Wednesday, February 14, 2007

"Plenty of Love"...


“Liberal political commentator” Donna Brazile had her opinion printed in the Washington Times (Zen?) this past week where she asked “Where is the Love”? in the budget that the President just submitted. Once again she turned it into the same old tired talking points that her “Democratic” party has been spewing for years and yet she fails to note that which has happened over the past 6 years…

“Looking at President Bush's budget for fiscal 2008, I can't help but conclude that the only things he cares about are the war in Iraq and protecting the bank accounts of America's wealthiest citizens. Certainly, the president, who once campaigned as a compassionate conservative, has overlooked the poor, those living on fixed incomes and even the middle-class.”

Also last week there was an article by Robert Caldwell that answers some of Brazile’s questions and areas that she failed to mention in her statements. Donna, like many of her Liberal friends and media cohorts, loves to harp on how much the war on terrorism has cost and how else that money could have been spent on them instead. This reminds me of a anti-war protester from the “Augusta Coalition for Peace and Justice” who routinely protests in Staunton Virginia by holding a sign with a dollar figure of how much has been spent on the war instead of her favorite “entitlement” program. Like Donna this protester fails to note all that HAS been done for her favorite programs and a very strong economy that supports these programs… I want a Pony!!!”

“Lest liberals forget, federal spending increased 33 percent from 2001 to 2006. Discretionary spending (excluding Social Security, Medicare and other entitlements) rose by 49 percent over those same five years.
Increases for specific domestic spending categories were positively eye-popping: Medicare, 58 percent; education, 137 percent; veterans' benefits, 56 percent; health research and regulation, 78 percent; highways and mass transit, 28 percent; natural resources and the environment, 28 percent; community and regional development, 342 percent; training, employment and social services, 19 percent; housing and commerce, 58 percent; general government, 34 percent; and energy, an average annual increase of 211 percent.”

Of course Donna falls back on her Democratic parties game plan of “Playing the class warfare card” whenever possible…

“Our government exists to serve the powerless, protect the weak and defend the vulnerable, as well as others. Children, seniors, the poor and those barely making it -- those are the people who need the government's help. Those are the ones it should serve. Not oil tycoons. Not multinational corporations exporting jobs. Not CEOs writing enormous checks to Republican campaign coffers.”

Fact is there is “Plenty of Love” out there and the past 6 years spending has shown that. What Donna needs to understand is that we are fighting a world-wide war on terrorism and that costs money. Money that she would rather spend on entitlement programs which actually makes people less free and more dependant on “Her” government…

Gotta go to work now Donna…
“Hugs & Kisses”


Anonymous said...

I felt the government has been pretty good to me. I got another raise in my military retirement, and another one from my company, which is doing considerably well, much to the ongoing libtard bitching and moaning that the "middle class" isn't getting anywhere. That's the poor liberals talking - and sorry, that's not the fault of the Republicans, who are doing a remarkable job with the current economy.

Anonymous said...

The money wasted on this pointless, disastrous war could have been used for more police officers, more teachers, cancer research, or countless other valuable things. You pretending that's not the case doesn't make it not the case, you creep.

Anonymous said...

You're the creep dignan. If you came back in your comments with half the intelligent the Rightside posesses, you might actually come off as intelligent, and what's more, your comments may actually hold a little validity. Grow up. Or start making useful comments that help the discussion continue, pro or con.

Anonymous said...

Good job as always, community college boy, nice to see you standing up for death and destructino over education, science, health, and security. What a piece of garbage you are.

Anonymous said...

Dignan, you obviously did not read Rightside's post. Here, again, is the part you need to know:

“Lest liberals forget, federal spending increased 33 percent from 2001 to 2006. Discretionary spending (excluding Social Security, Medicare and other entitlements) rose by 49 percent over those same five years.
Increases for specific domestic spending categories were positively eye-popping: Medicare, 58 percent; education, 137 percent; veterans' benefits, 56 percent; health research and regulation, 78 percent; highways and mass transit, 28 percent; natural resources and the environment, 28 percent; community and regional development, 342 percent; training, employment and social services, 19 percent; housing and commerce, 58 percent; general government, 34 percent; and energy, an average annual increase of 211 percent.”

Anonymous said...

Yep. Gotta love the intelligence factor there. You make your points so vaild, you ethical blogger, you! :) At least I'm in college, which is probably more than you can say.

And how do you know I'm in community college...I could be a transfer who is now at Hampden-Sydney...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for getting us back on track Robin...funny things, those tell me Dignan, out of curiosity, are you able to provide any concrete facts (you might try the BLS) that might support your side of the argument?

RightsideVA said...

BlogMaster dilemma,

With Dignan calling me a "CREEP" should I delete his comment to the post or allow it to show the caliber of his comments???

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'd leave it. It really shows the depth of his conversational and debating skills. Don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I did read the initial post, and it tries its best to distract from the point that hundreds of billions have been spent on this war, and they could have been spent on more police, teachers, cancer research, etc.; THE FACT THAT SPENDING WENT UP DOESN'T CHANGE THAT, DOES IT? That's what's "obvious", robin. Now you can tell me how we have enough police, teachers, and cancer research, and you can really look like a callous creep.

Anonymous said...


What about your buddy Bill Clinton who did nothing about terrorism during his stint in the Whitehouse? Maybe if he spent some of his "Surplus" from gutting the military we would not be where we are now. Why didn't he spend his surplus on teachers, police, cancer research, etc?

Because he is the ULTIMATE creep and you play a good minion to him...

In the Valley... said...

The problem is that "Progressives" like Dignan think all efforts should be made to even the playing field with all citizens, and in fact illegal citizens. Preogressives feel that the United States has been unfair to those who would rather coast instead of striving to make themselves better.

Don't spend money on a war to protect Americans but spend that money on "Us" who have not been so lucky in life..

Look at the numbers RS provided in the link of how much money has been spent on social services in the past 5 years.

zen said...

RS>> You want me to comment on the Washington Times? You appear better suited to address why you choose them as a trustworthy source.
Maybe you can tell us why the Washingtong Times makes up quotes for Abraham Lincoln?

Maybe you can explain to us about the Washington Times coverage of Reagan and Bush whitehouse homosexual prostitution rings?

RightsideVA said...

Thought you might get a kick out of seeing the Times print a article authored by one of your favorite "Progressives"...
Imagine that? The Wash Times actually printing something that us Republicans would not like???

Not my place to explain the story written by the Wash Times that you point out. Is it your place to explain the slant and spin of the NewsLeader?

Your links remain up for any reader to visit as they like...

Think your NewsLeader would do the same???

zen said...

The News Leader that you constantly slam wrote quite a story on your dear Lynn Mitchell's efforts of posting signs and candles in windows. "Slant and spin" you say.

RightsideVA said...

It is good to see that the NewsLeader has linked and used some of Mitchell's efforts in their coverage. But I suspect it may be done to counter some of the traction that the area blogs are getting...

Just like when the NewsLeader brings out how they endorsed President Bush in the past and how they endorsed Senator Allen over Webb. They said Senator Allen was the better choice for Webb had no experience and was not impressive in his campaign. Yet the NewsLeader bashed Senator Allen whenever possible and still do...