Thursday, June 03, 2010

"No need, People want our signs"....

When I asked a volunteer supporting the Tony Wilt campaign for Delegate of the 26th District why I only saw numerous Kai Degner campaign signs in the medians of Rt. 33 and no Wilt signs he replied:

"No need to do anything like that, people want our signs for their yards and property, and in fact we had to order more yard signs!"...

Driving around Harrisonburg I saw numerous "Degner for Delegate" campaign signs in the center medians of Rt. 33 and many other public "Right-of-Ways" in the area...
Now this is nothing new and it has happened in the past but usual courtesy is for these campaign signs to "appear" in public areas 24 hours before the actual election day and removal within 24 hours after the election..
But more then 2 weeks before election day and in the center medians headed East towards the mountains and to great seasonal tourist coming into town?




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