Thursday, November 29, 2007

U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission *Your Tax Money at Work*


Have you ever thought about what all of those people working in Government offices up in Washington D.C. do during the day? Ever thought about what they use the equipment, servers, and other taxpayer provided items for? Ever thought about how that taxpayer time (labor) is being spent?

A often returning commentator to numerous posts appearing on this blog has been a person identifying himself as “Dignan” and has spent considerable time recently. By simply checking the comment areas to recent posts regarding the “Media on thin ice” post about global warming and then again at the post about “Increased sun activity = Global Warming?”, you will find numerous posts from a person identifying himself as “DIGNAN”…

As the author of this blog I allow commentators to post their responses, views, information, and talking points even if they do not agree with the authors original post. I do not allow commentators to insult or name call other commentators if they are out of line but I give much “room” to slurs against this author. This tends to show the integrity and agenda of the insulting commentator but I feel it would not be appropriate to allow insults targeted toward other commentators who take the time to present their views. As you read DIGNAN’s comments please note that this author has not “returned the favor” or stooped to that level.

A interesting thing that I have been following is the location and server that this commentator “DIGNAN” has been using to post to this blog. At first I did not bring it to light for I thought DIGNAN would have stopped posting after the normal period, but “DIGNAN” has continued to take considerable time and effort in avoiding the two simple questions in the posts.

As apparent in the following tracking information, “Dignan” seems to be using the internet server provided by the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission and the location is listed as Washington (District of Columbia). Now this does not indicate that “Dignan” is spending valuable taxpayer bought time (Labor) composing and transmitting verbal insults towards this blogs author, but it does show the use of the governments (Taxpayers) internet server. But it also does not prove that “Dignan” is not spending considerable taxpayers bought time (Labor) in doing so. By noting the time of “Dignans” tracking information you can see that these times correlate with “Dignans” comments to the issues posted…

Interesting example of how the taxpayers money is being spent on equipment, internet servers, and possible payroll… The website for the SEC is large and vast and it will be interesting to see how they respond to this...

Response to Multiple postings without addressing issues

Thu Nov 2911:46:10 AM 3th visitprevious visit 36 minutes and 40 seconds before',WRAP,FGCOLOR,'#CCCCFF');" onmouseout="return nd();" noWrapyes[ isolate ] [ name ] direct access with original referrer none Go
U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission United StatesWashington (District of Columbia) Win XPMSIE 6.0 1024x768 16 M colors 98

Thu Nov 29 11:09:30 AM 2nd visitprevious visit 2 hours and 5 minutes before',WRAP,FGCOLOR,'#CCCCFF');" onmouseout="return nd();" noWrapyes[ isolate ] [ name ] direct access with original referrer none Go
U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission United StatesWashington (District of Columbia) Win XPMSIE 6.0 1024x768 16 M colors

Comment to Obama non saluting

Thu Nov 2908:34:55 AM 5th visitprevious visit 19 hours and 29 minutes before',WRAP,FGCOLOR,'#CCCCFF');" onmouseout="return nd();" noWrapyes[ isolate ] [ name ] direct access with original referrer none Go
U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission United StatesWashington (District of Columbia) Win XPMSIE 6.0 1024x768 16 M colors

Tue Nov 2701:33:37 PM 3th visitprevious visit 1 hour and 20 minutes before',WRAP,FGCOLOR,'#CCCCFF');" onmouseout="return nd();" noWrapyes[ isolate ] [ name ] direct access with original referrer none Go
U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission United StatesWashington (District of Columbia) Win XPMSIE 6.0 1024x768 16 M colors

Reply again to posts and Rightsides responses

Tue Nov 2710:56:17 AM 2nd visitprevious visit 1 hour and 14 minutes before',WRAP,FGCOLOR,'#CCCCFF');" onmouseout="return nd();" noWrapyes[ isolate ] [ name ] direct access with original referrer none Go
U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission United StatesWashington (District of Columbia) Win XPMSIE 6.0 1024x768 16 M colors

Reply posted to new RS post about Sun’s activity

Tue Nov 2709:27:56 AM 2nd visitprevious visit 3 days and 20 hours before',WRAP,FGCOLOR,'#CCCCFF');" onmouseout="return nd();" noWrapyes[ isolate ] [ name ] direct access with original referrer none Go
U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission United StatesWashington (District of Columbia) Win XPMSIE 6.0 1024x768 16 M colors

Fri Nov 2310:04:14 AM previous visit 1 day and 22 hours before',WRAP,FGCOLOR,'#CCCCFF');" onmouseout="return nd();"yes direct access with original referrer none Go
U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission United StatesWashington (District of Columbia) Win XPMSIE 6.0 1024x768 16 M colo


Spank That Donkey said...

freaking troll !

I am close to cutting off all anonymous commenters...

Anonymous said...

Let me help you out RightSide...

DATE: Thu Nov 29. TIME STAMP: 11:27:26 AM. IP AND IP OWNER: / U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission. SERVER: no associated domain name. LOCATION OF VISITOR: United States, Washington (District of Columbia).

It's time for this guy to be exposed for who he really is. And what he really is, would make the guy's over at Cobalt6's stomachs turn. I think he is even below them.

RightsideVA said...

It is unfortunate to see that the Global Warming debate has come to a point where people like Dignan and Al Gore are closed to other facts being included in the debate. In fact Gore has stated that “The time for debate is over” regarding global warming and we should all follow his logic. Imagine if this guy was President?

Dignan showed that if information, data, studies, or research that does not promote the “Gore-genda” it is irrelevant and not to be considered. A simple question like if the Sun’s activity is documented to increase and the temps on Mars and Earth are both documented to increase can this be a possible cause? Instead of addressing these questions and studies many following the Gore-genda would rather attack as Dignan did in his many posts.

I believe that the earths temperature has increased but I also believe that there are natural cycles to weather, suns activity, and other geological factors to be considered. Human produced factors need to be considered and adjusted if possible but documented research has shown that manmade factors are a very small part of the overall picture…

Another factor that must be considered is the amount of energy, equipment, national resources, labor, and effort paid for by the American taxpayers was wasted by this individual responding in the manner he did… And without answering two simple questions!!!

Anonymous said...

Look who's back again this morning....

Fri Nov 30 08:06:00 AM

DATE: Fri Nov 30 TIME STAMP: 08:06:00 AM. IP AND IP OWNER: / U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission. SERVER: no associated domain name. LOCATION OF VISITOR: United States, Washington (District of Columbia).

Confuscious say-- If you can't stand heat, get out of kitchen.

mediator07 said...

At least we know something is getting done in a government office before the Christmas break! Just sad that our money is going to some guy sitting in a cubicle surfing the net and spewing insults on our time.

The sad thing is the insults were not necessary and this could have been a good debate and important subject to spend the effort on. It is clear that yes the suns activity varies from time to time and a hotter bright thing in the sky should result in a warmer temperature here. The question how much of this activity is responsible for the global warming, that rightsideva acknowledges happens, and how much man is responsible for?

The next question is what do we do about it?

“I call em’ like I see em”

RightsideVA said...

“At least we know something is getting done in a government office before the Christmas break!”

I am sure many still work hard even when we get closer to the holiday breaks but as with many, also at private companies, some people find more “important” things to do during the companies time. Even if that “Important” thing has nothing to do with the company they work for. Unfortunately it appears in this situation the time wasted was the taxpayers time and this continues to be a big problem within many offices. I have been encouraged by the contact I have received from people regarding this incident\problem and their determination to correct this problem. It seems some of those in the government have grown tired of waste and understand that the taxpayers are also tired of footing the bill when that money can be spent on more important things.

Mediator07 is correct when He\She said this could have been a good debate if the insults ands name calling by dignan were not used and BOTH sides of the issue were discussed. The intent of the original post was to show that the “Debate is not closed” as Gore claims and this is the time for all studies\data to be looked at. The original post linked to a story of how many following the Gore-genda continue to ignore reports that do not agree with his agenda. The weather cycles are very complex as shown by the data provided by “Kooch” and there are many things happening that are not following the Gore-genda. Where are those increased and stronger hurricanes that we were doomed to see after Katrina & Rita due to global warming? This shows that we have a hard time predicting the weather next year yet alone 10-20 years down the road…

What about el nino’ ?

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