Friday, June 09, 2006

"Don't need no stinkin papers to vote"....


Investor Business Daily had another great article on the comments by Liberal Democrat Francine Busby who told a group at a rally in San Diego “Yeah, you don’t need papers for voting, you don’t need to be a registered voter to help”.

She is now backtracking on her comments and is being allowed to do this by the mainstream media at the same time. Reports are that she meant that even if you are not registered you can still help with the campaign but many feel she meant what she said about not needing papers to vote…

This is nothing new with elections and efforts to correct this problem has met numerous hurdles by the Democrats. This is the party that is against having every voter present a valid photo identification before being allowed to vote. Photo Identification must be presented to do many common tasks done by everybody each day.

Back in 1995 President Clinton pushed thru a program that naturalized 1.2 million people without the usual scrutiny and background checks just in time for the 1996 elections.
Then there was the 1993 Motor voter law that allows anybody with a drivers license to register to vote. It is interesting that 14 states don’t require the person to prove citizenship to get a license and 17 states don’t require any identification to vote! Now get this. During the 2000 election Scripps Howard study found that 190 counties and the entire state of Maine had more voters than adults…..?

Is it only the Democrat party that benefits from these screwy laws? Probably not, but it is the Democrat party that fights tighter control on valid voter registration at every opportunity….

Standing up for the Troops....


This was sent to me by "SWAC-Girl" and I had to post the photo and the link to the story for it is that good and we need to see more of this. I have had the opportunity to stand with people like this who "Stand in support of our Troops" and will not allow the media to show only the protesters & their views... Please go to the post with this link:

I can only hope, and be proud to have a file on me with the Secret Service like ConcreteBobs....

Monday, June 05, 2006

From the Sand-Box 2

Sgt. Herb Harman

Thanks and a couple things from … “The Man in the Sand”

24 May 2006
Wed 1336hrs.

Hi from Baghdad,
Adjusting to yet another schedule and mission change. Should be getting accustomed by now but you never get used to it!

Thanks again for all you guys are doing back home for always backing us up. I’m sure by now we need it. Public opinion like it’s attention span is in need of constant reminders, just why terrorists are what they are. And of course what they would do to innocent civilians given the smallest opportunity.

As I stated I’m on a “New” mission, temporarily of course. I’ve been speaking and understanding a little more Arabic each day. The “Guys” I work with now all have many personal experiences with the old regime, the Bathists- AKA Saddams Govt. Although their beliefs and customs are markedly different from our home grown wisdom & philosophy , horror & terror are still the same ugly creatures of evil…

Spending a great deal of time with and getting to know the real Iraqis. One man told me of having 4 infants “Disposed of”, killed by Hussein Henchmen. Another had 2. Yes, some of these men have more than one wife, their culture is not our own but their emotion is real telling me of lost babies in Heaven now. Also one young mans Mother & Father- murdered in front of him for disloyalty to Saddams party. He, then escaping to relatives and joining the army to survive. Yet another- 2 others actually showed me their personal scars at the hands of professional torturers trying to change their opinions of Govt policies. One’s head has a long scar across his forehead from a “Metal-object”. Another’s back still remembers the pain inflicted by twisted minds and cruel beatings.

These good men are those from where I presently work. On previous sites I was at I may have mentioned the Kurdish militia Captain whose Brother was fed to Lions- Yes in coliseum style like in old Roman history. A Peshmerga militia Colonels family buried under their own home by tanks. Soviet tanks of Saddams army. And not by accident or consequence of battle, but deliberate intent to destroy a family neatly, efficiently and w\out protest…

Many other stories abound with each new day here on duty and with each new face I am fortunate to meet. I am blessed to have been born and raised in our lovely America. America is a great nation but has the attention span of a toddler lately…

Maybe if some heard of these tales they might realize how important it is to keep terrorism on it’s own turf. To fight them here is horror enough. But imagine some of the things mentioned in our own homes- our own schools & churches…

Maybe, but then again America hasn’t experienced anything like this for nearly 150 years. And with the attention span of a 2 year old. Well there it is then…

The good news? Stuff like this doesn’t happen at all… over here now…
Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea after all…

Your friend in Baghdad,

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Cruelty to Animals

Va. Governor
If Global Warming does not kill off the animal population this treatment will...