.

Anonymous said...

Poor babies. Maybe this will help:

Anne Taetzsch Fitzgerald said...

Rightside--this post just keeps me laughing every time I read it.

I really don't know why the dems are so upset. I guess you may have hit a little to close to home for some folks comfort.

But this is hysterical!

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

Me?! Threaten to shoot someone?! What a hoot, Anonymous ... I wouldn't hurt a fly! If that's what came to your mind then perhaps I should watch my back! I prefer words as my ammo with libs.

Received my NRA Safety Certificate when I was 11 ... couldn't have earned that if I was a-threatenin' to shoot someone! ;)

Anonymous said...

Wonder when the last time was that Garstang had his blog submitted to's to hoping RightSide!

And, just for giggles, let's see your sources anon that shows where swac girl was going to knock off somebody with a piece.

I love how you all are never able to back up your leftist sources.

Anonymous said...

johnmaxfield says: "And, just for giggles, let's see your sources anon that shows where swac girl was going to knock off somebody with a piece."

If johnmaxfield goes back a few posts, he would find this civil, courteous, and mature comment by SMAC Girl: "maybe he would like to take a ride to our rural areas and make that comment.... Hope he knows how to use a weapon so he'll fit in with the good old boys ... er ... rednecks. Target practice, anyone? :)"

Some would even construe that as threatening language, emoticon or not.

How can you rightwingers take yourselves seriously, much less expect any else to?

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

Ha! You guys are way too intense ... give it a rest already! You're so very eager to be offended ... remember the original intent of this post?

If this is the way you are when you win, I can hardly wait to see how you are next time you lose!

Anonymous said...

Yes. The original intent of this post was to be offensive, and it is.

RightsideVA said...

Anonymous said: "The original intent of this post was to be offensive, and it is."

In your opinion. Maybe because many of those "Jabs" hit a pretty too close to home for you to appreciate the joke in them. Listed the first 3 items and how they apply to the local Dem party and still waiting for Cliff to come back and disprove... Would also like to see his examples of the Local Republicans "Crying" or "Taking it Hard" as Neal has stated. Have not seen any reports of Republicans claiming fraud or broken machines, etc. as the Democrats did in 2000 & 2004... In fact this whole topic would probably go away if Cliff and the likes would provide examples of their "claims or observations".

But since they won't did anybody see the Letter to the NewsLeader when a voter described the Voter intimidation he saw at his polling place. Seems a Democratic Party worker followed an elderly person who was there to vote asking which way they were voting and then yelled out "Mr. Bush is evil, evil, evil!"... Interesting stuff and I urge all visitors to RightsideVA to go to the letter at the NewsLeader site at:

And also please read the comments made by those who are able to post their comments about the letter and tell me what feeling you get from the local Democratic Party of Augusta County...

Anonymous said...

And you will defend this radical of your party how........?

Prove me wrong.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I have to make my mind up, however. I must decide which is more hilarious, your joke or they way the Dems. in your area are reacting to it. Hmmm, thats a hard one.

Dennis Neal said...

You misquoted me, not that that is any surprise. What I said was, "You're not taking this well at all, are you?"
Quite a bit of a difference between your claim that I said you were crying or taking it hard, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Have any of you heard about the Dem. in Ohio whining and crying because she didn't win the election? Funny, every time a Dem. loses they cry that we wronged them. 'Somehow the evil Republicans cheated.' And then they accuse us of that when we lose, when all we do is crack a joke. I just think they are jealous because they aren't smart enough to come up with a joke that funny ;)
Anyhow, for more on that story check out my latest blog.

RightsideVA said...


I was "summarizing" what I saw in the posts about how people are viewing the two different parties and how each party has and is reacting to defeat. I do not believe I or anybody on the "losing" side of this election is happy to be there but I don't believe we are taking it "hard" or "not taking this well at all" as some people have eluded to. Please go back to the first comments and it seems that Jack, Cliff, and Doggy almost seem to be "taunting" and looking for a reaction. All fair in politics and blogging...

Sorry that I did not direct quote you and lumped you into the group with my comment. Look for my next post soon about this and other "Blog-world" issues...