Wednesday, November 29, 2006



The Capitol Hill Newspaper reported:

"At a private reception held at the White House with newly elected lawmakers shortly after the election, Bush asked Webb how his son, a Marine lance corporal serving in Iraq, was doing.

Webb responded that he really wanted to see his son brought back home, said a person who heard about the exchange from Webb.

“I didn’t ask you that, I asked how he’s doing,” Bush retorted, according to the source.

Webb confessed that he was so angered by this that he was tempted to slug the commander-in-chief, reported the source, but of course didn’t. It’s safe to say, however, that Bush and Webb won’t be taking any overseas trips together anytime soon."

In the post prior to this one I asked what would happen if Webb ran into Charle Rangel in the halls of Congress...

"I wonder if Representative Rangel will ask Senator-elect Jim Webb about the options his son had before going to Iraq where he is presently serving?"


Anonymous said...

Webb needs to learn that he is only a JUNIOR Senator and just barely at that.

He is not President nor does he have to make the hard choices to protect the country.

He should go down the hall and find Rep. Rangel if he wants a fight.

Webb is a punk and this is what NOVA chose to represent Virgina.

Anne Taetzsch Fitzgerald said...

I've said this on other blogs--Webb will not last. He is not made of the substance required to be Senator. He was put up by his party as a patsy and low and behold he actually got elected. Where did the Dems find this guy?

Everything happens for a reason. Webb was elected to show Virginians just exactly why we ARE a red state.
And hey--in three years we'll be holding another election to fill his seat after he resigns for whatever reason he chooses to use.

In the Valley... said...

Jimmie Webb never had to talk about Virginia issues for the media kept him away from hard questions by pushing Maccaca whenever possible and keep his lack of knowledge of VA hidden.

Dick Morris had a great column about how the Democrats will not really be able to do anything with their "Majority". They already have so many turf wars going on between liberals, blue dogs, black caucus, environmentalist, wackos, Reagan democrats, and the likes that it will be hard for them to agree on anything.

Throw in a wildcard like Webb and that will bring the "News" spotlight to Virginia...

He will be sure to bring many posts\quotes to "Hard to the Right"

Anonymous said...

President Bush tried his jolly frat boy chit-chat on Senator-elect Webb.

Webb wasn't about to chit-chat with anyone about something that is very personal and private with him -- as it is with many service families.

Bush wouldn't back off politely. He may be president, but that does not give him license to be rude to anyone.

I would think all Virginians would be outraged that President Bush was confrontational with our elected representative. No, instead, the Republicans choose to whine that Webb should have played nicey-nicey with the architect of Bush's war.

Where is your sense of perspective? Gone partisan?

RightsideVA said...

"chit-chat with anyone about something that is very personal and private with him "

This is how Webb will deal with situations as a Senator? What will happen if Webb does not get his way? Will he take his marbles and leave the game?

"I would think all Virginians would be outraged" Where is the outrage that the media allowed Webb to avoid Virginia issues during the campaign? They instead dwelled on "Maccaca" and then if Senator Allen had ever used the "N" word in his past? Did you really ever hear Virginia issues during tha campaign debates? Very little and the press allowed that...

Where is the respect for the office of the President?

Anonymous said...

"Where is the respect for the office of the President?"

Where is the respect for a citizen, a Senator-elect, a combat veteran, a father of a marine serving in Iraq?

"That's not what I asked you."????
Sounds like a teacher dressing down a student.

Bush ought to act like a president, not a spoiled brat or playground bully.

Webb's final comment, "That's between me and my boy, Mr. President" is hardly disrespectful or confrontational.

Go find one of the issues you keep talking about and actually discuss it rather than try to play more "gotcha" politics.

Anonymous said...

Webb can't have it both ways. If he wants to use his son's service for political gain on the campaign trail, he can't then turn around and act offended when someone (the President at that) asks about him. I didn't vote for him, but he is going to be my Senator and I expect him to act like it. I don't want him playing "gotcha" with the President.

In the Valley... said...

Looks like Webb is off to a hot start already. Shame we did not get to see this attitude before the election for the papers were too busy beating up Allen when they should have been doing their job.

Webb is a spoiled ass Punk

Anonymous said...

"Webb is a spoiled ass Punk."

Political discourse, Radical Rightwing Style.

Why do you waste cyberspace with playground rhetoric?

No wonder you lost. And big.

Anonymous said...

Looks to me that Webb the one term wonder brought the fact that his son is in Iraq into the realm of public and political discourse during his campaign. Bush had every right to ask how Webb's son was doing. Maybe Webb recoiled because his son supports the misssion there?

Personally I think Webb is another Cindy Shithand. He wants to use his son when it is advantagious, regardless of his/her son's wishes and opinions.

Anonymous said...

George Allen is in the category of "one-term wonder", n'est ce-pas?

Maybe Kilgore will run for the Senate....

Let's show a little respect here, since that's high on your list of virtues. Webb spent a weekend with his son before he shipped out, skipping the big Political Do, and I don't remember any photo ops, inside stories, or other "use" of LCPL Jimmy Webb.

Allen, on the other hand....

RightsideVA said...

Webb spent a weekend with his son to stay away from the press asking hard questions and issues that he ignored.

Webbs camapaign was nothing but "I am not them"... When did he ever get asked the hard questions about running Virginia or what he was going to do here? Webb was a spoiler and thats it. Now he is even getting Spanked in the NewsLeader Ed cartoon for his conduct at the White House...

3 years, that sounds about right...

Anonymous said...

"Webb spent a weekend with his son to stay away from the press asking hard questions and issues that he ignored."

I'm glad to be in touch with someone with inside information.

Among the many facts you ignore is the press bubble Allen's handlers built around their one-term wonder during the last month of the campaign. Conference call press conferences, with Allen's Waddamites ignoring reporters who might ask him inconvenient questions -- like his plan for Iraq.

Say Senator Allen, Senator Allen, Senator Allen a hundred times -- you only have a month to do it....

RightsideVA said...

Where wasWebb with his issues in the final weeks of the election?

The media would not focus on his statements for they had their "Maccaca" to run with and they ran with it.

Senator Allen talked issues at each appearance it was just the media who ignored the issues looking for more Maccaca. MSNBC David Gregory was at the Mannansas airport visit and only asked about Maccaca and "N" word rumors, Allebn talked issues and kept going back to issues when Gregory kept looking for trash. Gregory got pissed and ended the interview crying he didn't get anything and later on TV he ignored the issues Allen was talking about and important to VA citizens. Gregory is a piece of crap and it shows why the MSM is losing their viewership.

Anonymous said...

I need to check the odds makers to see if there is a line on if Webb even makes it a full term. I mean after all has he ever finished anything he has ever started? (other than pornographic books and slurs against women.)

As far as saying Allen's name a hundred times.......I'll save my hundred times to go into comments like...
"I voted for Allen"
"You should have voted for Allen."
"Gee, you guys voted Allen out, for this?!"
"Man, I wish Allen was still in office; because he wouldn't have done a bonehead thing like Webb just did!"
"Don't blame me....I voted for Allen"

And most of all. Respect is earned, not given. If Webb earns my respect he will get it. I'll show it when it is due.

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

Bubba said, "And most of all. Respect is earned, not given. If Webb earns my respect he will get it. I'll show it when it is due."

That's the most sane thing I've read lately.

In the Valley... said...

"And most of all. Respect is earned, not given. If Webb earns my respect he will get it. I'll show it when it is due."

There are those, and mostly from the side that voted Webb in, that feel and have the "Entitlement" attitude...

Nothing is free.
You must earn it.
Otherwise it has little value...

Anonymous said...

NEWS FLASH: "Bubba Says What He Thinks -- and Forget the Facts"

"Looks to me that Webb the one term wonder brought the fact that his son is in Iraq into the realm of public and political discourse during his campaign."

You may be interested (but probably not, since facts aren't on your Christmas list) in the following excerpts from one of the articles on the recent reception for freshman Senators:

"At that point, Webb said, Bush got a response similar to what reporters and others who had asked Webb about Lance Cpl. Jimmy Webb, 24, have received since the young man left for Iraq around Labor Day: "I told him that was between my boy and me.""....

"He said he meant no disrespect to the presidency during the reception, but "I've always made a distinction about not speaking personally about my son.""

"In interviews during the campaign, Webb said it was wrong to elevate the role of one Marine over others. Webb also expressed concern that a high profile could subject a Marine to greater peril."

"He wore his son's buff-colored desert boots throughout the campaign, but refused to speak extensively about his son's service or allow it to be used in campaign ads."

I know you rightwingers want comfort these days, but don't rewrite history.

Anyway, my one-term wonder can whip your one-term wonder.

RightsideVA said...


Very good and I request the sources to your comments as I have been called on my quotes in the past.

"He said he meant no disrespect to the presidency during the reception, but "I've always made a distinction about not speaking personally about my son."

Love to see the source on this one for it is not if he did mean or did not mean disrespect towards the office of the Presidency, but how the citizens of Virginia view his conduct. Or does he not care?

Since you once again brought up the "One-Term" wonder issue, some have stated on this blog that they will be surprised to see Webb make it one term without getting mad and quitting again...
Current estimate is 3 years...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"He wore his son's buff-colored desert boots throughout the campaign, but refused to speak extensively about his son's service or allow it to be used in campaign ads."

That sort of gives new meaning to the term 'walking contradiction', don't it?

Anonymous said...

JohnMaxfield said...
"He wore his son's buff-colored desert boots throughout the campaign, but refused to speak extensively about his son's service or allow it to be used in campaign ads."

That sort of gives new meaning to the term 'walking contradiction', don't it?

Tee hee, Johnmzaxfield. Short on logic, but a cute comment. Kudos. Call Colbert.