Saturday, June 06, 2009

Middlebrook VA. Firemans Parade ~2009~


Delegate Ben Cline with staff and volunteers before starting out at the Middlebrook Firemans Parade held today. Set-up was north of town in a field which gave the Delegate the opportunity to walk the prep area and talk with many of the Fire & Rescue personnel, State Forrestry, and local residents.

Chris Green and Mike Schull putting finishing touches on one of the two trucks used for the parade today...

Parade route took us past the Middlebrook General Store which has been restored and operated by a local resident who is a strong conservative and very active in the Middlebrook community...

Ben Cline campaign manager Charles with campaign volunteer Ashley next to the second truck which represented Delegate Cline as well as the VA-GOP team in Bob McDonnell for Governor, Bill Bolling for Lt. Governor, and Ken Cuccinelli for Attorney General...

The second truck supported the candidates efforts to develop offshore drilling for known oil & natural gas resources as well as alternative sources of energy to decrease our dependency on foreign sources of oil...

This truck also represented efforts by local Republicans united for "Energy Independence for Virginia". We also had help from American Solutions who has provided "Drill Here, Drill Now - Pay Less" bumper stickers which were "Hot" items again and sought after by many at the parade.

Delegate Ben Cline with wife Elizabeth...

The "Bedford Boys"...

The National D-Day Memorial in Bedford VA is a powerful message and if you are in the area you need to visit impressive memorial... Better yet ALL Americans need to make the trip to this location to understand the sacrafices made by many on June 6th, 1944 for this country...
Congressman Bob Goodlatte’s Weekly Column: June 5, 2009
Honoring the Bedford Boys

Across a vast ocean, 11 boys from Bedford, Virginia are buried overlooking the windswept beaches of Normandy. Bedford lost 19 during the D-Day liberation…the greatest proportional loss suffered by a single town on that day. In words inscribed on the wall of a chapel that lies amidst the rows of crosses we are given the following charge: “Think not only upon their passing. Remember the glory of their spirit.”

As we commemorate the 65th anniversary of the Allied landing at Normandy we remember their sacrifice and honor their lives which were tragically cut so short. Courage, honor and loyalty -- these are the threads of the American fabric. And these are the qualities these fine young soldiers so nobly exemplified.

This week I had the privilege of attending a special screening of the new documentary “Bedford: The Town They Left Behind”. It was an amazing tribute to those brave young men from Bedford who sacrificed their lives to protect the freedoms we hold so very dear and a community that pulled together in the ultimate display of resilience.

We, the beneficiaries of this seemingly endless stream of valor, often fall short in our efforts to commemorate those who bought with blood the freedom that is our birthright. But try we must… for theirs is a noble story… full of sacrifice for a cause greater than one’s self and so on this special occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Allied invasion of Normandy I would like to encourage folks to visit the National D-Day Memorial located in Bedford. This memorial serves as a place to honor and remember not just the famed Bedford Boys but all our brave men who played a role in the largest single-day amphibious invasion of all time.

While we gather this week to honor our brave veterans of the past, it is also important to remember our active duty military who are heroically serving our country today. Daniel Webster once said, "God grants liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it." From the Army, the Air Force, the Navy, the Marines, to the Coast Guard, Webster was speaking of the patriots who have put their lives on the line for our nation. These noble individuals deserve our honor, our respect and our appreciation. From the earliest days of our nation, American patriots have served the twin causes of freedom and justice whenever our nation has asked it of them.

On June 6, 1944, over 150,000 service members landed on the beaches of Normandy with the assistance of over 5,000 ships and 11,000 airplanes. The Allied forces suffered nearly 10,000 casualties before the invasion was complete. Today we are grateful for the sacrifices made by these brave men who so nobly defended our nation on foreign soil and allowed us to enjoy the freedoms and liberties of our great country.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

"Banned from taking a weapon to a polling place?"...

Take a minute and half to watch the above video of three individuals claiming to be "security" at a polling place in Philadelphia during the last presidential election. All three of these individuals were charged with VOTER INTIMIDATION by career Dept of Justice workers but those charges have now been dropped by the new political wing of the Dept headed by Attorney General Eric Holder who was appointed by Obama...

IBD reports that the charges were dropped and the individual with the nightstick in the above video cant bring his weapons to the polling places anymore!!!

"Two had their lawsuit dismissed with no penalty imposed, while the third man was banned from taking a weapon to a polling place in the future. Records indicate that the three men had refused to appear in court."

"The Jihad at home"...

"It's a sad day in America when the shooting of an abortion doctor stops the presses but no one notices two soldiers gunned down by an Islamist".
Full Comment article at the Washington Times...

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Ken Cuccinelli ~Candidate for Attorney General~


Attorney General Candidate Ken Cuccinelli with Chris Green of "Spank That Donkey" at the 2009 "Planking of the Shad" in Wakefield VA...
Ken stopped by the "Virginians for Energy Independence \ Drill Here, Drill Now" booth to talk issues with us and spent some time finding out what is important to the citizens and voters of Virginia.
I had the opportunity to see Cuccinelli once again when he flew into the Shenandoah Airport with the VA-GOP for 2009 Team alongwith Bob McDonnell and Lt. Governor Bill Bolling. Cuccinelli fits in well with McDonnell and Bolling and completes a very Strong Conservative team for Virginia in 2009...

VA-GOP Team 2009 ~Weyers Cave Airport~

The VA-GOP Team of 2009 in Bob McDonnell for Governor, Bill Bolling for Lt. Governor, and Ken Cuccinelli for Attorney General made a stop at the Shenandoah airport in Weyers Cave today during their tour of the state as a team to meet with many supporters and kick -off the "Full-Ticket" campaign...

Impressive turnout where all three candidates took the opportunity to outline their agendas taking over an hour and then time meeting with individuals...

The "Team" was met and stood with many other strong Conservative Republicans from the Valley including: Delegate Ben Cline, Delegate Matt Lohr, Delegate Steve Landes, and Senator Obenshein...

Mike Meredith, chairman of the Rockingham County Republican Committee, says the GOP ticket is a strong combination, coupling Cuccinelli's "tremendous grass-roots efforts" with McDonnell's and Bolling's previous experience running state campaigns. Daily News Record

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Stuarts Draft Diamondbacks Baseball...


Caught a quick game over behind the Stuarts Draft Firehouse at the Stuarts Draft Diamondbacks field and it was good to see the green ballfield once again. The Diamondbacks are leading their division even with the 5 to 4 loss to the Montezuma tonight but the game was close and had a good attendance...

Chip Grable from the local ESPN radio station was also their calling the game for the radio show and provided an impressive amount of stats to the game...

"Virginians for a energy Independence"

Spank That Donkey has a quick post on the Energy Independence booth at the RPV convention in Richmond this weekend....